I Forgive You Part Three: Best Left Unseen

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Marco and Jackie arrive at the dance. Jackie smiles at Marco, comforting his unease. Making him feel less out of place. He almost feels... safe.

As the two walk in, "Just Freinds" by Love Handle begins to play.

"Ah man," Marco smiles, "I remember this song."

"It your favorite?" Jackie asks.

"Second favorite," Marco replies.

Jackie takes Marco's hand. "Well then don't just stand there," she smiles, "come on!" Jackie heads to the dance floor with Marco...

Meanwhile, Tom arrives on Earth, and knocks on the door.

"Coming!" Comet exclaims, following the knocking to the door as she changes into the dress she wore at the Blood Moon Ball. She doesn't know why she's doing what she's about to do, but decides that talking to Marco is the only way to make the odd brew of emotions stop.

Comet opens the door and smiles at Tom. "Hey," he asks, "what's with the fancy dress?"

"Oh," Comet replies, "I actually need your help to get somewhere. The school's having this dance thing, so, I was wondering if I could hitch a ride."

"Sure," Tom replies, "but who are you meeting there?"

"No one," Comet replies, "I'm going alone."

"Alright," Tom replies, "come on. You need a hand or..."

Comet strains her eyes. She tries to force herself through the darkness. Until, after a lot of strain and a pounding headache, she manages to see. Her vision is dark, and she can only see right in front of her, but she can see.

"I got it," Comet smiles. She tries to see if she can force herself to see more, but it seems this is the most she can do. At least until the curse is completely gone. It should only linger for another week or two.

Comet sighs, realizing she she can't leave yet, but she can start using the spell book. She just has to talk to Marco first. For the last few weeks, Marco's been by her side, always there for her. She has to tell him that she forgives him for the incident on Mewni. She has to, no matter what.

As the carriage is pulled towards the school, Comet looks around. Happy to be able to see her surroundings again, to see a friendly face again.

"How's your eyes?" Tom asks, "any changes?"

"It's really dark," Comet explains, "and I can only see strait ahead, but I can see. Definitely not enough to go face Moon though. It's been only about four weeks. Guess I got another two weeks before my eyes fully return."

"Well," Tom smiles, "at least you can see some."

"Yeah. I guess."

The two continue towards the school in silence. Comet sits, the odd brew of emotions growing as she thinks about Marco and Jackie, causing her wand to glow.

"You OK?" Tom asks.

"Yeah," Comet replies, "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Wand's glowing," Tom explains, "everyone knows that means you're not doing good."

"Oh," Comet replies, "don't worry about it. I'll have that taken care of when we get there."

The carriage continues down the street towards the dance. Meanwhile, at the dance, a slower song begins. Marco looks Jackie in the eyes, who stares back, sweetly, with a coolness and kindness in her eyes.

He's so distracted by this, he doesn't hear the gym doors swing open as he leans in to kiss Jackie...

He finally feels like he's returned home. Not just because of Jackie, but because he had Comet there for him. Comet kept him tethered to Earth in a weird way. Reminded him to keep a grip on his non magical life. Reminded him to be a voice of reason when she got out of control...

Comet doesn't know Marco feels this way, but she sees everything. She turns around and leaves, her wand glowing bright. She starts to cry.

"You're back already?" Tom asks.

"Let's go," Comet turns away, hiding her tears and jealously.

"What happened?" Tom asks.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Comet replies.

"Look, I have issues of my own, and trust me, talking about it is the way to go."

"I said I don't wanna!"

Comet's wand lets off an unintended blast, scorching the concrete.

"Let's just go," she sighs.

Tom shrugs, deciding not to speak to Comet, and the two start back towards Marco's house. When Comet arrives, Comet still has tears in her eyes. She doesn't speak to Tom, who knows he can't really say anything to her. She heads upstairs and writes in her diary, "Final Chapter: Goodbye.

If you're reading this, I've already left to face Moon. I just wanna say a few things, to each of you.

Ponyhead: I'm sorry about what Moon did to you, but I promise you'll be able to go home soon.

Tom: You've been a good friend, and I thank you. I hope that what comes next clears the price on your head.

Janna: You've always been kind to me. You're one of the coolest humans ever.

Jackie: Thanks for being a true friend. Do me a favor, and, make sure Marco doesn't come after me.

Baby: My monster buddy. I'm sorry I didn't bring you with me, but if I fall, it falls to you to avenge me. Us monsters will always have each other's backs.

Marco: Best friend ever. First I just wanna say, for the incident in Mewni, after all you did for me when I was blind, I'm sure you had a good reason and I you. Second, and I'm not sure how to say this, but Marco, I..."

Comet puts the diary back, deciding to finish it later. With that she gets in her bed and tries to sleep, the odd brew of emotions still raging, bottled up, buried deep down. Comet tries to ignore them, and goes to sleep...

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