The Confession

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10 days until Moon's deadline.

Tom wakes up. It's early morning. He picks up his mirror and texts Jackie as he gets dressed for the day, inviting her to hang out. He awaits a response as he heads out to the balcony and sees Comet looking out over the burning fields of fire and brimstone.

"Nice view isn't it?" Tom smiles.

"Eh," Comet shrugs, "you should see the view from the castle on Menwi."

"Well you're not wrong," Tom shrugs.

The two sit in silence for a bit, enjoying the view.

"What did you and Marco even get in a fight about last night?" Tom inquiries.

"It's a long story," Comet sighs.

"I got time," Tom smiles.

"Fine. I had... this dream. This dream where... I'm Star. I mean, go ahead and tell the others at this point, but I used to be Star. Toffee cursed me as a baby. Anyways, Marco said I should tell Moon the truth to get closure, but I didn't want to and... yeah."

"Ah," Tom replies, "that's rough. Well, if you need anything, just let my servants know. I'm gonna see if Jackie's busy."

Tom walks off, getting in his carriage and heading to Earth...

"Come on gurl!" Ponyhead pokes Janna with her horn.

"What time is it?" Janna asks, stretching and rising to be feet.

"Like eight I think," Ponyhead smiles, "come on! The best part of a slumber party is hanging out the day after!"

"Well," Janna smiles, "you're not wrong. Jackie, you awake?"

"Yeah I'm up," Jackie replies entering the room as she brushes her teeth.

"What do you wanna do?' Ponyhead asks.

Jackie checks her phone and replies, "Tom wants to hang out. I'm cool if you guys wanna tag along."

For a moment, Janna and Ponyhead feel a similar sense of being left out. Most everyone in their little circle is in a relationship, and happier in it too. Them though, they aren't.

"You get ready," Ponyhead forces a smile, "we'll gossip while we wait."

"Alright," Jackie smiles, "but not about me."

"Of course not," Janna forces a smile as well.

Jackie leaves the room.

"So," Ponyhead asks, "know any cute guys?"

"No," Janna sighs, "you?"

"No," Ponyhead sighs.

There's an awkward silence before Ponyhead asks, "any cute girls?"

"You into that?" Janna asks with a slightly shocked expression.

"A little," Ponyhead admits, "you?"

"Yeah," Janna shurgs, "I can go either way."

"So," Ponyhead inquires, "know any?"

Janna's face goes red. "I do know one," she looks away from some reason.

"Who?" Ponyhead inquires, beginning to suspect something.

Before Janna can answer, Jackie returns.

"You guys ready to go?" She asks.

"Yeah," Janna rises to her feet, "let's roll."

"You never answered my question," Ponyhead reminds with a mischievous grin.

"I'll uhhh..." Janna hesitates, "tell you some other time."

The trio meet Tom at the burrito stand where they order breakfast. At first things are alright, but as the meal goes on, Janna and Ponyhead start to feel like third wheels in the situation.

"Wanna just leave these two alone?" Ponyhead asks.

"You know what?" Janna smiles, "sure. Let's go."

The two sneak off into the forest, eventually sitting by a river, finishing their meal.

"So," Ponyhead asks, "what do you even do in your free time?"

"Mostly tease Marco," Janna explains, "plan pranks. That sort of deal. Just sorta, live life."

"Gurl I do the same thing!" Ponyhead exclaims.

"Really?" Janna asks.

"Well, not tease Marco, but just enjoying life. Yeah."

"Cool. We really aren't so diffrent are we?"

"No, we're not."

"Do you think opposites attract?"

"Nah gurl. I don't think of love with labels. Love is just who makes you happy. It's two people who make eachother happy. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," Janna quickly replies, her face going red. Ponyhead blushes too, beginning to realize something, but not fully accepting the possibility.

The two sit in nervous silence for a bit. Janna scoots closer, and tosses a stone that bounces across the river, shattering the silence.

"How do you do that?" Ponyhead inquires.

"It's all in the wrist," Janna smiles, "gotta give it some spin."

"Like this?" Ponyhead asks as she throws her own from her mouth. It bounces three times and sinks.

"Exactly!" Janna exclaims, "you're good!"

"All in the neck" Ponyhead smiles.

Janna and Ponyhead go silent. Janna tries to think of something to say. She takes a deep breath, scoots closer, her face turning red and asks, "can... can I braid your air?"

"Sure," Ponyhead smiles, "but I wanna braid yours afterwards."

Janna begins to braid Ponyhead's hair. It feels like silk in her hands. Her face grows redder with each braid.

"What would you do..." Janna musters the confidence to speak, "if a human asked you out?"

Ponyhead really begins to consider a possibility. One she isn't sure on. Her face goes red as she replies, "I dunno. Depends on if they were cute."

"What makes a human cute?" Janna asks.

"Short, dark hair," Ponyhead explains, "fun loving, kind, a prankster maybe. Yknow? Why do you ask?"

Ponyhead turns around and sees Janna's face is now bright red. She realizes she just described Janna. She isn't sure what to say. She prepares to speak but...

Janna kisses her.

Ponyhead backs away, mostly from surpise.

"Sorry!" Janna burries her face in her arms, her face now red as a tomato, "it's just that... the cute girl was you and you basically described me so it seemed the right time to-"

"It's OK," Ponyhead reassures her, "I just caught off guard. I don't have a problem with..." Ponyhead's face goes red, "us. I mean, if you like me, I'm OK with... whatever this is."

"Can..." Janna's face is now even redder, but she looks at Ponyhead now, "can I hug you? Just sorta, hold you in my arms as we chill here?"

"Sure," Ponyhead smiles, floating into Janna's embrace. The two relax, listening to the calm flow of the river, and enjoying the newfound love they now share...

Meanwhile, on Mewni, Prime studies timeline after timeline, using his cross-dimensional vision to look for other versions of Comet, but only keeps finding Star. At first, he is confused, until he happens across another timeline where Star is a monster. That's when it clicks for him. If one Star can be a monster then...

It's then he vows to escape, and reveal the truth to Moon. No matter the consequences...

Star VS The Forces Of Evil Monster Star AU (Plus One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now