Return To Ash (Hekapoo's Game Part Four)

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"See you've improved," Hekapoo explains.

"I've learned some things," Marco replies, "had a lot of time for thinking, and I realized something about our deal."

"And what's that?" Hekapoo asks.

"I need to kill you," Marco replies, coldly, calmly, with powerful conviction.

"What?" Hekapoo demands, taken aback by this threat.

"Our deal never stated," Marco explains, "that you can't kill Comet yourself, and, even if I will try to stop her from killing Moon, if she does, you will kill her. I'd help her overthrow Moon, sure, but she wants blood. Either way, the High Commission will hunt her down, correct?"

"Well, you're not wrong, but how does that translate to murder?"

"Simple. If Comet kills Moon, she won't stand a chance against you and the others, but if I kill you, right here, right now, then Comet may stand a chance. Besides, it's not like they'll know I did it. The only ones who know about this are you and me. So, come on then," Marco points his blade, "let's end this."

"Marco," Hekapoo pleads, realizing she may actually lose this fight, "this I murder. Please, I won't attack Comet... anytime soon. Just stand down."

"You lost all chance of receiving mercy," Marco smirks, "when you sent a hellhound at Comet. Of all things, a Hellhound. You knew what that would do to her when you did it, didn't you? Anyways it's time to finish this."

Marco lunges at Hekapoo, and dodges and slices at Marco with her daggers. Marco grabs a smoke bomb from his pocket and sets it off, disappearing before Hekapoo can land a hit. He gets behind Hekapoo and disarms her with a quick swing of his blade, knocking the daggers from her hands.

"Any last words?" Marco asks.

"Who's there?" A voice demands.

Comet stands in the doorway, clinging to the wall, using it to guide her.

"Comet!" Marco exclaims he rushes up to Comet and hugs her, "it's been so long!"

"Let me go!" Comet demands, "who are you?"

"Don't you recognize my voice?" Marco asks letting Comet go, "it's me, Marco! Oh, it's been a long time! We can get caught up in a moment, just let me kill Hekapoo and..."

"Kill?" Comet asks.

"Well, the High Commission is gonna attack you when you kill Moon, thought I'd kill one I them when I had the chance."

"Marco, no. First of all, why do you sound so diffrent? Second of all, why did you come here?"

"It's been seventeen years. I came here to confront Hekapoo."

"It's been only a few minutes."


"Yeah. I just came to get you before Hekapoo killed you, but looks like it's the other way around. Marco, listen to me. You can't kill Hekapoo."

"Why not? You're gonna kill Moon, and after that, Hekapoo's gonna kill you."

"Marco, listen, I'm gonna kill someone, and I know that, but I don't want you to turn out like me. I don't want you to have to kill like I do. Please, for me, don't kill Hekapoo."

"Depends. Hekapoo, let's make a deal. If I spare you, you are not to attack Comet or track her. Do we have a deal?"

"Deal," Hekapoo replies, "and before you ask about the age thing, it'll correct itself, and one more thing..." Hekapoo tosses Marco a pair of scissors, "use those as you will."

Marco opens a portal and helps Comet through, leading her by her hand back to Earth.

"Oh," he stops, "and I almost forgot..." Marco blows out the flame over Hekapoo's head. With that, he returns to Earth.

"Hey," Comet asks, "so that was years for you, right? Are you gonna be OK?"

"Oh," Marco replies, "sure. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Comet asks.

"Don't worry about me," Marco smiles, "the stuff I went through wasn't all that bad."

"Alright," Comet replies, "but if you ever wanna talk about it, let me know."

Comet finds the door and exits the room. Marco's fake smile fades. He looks at the photo again. He looks at himself with his friends, but looking at it, even though he's reverted to his old self, with his arm still broken, and his physique gone, it feels wrong. He feels like he doesn't belong. He considers going back, attacking Mewni, just to satisfy his odd desire for combat. He doesn't feel like he's returned home...

He feels like he left his home...

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