Tom's Offer (Blood Moon Ball Part One)

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Since this is a three parter, I had the same artist from the description of this book make a special cover for this episode. Be sure to check them out if you can! Anyways, on with the show.

Baby appears for the weekly training session. This is Baby's third visit, and Comet has been advancing at an amazing rate. Making spells like spider swarm, murdered by crows, etc. In addition to learning spells Baby had managed to sneak from glances at the spell book.

"Hey," Comet asks, "Baby?"

"Yeah?" Baby replies.

"I need to know," Comet replies, "have you seen Toffee?"

"No," Baby replies, "I mean, I've seen wanted posters of him, but not in person."

"So he's still at large, good," Comet replies, "listien if you see him, tell him I'm OK here on Earth."

"Sure thing Comet," Baby smiles, "see you next week."

Baby begins back towards Mewni. Comet sits down on the front porch, watching the cars go by. She hasn't really spent much time with humans other than the Diazs. She's still not comfortable around them. Most days, she skips school out of fear that Marco is an oddball and the others won't accept her. On the days she does go, she tends to hide, or wander the grounds, avoiding her classes and other students.

"Hey Comet," Marco greets, "how's training going?"

"Great," Comet replies, "watch this. Murdered by crows!"

A murder of crows appears from the wand, with red eyes and blood stained beaks. They screech and fly away, not having a target.

"Cool," Marco smiles, "creepy, but cool. Hey, you know magic, right?"

"Yeah," Comet replies, "obviously."

"So," Marco replies, "how do you get rid of a demon?"

"What now?" Comet asks, confused.

"A demon is sitting on my couch," Marco explains, "just appeared from a portal and asked to see you."

"Wait," Comet realizes, "we fought a hellhound, and that's a demon."

"Ugh," Marco sighs, "right. He may be here to take you back to Mewni. What's our play?"

"Let me handle this," Comet replies, "monsters and demons aren't much different. Maybe I can reason with him."

"You sure about this?" Marco asks, "maybe I should-"

"Marco," Comet smiles, "trust me. I can handle a demon."

Comet steps inside. The demon stands up, it's the same demon that Mr. Fluffybuns wrecked the room of.

"Hello," the demon smiles, "my name is Tom. I couldn't help but notice that you were on Earth when you sent one of my dad's hounds careening into my room."

"Sorry about that," Comet replies, "it struck first. Total self defense. My name's Comet by the way."

"Don't worry about it," Tom smiles, scratching a pink bunny in his hands, "I was just wondering, what's a beautiful demon like you doing on a rock like this?"

Comet is completely shocked by this compliment. She'd never been complimented before. Not like this. However, she can't help but notice that Tom called her a demon. She decides to live this lie. Cause if Tom learns the truth, it's all over. Not only will he probably attack, but if he gets Moon involved...

"I dunno," Comet blushes slightly, "just hanging around."

"Well," Tom smiles, "if you're not busy tonight, why not go with me to the Blood Moon Ball? I mean, if you want to."

"Well..." Comet hesitates. On one hand, Tom seems nice enough, but on the other hand, The Underworld is not a safe place for a monster. She could pass for a demon with a little make up, but...

"Look," Tom smiles, "there's no pressure. Just, if you wanna come, ring this bell."

Tom hands Comet a bell and a small hammer.

"See ya later," Tom smiles. He exits the house, and as he walks down the street, snaps his fingers. A black carriage drawn by a skeletal horse approaches to pick him up. He gets in, waves goodbye, and dissapears.

Comet looks at the bell, thinking.

"Don't do it," Marco replies, "it may seem tempting, but trust me, it's a bad idea."

"Marco," Comet smiles, "it'll be fine. Trust me."

"Comet," Marco sighs, genuinely concerned, "what if you run into a hellhound or they figure out you're a monster? They'll slaughter you."

"Look," Marco sighs, "it's to risky. Trust me. Just stay here. It's much safer on Earth than basically hell."

"Marco," Comet glares, "listien, I'm going, no matter what. You have to trust me."

"Alright," Marco sighs, "but I'm tagging along."

"No way," Comet replies, "I need to be more independent anyways. I can't live my whole life in fear. I'm gonna go get ready. I'll be back later tonight. See ya Marco."

Comet heads upstairs. Marco sighs. He looks at the bell. He almost considers stealing it, but he knows Comet would blame him instantly. He takes a deep breath, sits down, and reassures himself. Comet is going to be fine. It's not like anyone's actually gonna figure out she's a monster.

Despite this, Marco still feels uneasy. He can't shake the feeling that this isn't a good thing. No matter how hard he tries to ignore it, he's worried about Comet...

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