Ring Ring

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Toffee returns to the shop to get his mirror.

"Hello Toffee," the shopkeeper smiles.

"Is the mirror ready?" He asks.

"Yes yes," the shopkeeper grins, "I have it right here." The shopkeeper hands Toffee the mirror, smiling her old, toothy grin.

"A pleasure doing business with you," Toffee gives the usual response.

"As to you," the shopkeeper smiles.

Toffee heads off into the forest, his mirror clutched tightly in his claw-like hand. It's been so long since he's talked to Comet, and now the rumored about dark magic and a curse... he just has to know she's OK.

Making sure that there's no Mewmens nearby, Toffee takes out the mirror, and speaks the command, "call Comet."

Meanwhile, Comet sits alone in her room. Baby and Ponyhead off at the Bounce Lounge, and Marco on another date with Jackie. While Comet did have her eyes back, she still couldn't read the novel without Marco's help. Her sight was dim, limited, and she couldn't make out the words even under the brightest lights in the house. Marco would still help her, but he was busy tonight.

Comet holds her wand for a moment, feeling the odd brew of negative emotions she felt when she saw Jackie and Marco kiss return. She doesn't understand why it keep glowing green. Marco's happy. Why can't she just be happy for him?

She hears her mirror ringing, and answers. "Hello," she greets.

"Comet!" Toffee exclaims, "are you OK? Did Moon hurt you?"

"Toffee?" Comet asks with surprise, "you're OK! I've been so worried!"

"Good to see you too Comet. Listien, we need to talk."

"What about?"

"Are you using dark magic?"

"Actually, I wanted to ask you about that."

"What about it?"

"Did you really kill Star with a dark curse?"

Toffee turns away; he can't look Comet in the eye as he speaks. "Some things are best left forgotten," he explains, "trust me. Star is gone. You best let it go, but what I did... I don't want you to make the same mistakes."

"Well," Comet retorts, "Moon did. Made me blind for weeks! I gotta fight fire with fire!"

"Comet," Toffee pleads, "you can't take the easy way out. You have the book. Study it. Train. Take your time."

"I'm attacking in two weeks," Comet replies, "when I get my eyes back. You can't stop me."

"Comet," Toffee becomes concerned, "you can't-"

"End call," Comet says.

The mirror returns Comet's reflection. Toffee immediately calls again.

"Block number," Comet demands.

Toffee's call doesn't go through. Comet sighs. She's so close. She expected Toffee of all people to understand. She remembers her code. What Toffee always taught her.

No remorse, no surrender.

She closes the novel, titled, "The Two Queens of Shadow." She picks up the spell book and opens it.

"Ah," Glossaryck greets, "can you see enough yet?"

"Yes," Comet replies, "I wish to begin my training. What's the strongest spell in this book?"

"That would be in Eclipsa's chapter," Glossaryck explains, "but reading it first would be suicide. Besides, you still need to put your own spells in this. Look, you can try to read Eclipsa's chapter, but I don't recommend it."

"Fine," Comet sighs, "just teach me the bare minimum to use Eclipsa's spells."

"Very well," Glossaryck begins to turn the book to the first page, "first we start at the beginning..."

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