Clash at Mewni Part Two: Deal with a Goat

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Yeah I guess I'll post part two too cause I've been gone a while. The rest will probably all be together. Enjoy.

Marco slams into the side of his cell with sheer frustration. He bounces back, his mind racing.

"Have to get to Comet," he clenches his fist, "have to warn the others about River."

Marco thinks, or, he tries to, but his normally clear and level mind is shrouded in a thick mist of mystery, deceit, and subterfuge. There are to many working parts for him to process. This day, this, battle for Mewni, is like a machine that he has yet to decipher. His knowledge is limited, and his view of the inner workings obstructed.

He slams his fist on the ground of his cell, and vows under his breath, "I will get out of here..."

The battle is heated, the air full of smoke as clashing forces fill the area with screams and the sounds of combat. The metal of blades clash and clang against each other and friends now meet on the battlefield...

Baby and Meteora lead the Mewmen and automatons in the chaos, and they are prepared for any enemy...

They are not prepared for Ponyhead.

Two automatons leap at the princess from the clouds only to be shattered upon her horn. She charges in a neigh blind rage at the nearest foe, only to stop an inch from Baby's face.

"Baby!" She exclaims.

"Ponyhead!" Baby retorts, "why? Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same!" Ponyhead responds, "you're on the wrong side!"

"I'm doing what's best for monsters!" Baby glares.

"You're running from Eclipsa," Ponyhead responds.

"No that's what I'm doing," Meteora interjects only half joking as she blasts a demon warrior attempting to stab her in the back.

"What?" Baby demands.

"Look," Ponyhead sighs, "I was on the run for years. I know what it's like. To be afraid of someone. I was afraid of Moon for years. If Comet taught me something, it's to not run, but fight. We can work this out Baby. Look, what if... what if we kill Eclipsa?"

Baby thinks about Tom's suggestion of turning on Eclipsa, and her fear consumes her. She's afraid. She can't admit it, but she feels true fear. She knows how powerful Eclipsa can truly be, if she snaps...

She doesn't want to remember it. The blood, the screams, and the horror of that day. Of when she tested Eclipsa's power well over three hundred years ago. She wanted to see her limit. She had to know her limit...

She would give anything to forget what that looked like. Thousands gone because she had to know. She had to know...

"If you had seen it you'd run too," Baby glares, "get out of my way old friend, or I will hurt you."

"I'm sorry," Ponyhead sighs.

"So are we," Meteora responds as three demons and two flying horse heads appear to back up Ponyhead.

"Your orders princess?" One of the horseheads ask.

"You know your orders," Ponyhead replies, "take these two alive."

"You're welcome to try!" Baby yells, drawing a small knife and charging...

Marco Diaz...

Is dead.

Rather, he is playing dead. He has a plan. A... well not a great plan but it's what he's got.

Lekmet goes to check on Marco, and finds him face down on the floor, causing him to panic and rush into the cell to attempt to heal him, crying.

Lekmet has been ignored through all of this overall. He has lost a lot. His friends have turned on each other, his boyfriend Rhombulus is with Hekapoo now and them captured, he doesn't even know if they're alive. All he can do is hope, and make sure no one else gets hurt.

Marco however doesn't know this, and sees things going just as planned. With a quick swing of his monster arm, he slams Lekmet to the ground, flees his cell, and traps the old goat in. Lekmet screeches, slamming on the cell.

"Sorry," Marco sighs grabbing his scissors from a chest outside the cell, "you seem nice Lekmet. You've been caught in all of this without, literally, a word of say. You know, I wish I knew how to help you. You seem like a great guy but... I mean, it feels like you just play along. Where do you stand in all this Lekmet?

Lekmet looks around for some way to communicate with this young man. The only one who's shown any compassion to him since all this started. He looks to the game console and quickly boots up an RPG, slamming through the text until he can name his character and types, "save Rhombulus."

"Oh," Marco replies, "you're worried about Rhombulus?"

Lekmet nods.

"I'll help him," Marco smiles, "you have my word. After all, he's my friend too."

Lekmet smiles and types, "Marco is friend."

"Yeah," Marco chuckles, "I guess so. Sit tight buddy, and it'll all be OK."

Marco opens a portal and rushes in with his sword at the ready...

Comet examines a photo of her and Marco, sitting in her room. She desires nothing more than for everything to go back to normal. To just... go home, but she doesn't feel they'll accept her, and that she has to make sure Moon is stopped, but she's exhausted. To continue to fight is one thing, but to not rest...

Her darkness slowly spreads. She hopes, wishes, prays, and everything in between for anything to make her loneliness go away.

"Star," a voice demands, "let's go."

She turns around and as if from some cheesy fanfic there he stands...

Marco Diaz.

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