Why She Stole It (Janco One Shot)

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Janna sits in her room, sighing. She flips a coin over and over again, catching it and tossing it over and over again before tossing it into a pile of coins and bills on her bedside table. She holds a pair of fake fangs in hands, and recalls the time she wore then in front of Marco, claiming, "they're not real, unless you want them to be."

He didn't seem to be interested so she didn't really wear them again. She thought he would be interested because he's secretly a big fan of Moonlight, a book series about a love triangle between a werewolf, a human girl, and a vampire. She knows this because she read about it in his diary, which she has "borrowed" quite a few times.

She looks at the pile of coins and bills. In total, it is $107.57, all money she's borrowed from Marco. She never spent a dime of it. She had good reason for that. Ever since middle school...

"Hey Marco," Janna greeted the young lad on the last day of 8th grade.

"Hey Janna," Marco smiled back, "what's up?"

Janna turned away, nervous as she spoke. "Don't you love Summer?" Janna asked

"Sure," Marco replied, slightly confused.

"They say Summer is a time for new beginnings," Janna continued, "like between a certain vampire and his girlfriend."

Marco rose, shocked and upset, "how do you know about that!?!"

"I-" Janna turned away, accidentally revealing Marco's diary.

Marco swiped and exclaimed, "what the heck Janna?"

"I- I-" at this point Janna locked up. Her original plan was to reference Moonlight, but that ship had sailed.

"Don't tell a soul what you read," Marco demanded, "I gotta go. I'll let you off the hook this time, but don't do that again."

Marco left. Jackie didn't try anything like that again for a while. She tried little things, like the fangs, or last year at Halloween when...

"You like my costume Marco?" She asked, wearing a female vampire costume.

"Yeah," Marco smiled, "looks kinda familiar though. Kinda like... wait. Oh come on Janna. Really? A female version of the vampire from Moonlight? Not funny."

"Hey," Janna shrugged, "It's not like there's anyone here who gets the-"

"Hey guys!" Jackie smiled, approaching.

Marco gave Janna a look that said, "you're dead to me." He then left.

"Didn't work?" Jackie asked.

"Nope," Janna sighed.

"I get he's cute," Jackie asked, "but why are you this into this guy?"

"I dunno," Janna shrugged, "he's nice, funny, caring..."

Over time, Janna talked to Jackie a lot about Marco. Until eventually Marco confessed to her. Around a week before that actually...

"Marco..." Jackie was somewhat guilty as she spoke, "is great isn't he? You sure talk about him a lot."

"Yeah," Janna admitted, "I've taken a lotta money from him as late. I'm just gonna come out and say it next month."

"What's that gotta do with the money?" Jackie inquires.

"I kinda took it to pay for the date since I'm broke," Janna admits, "I dunno. Thought it'd be funny?"

"Well," Jackie smiles, "maybe. I hope it goes well, but..."

"What's wrong?"

"I... eh, it won't be an issue."

But it was. Janna had built up Marco so much, that Jackie took interest in him. So when he confessed...

Janna shook her head. Today was the day she was going to confess originally, and she plans to. One way or another...

Jackie and Marco sit in the park, Marco deep in thought. He thinks about Janna, and how she kept referencing Moonlight. He never did catch the hints.

"Hey Marco," Jackie asks, also thinking about Janna, guilt built up over the time they've been together, "I've been thinking."

"What about?" Marco asks.

"You and Star..." Jackie sighs, "go on adventures a lot, but me, I'm pretty safe. Sometimes I wonder if you'd be happier with someone who actually needs someone to keep them safe..."

"I don't understand," Marco replies.

"I dunno," Jackie sighs, "it's just, you and Janna get along well, and she's less reckless than Star, but more fun than me. Seems like a good middle ground for you."

"I..." Marco hesitates. Some part of him knows that Jackie is right to some extent, but he still cares about Jackie, after all, there are different things about Jackie he likes, but Janna, although different, does seem like someone he'd like, he's just never thought about it.

Janna emerges from a bush. "Marco," she turns away nervously, "We need to talk."

"What the heck is going on!?!" Marco demands, "is Star here too?"

"Yes," Star admits, revealing herself from behind a tree, "but I'm just walking the puppies."

"Marco there's something I need to tell you," Janna begins, "I... have feelings for you. Always have. I know it's to late for me to say this, but, I am. If you wanna give me a chance-"

"Right in front of Jackie?" Star asks, "that's cold."

"You did the same!" Marco reminds, "and Janna, sorry, but, I am with Jackie so this is kinda awkward..."

"As I said," Jackie gets up, "you'd be happier with her. Let's take a break, OK? You go with Janna, and if you don't like it, we pick up where we left off."

"Alright," Marco shrugs, "if you're sure that's what you want."

"I want you to be happy," Jackie sighs.

"Alright," Marco smiles, "I guess, let's go Janna."

"Heck yeah!" Janna exclaims, "let's go have fun!"

The duo leave. Jackie begins to cry.
"Hey hey," Star reassures her, "it's OK. I'd do the same to be honest."

"You're right," Jackie dries her tears, "we all just want him to be happy. Maybe I should look on the bright side. I'm not alone in this. Looks like we're in the same boat now Star."

"Yeah," Star sighs, "guess we are. Guess we are..."

Will I continue this later? (Shrugs.) OK hope you enjoyed. Ambiguous ending. Bye!

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