Mewni Kingdom of Monsters Part Four: I Hate Moon

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"My subjects," Comet begins, "it has often been said that I don't like Moon. My subjects, I don't like Moon. No, I HATE Moon! I hate veterans who were part of The Hunt, I hate River, I hate Hekapoo, and I hate the High Commission. I despise all of those who have hurt our kind."

Mewmens and monsters alike seem to nod in agreement. Comet continues her speech.

"You may recall when Moon ordered the genocide, and many followed. Those are true monsters. True monsters shall not exist in my kingdom."

The crowd seems to get more rallied as Comet continues.

"As you may recall," Comet proceeds, "Moon was a member of the High Commission that assisted in the slaughter. I ask you, must we really be rulled by those false gods?"

The crowd whispers, curious now about Comet's intentions.

"I say," Comet stands up, the glow explodes in intensity, "We slaughter the High Commission! We declare war on those who have beat us down! The High Commission rules over all with an iron fist! Spread word to all the kingdoms, nay, to all dimensions, that Moon has fallen, and that I..."

Comets stops, unsure what to say. Does she say Star or Comet?

She decides to go with old reliable, and says, "queen of Mewni, am leading the charge against our false gods! Death to those above! Destroy the High Commission! What kind of gods are they?"

"False! False! False!" The crowd chants.

"Very good," Comet smiles, "and soon, they shall fall. Until then, prepare, and spread the word."

With that Comet retreats into her castle. As soon as she's out of sight, she starts crying. Consumed by uncertainty and insecurity.

"What's my name?" She asks herself...

She doesn't even know the answer anymore. She collects herself, and begins back towards the throne room.

"Pull yourself together," she mumbles, "it doesn't matter. It's not like anyone cares anyways..."

Marco and the others all exchange the same look of concern and utter bewilderment.

"You saw that too," Marco asks, "right?"

"She's gone dark," Baby explains, "I saw this before, with a queen named Eclipsa. Coming back from darkness... look, I think the Comet we know is gone. We best be going."

"We're not going anywhere!" Tom exclaims, "she needs us now more than ever! Besides, I thought monsters stick together."

"Guys," Ponyhead sighs, "there's something Baby and I need to tell you..."

"What'd you do?" Marco demands.

"Nothing," Ponyhead explains, "nothing yet anyways."

"We decided a few days ago," Baby explains, "that if things go wrong we'll overthrow Comet and help Toffee take Mewni."

"I don't think we ever met Toffee," Jackie reminds, "can we trust him?"

"He raised Comet," Marco explains, "I'm sure we can. First though, let's at least try to talk to her first."

"Alright," Janna replies, "let's go." The group head into Comet's castle. She sits on her throne, and looks up as the door opens. She sees her freinds, standing there.

"This outta be good," Glossaryck comments, the book sitting on the arm of the throne.

Comet gets up, and looks down at her freinds. No one is sure what to say, but Marco musters the courage to be the first to speak...

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