Toffee's Transaction

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Toffee walks down the forest path, carefully watching for Mewmen patrols. As he walks through the dark, gloomy forest, he wonders how Comet is doing. He hasn't talked to her in so long, and rumors were saying that she was the one who destoryed Moon's castle...

Toffee continues through the forest, and approaches a small, shop-car hybrid, not unlike a food truck, in a gloomy clearing. With a knife hidden behind his back, he approaches the shop and rings the service.

"Ah," the shopkeeper, an elderly demon woman greets, "hello Toffee. How is the mirror you bought?"

"It's fine," he replies, sighing with relief that the Mewmens didn't find this place and place traps. He's always prepared, always watching, always diligent. He can never let his guard down. "I actually gave it to Comet Dragonfly, my adopted daughter."

"I take it you'll be needing one too then?" The demon asks.

"Yes," Toffee replies.

"Well," the demon chuckles, "it's gonna cost you then."

"How much?"

"Not money. I need you to do a job for me."

"I'm listening."

"As you are no doubt aware, my mirrors are made by hand from only the finest of materials. I make the outer casings from a rare mineral found only from mines run by the Mewmens, and considering the tensions between The Underworld and Mewni, it's very difficult for me to get any. You bring me enough to make you one, and I'll get you your mirror."

"You have a deal."

Toffee walks away, thinking about how he's actually going to get his hands on some of that mineral. He takes out his wallet. He has money, that's no issue, the issue is actually making the purchase.

He looks at a photo in his wallet. A photo of him and Comet when she was six. He remembers Comet's parents, good monsters, good friends, killed in cold blood by Moon's goons.

"I promise," he mumbles to himself, "I will protect her for you." He closes his wallet and continues down the trail, trying to think of a plan...

Meanwhile, Moon examines her new castle, still under construction. "Come on!" She exclaims, "keep working! We need this rebuilt pronto!"

"My queen," a weaver approaches, "we've finished recreating all the tapestries that were lost in the incident, except Star's, and we were wondering if it was really worth recreating. I mean, Star's dead and..."

Moon removes her glove and slaps the weaver with it so hard, he loses a tooth. He's knocked to the ground, gripping his jaw She puts the glove back on her hand, glaring.

"Listen to me," she demands with aggression and a powerful gaze, "as if your life depends on it. Star's legacy is more important than that of mine, and all queens before me. To forget her, is the ultimate insult. Don't you dare to even suggest such a thing, or I will end you. Are we clear?"

The weaver nods.

"Then go weave it," Moon demands.

The weaver gets back on his feet and leaves. Moon sighs. She takes a locket that's hidden under her dress and looks at it. In it, is a picture of her, River, and baby Star.

"I promise," she sheds a single tear as she speaks, and closes the locket, "I will avenge you."

Meanwhile, in the forest, Toffee overhears two Mewmens approaching. He hides in the brush and listens.

"You hear about the incident with Comet?" One asks.

"You mean how she used dark magic?" The other inquires.

"Yeah, there are rumors the queen used dark magic as well. Placed some sort of curse on her."

"Wouldn't surprise me. I mean, she did see Star die before her eyes."

"Be quiet! Speaking of Star's death is bad luck!"

"Dude, what's gonna happen? Some monster gonna come out and steal my cloak for a disguise?"

Toffee smiles. Some days, you gotta work for it. Other days, it just works out, but he hesitates to ponder what he's heard. Comet using dark magic? If she continues down this path then she may lose herself, just as Moon has when Star...

Toffee tries not to think about it. He remembers the motto of his rebellion, "no remorse, no surrender!" A phrase he taught Comet to live by, and he believes now, that may have been a mistake...

Toffee tackles one of the two Mewmen merchants, knocking him out. The second tries to scream, but Toffee throws a punch and knocks him out before he can.

Toffee takes one of their cloaks, and uses it to hide his face and massive jaw. With this disguise, he heads to the market place...

Meanwhile, River is in the market place, browsing weapons. He picks up a hefty battle ax and swings it.

"Feels kinda light," he explains, "I need something with a bit more bite."

A man in a cloak overhears this, and speaks as he passes by, "I recommend the broad sword. Good weight, well balanced. Used one from there when I was younger."

"Really?" River replies, "what's your name stranger?"

Toffee stops. He was just trying to keep up appearances, not start a conversation. This is not good. If River asks him to remove the hood, denying such a request would look bad, but so would complying for obvious reasons.

"I'm just a man making a purchase my king," Toffee replies.

"Allow me to accompany you," River smiles, "you seem to know your way around the battlefield."

Toffee gulps nervously. "Very well my king," he forces a friendly tone.

River and two of his guards walk alongside Toffee, who tries his best to hide his fear.

"So," River asks, "how do you know about combat?"

"I fought in the attack against Mewni, the one Star was killed in," Toffee is certian not to mention he was not on River's side, "it was a harrowing day. So many lives lost."

"I lost my daughter," River sighs, "but you already knew that. You lose anyone?"

"I was lucky, but I did lose a finger."

"Losing a finger in the line of service, there's a medal for that you know."

"I've never cared about medals or glory, only the cause. If only I hadn't failed. If I had just..."

"It's not your fault Star died. It's mine. I was so busy killing monsters, that I didn't notice Toffee slip past the front lines. Then... the rest is history."

"I will admit, it is a shame what happened that day... Did anyone ever figure out what spell he actually used?"

"No. All we know is that Star is dead."

"I see," Toffee replies, making the purchase of the ore he needs, "I sometimes wonder how things would've been different if it didn't end like that."

"We all do friend," River sighs, "we all do. Veteran, you have served Mewni greatly, and have served me by letting me accompany you. I wish to see your face."

"I prefer not to show my face," Toffee quickly lies, "it is horribly mangled by the incidents on that day, but maybe some day, if our paths cross again."

"May the High Commission grant you strength," River smile, "and should you ever need a favor, you just come talk to me. Farewell veteran."

River and his guards leave. Toffee flees back into the forest, going as fast as he can without looking suspicious until he's hidden under the shroud of leaves. He removes the cloaks and ties it around his waist, believing his fake persona may be useful later.

He gives the shopkeeper the ore.

"Excellent," she smiles, "I'll have it ready in a week."

"I'll be back to get it," Toffee smiles, "see you later."

Toffee leaves, heading back into the forest. It's been a bit of a day to him, and he needs time to think about the incident with Star. He wonders if he really made the right choice all those years ago...

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