The King's Remorse (Storming Mewni Part Three)

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The carriage rams full speed into the front gate, shattering it. Mewmen guards surround the young invaders with their weapons drawn. They're prepared to kill.

"Go on three," Tom demands.

"I'll count," Marco volunteers, "one... two... three!" The trio burst out of the carriage, slamming two guards who were about to open the door in the face.

Two guards lunge at Marco with spears. Marco ducks as the first one attempts to stab him and leaps over the attack of the second one before disarming them both. Ponyhead rams into them, knocking them out. A small group of guards lunge at Tom. The demon prince glares, and conjures up fire, scorching them. They flee out of fear of the full wrath of the demon prince.

The court yard is now empty. "Is it just me," Marco asks, "or was that to easy?"

"Yeah," Ponyhead replies, "I came ready for a fight."

"Well," Tom shrugs, "let's just go in and see if we can't find the spell book."

Tom and the others approach the  front door, but before they can open the massive, elegant wooden doors, a stout man with a large sword, heavy metal armor with decorative jewels, and a beautiful golden crown. The man's face is worn down by age slightly, and he tries to glare down at the intruders, but there is nothing intimidating in the man's stare. The man couldn't muster an evil stare if he tried, and he is trying.

"What are you doing here?" The man demands. Marco almost speaks, but before he can, Tom steps forward, rage slowly overtaking him.

"You!" Tom exclaims, flames bursting from cracks in the ground, "you genocidal monster!"

The old king doesn't deny the accusation. He simply sighs and looks forward; a deep sadness in his eyes.

"All those years you've let Moon hunt monsters!" Tom continues, "you've extorted my father and taken that which is not yours for your demented crusade! You kill and kill and kill for fun! The king of Mewni is not who you are. You are the king of evil!"

The king of Mewni sighs. He looks at Tom, who now stands in his face.

"Your goons kill monsters without remorse! You murder innocent beings like yourselves in all but appearance. What do you have to say for yourself!?!"

The king looks Tom dead in the eye and sighs. He begins to speak, in a depressed, but powerful voice, "may I speak before we fight?"

Tom cools off, shocked by this reply. Marco decides to take the opportunity to learn more about what happened between Mewmens and monsters. However, he doesn't let his desire for answers blind him.

"First," Tom asks, "where are the other guards?"

"They're out hunting down Toffee," the king replies, returning his balde to his scabbard,  "let me tell you a story young warriors, the story of Star Butterfly."

Reluctantly, the trio sit and listien.

"It was thirteen years ago," the king begins, "Toffee had launched an attack in an attempt to overthrow Mewmens so monsters could live in peace. During the attack, my daughter, Star Butterfly, was killed by Toffee. Moon saw her die before her very eyes. This is what broke her. She swore vengeance on all monsters. I will not say it's justified, but I will not stop her. At least killing monsters makes the pain stop..."

"So," Marco asks, "the reason Moon is attempting genocide is that a monster killed her daughter?"

"Yes," he replies, "now, I stand here, assisting her in her quest. Listien, Moon is expecting Comet. If you do not believe Comet can face her, then I shall let one of you pass now to warn Comet. The others shall face me in honorable combat. Even if I don't want Comet to succeed, a monster child versus Moon... it's not a fair fight. It would be a honorless kill. So, one of you may pass. Choose."

"I'll do it," Marco volunteers.

"Are you sure?" Ponyhead asks, "you know if you run into Moon you're dead."

"I know," Marco sighs, "but I won't let her kill Comet."

"Good luck dude," Tom offers a handshake, "in case this is the last time we speak."

"It was nice knowing you," Marco replies, "both of you. Good luck facing the king."

Marco enters the castle.

"Well," the king sighs, stretching, "let's begin." The King lunges with insane speed, forcing Tom and Ponyhead to leap out of the way. The king refuses to look them in the eye as he attacks.

Ponyhead rams into the king's armor, but her horn doesn't leave a scratch. Tom lunges at the  king with a punch to the face. The king grips his blade and leaps at Tom...

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