The Full Moon (Storming Mewni Part Four)

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"Which way?" Comet asks.

"Take a left here," Baby replies.

Comet's footsteps echos through the empty halls. "Not gonna lie," Comet admits, "it's a nice place."

"Just the people here suck," Baby replies.

"Agreed," Comet replies entering a room filled with tapestries.

"Now," Baby explains, "the book should be somewhere in here."

"What is this room anyways?" Comet inquires.

"It's a room where they keep records of the queens of Mewni," Baby explains, "even one... that didn't make it."

"What do you mean?" Comet asks.

"Third one on the left," Baby sighs, "you'll see what I mean."

Comet goes to the third piece of cloth based artwork, and immediately notices the glaring differences between it and the others. It's actually one of Moon, with darkness surrounding her as she weeps holding the corpse of a small Mewmen child.

Comet reads the text under the it. It reads...

Star Butterfly: The Star That Was Snuffed.

Star Butterfly was just a little girl,

Before she was taken from this world.

By Toffee's hands, the Star was snuffed.

Moon defeated the army, but it wasn't enough.

With rage in her eyes, and her head held high,

For the daughter she lost, all monsters would die.

"Weird," Baby comments, "the book is usually in here."

"Looking for this?" A voice asks from the doorway. Comet and Baby turn around, only to be greeted by Moon, holding the spell book.

"You!" Comet growls.

"See you've noticed that," Moon points at the large piece of cloth behind Comet, "what Toffee did to me, to all of Mewni."

"It is nothing compared to your crimes," Comet growls, her wand glowing green, "you wanna kill monsters? Fine. Let's go. Just you and me. Right here, right now."

"Comet are you crazy?" Baby asks.

"I came for the book," Comet replies, "and I'm gonne get it, or die trying."

"Fair enough," Moon smirks, "let's begin."

Moon blasts Comet with a beam of magic. Comet rolls out of the way and counters with a spider swarm. Moon avoids them with ease, crushing them beneath her feet like ants.

"Do you really think you can beat me?" Moon chuckles, "your mother had the wand and she couldn't, so why do you think you can?"

The green glow brightens as Comet attacks with a bat blast. The bats are more feral, with glowing red eyes, torn wings, and blood stained teeth. Moon strikes the bats with magic.

Moon and Comet glare at eachother, each with growing rage. The wand's glow grows brighter and brighter...

Meanwhile, Tom and Ponyhead continue to fight the king. Tom lunges in a full swing, but the king counters and cuts off his arm.

Tom is consumed by rage, igniting the entire courtyard in hellfire. He leaps at the king in in a blind rage and wrestles the blade from him. Pushing the king to the ground. Tom lifts the blade over his head to finish the king off.

"You've fought well," the king sighs, "young prince. Do as you wish. My life is in your hands."

The king closes his eyes, expecting death. Tom glares at him, but looking at him, he can't finish him off. The king had lost so much. Tom couldn't bare to take his life...

"Leave," Tom demands.

"Very well," the king replies, "you have great honor Tom, and it will make you a great king one day. Just... get that temper under control."

"How so?" Tom asks.

"Uhhh... Tom?" Ponyhead asks, "is that gonna be a problem?"

Tom looks up, and realizes that the castle is on fire.

"We gotta go!" Tom yells.

"What about Comet?" Ponyhead asks, "and Marco?"

"Your scissors," Tom demands, "quickly!"

Ponyhead tosses Tom the scissors. He opens a portal to the interior of the castle, and sees Marco.

"Marco!" He exclaims, "can you hear me?"

"Yeah," Marco replies, "is it hot in here or..."

"You gotta get Comet and go!" Tom yells, "the castle's on fire!"

"Crap," Marco replies, "you guys head back to Earth. I'll be right behind you."

"Hey," Ponyhead intejrects, "don't get killed, Comet would never forgive you."

"Heh," Marco chuckles, "got it. See ya."

Marco sprints down the winding halls, looking for Comet as Tom and Ponyhead return to Earth...

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