Portal Tour (Mid Season Finale)

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Part One: A Hellish Nightmare

13 days until Moon's deadline.

"Comet?" A voice whispers.

Comet looks around, checking her surroundings. She's on Mewni, wearing an unfamiliar dress. A royal dress. She looks out at the fields of grass with a smile, as Marco sits beside her with a caring grin. They sit there for a moment, but then Marco gets up.

At this point, Comet should realize she is dreaming, but it doesn't quite click.

"Marco?" She asks.

Marco turns around with an eerie grin, as his eyes turn purple and the monster arm returns. "As I said," he chuckles, "I'm strong like you."

"No!" Comet exclaims as the purpleness runs up his arm, and he seems to melt before turning into a puddle of purple goo. Comet starts crying.

"Poor Diaz," Toffee appears from behind the tree, "ah well. In the end, you're still a monster. That's how it always ends for those we care about."

"No!" Comet exclaims, "you did this! You gave him that arm!"

"He got it for you," Toffee reminds.

Moon approaches with a dark glow, flying down from above with her Mewberty wings. "Everyone you love," Moon continues, "all they've done for you. Marco, his parents, Tom, Baby, Kelly, Ponyhead, Jackie, and Janna. What have you done for them?"

"I've saved them from you," Comet glares.

"By getting them into this whole ordeal in the first place," Moon chuckles, "you're not a friend to them, you're a burden. Face me alone, and bring this to an end."

Comet look at the puddle that was once Marco. She glares back at Moon. She attacks with a bat blast, but she still isn't strong enough. She still hasn't fully recovered from her time as queen.

Moon counters with a Hellish Obliteration. She proceeds to blast Comet with it. Comet collapses to her knees, her strength sapped by the dark spell. She cries out for help, causing Marco to emerge from the puddle in human form, badly injured, and limping. He struggles to his feet.

"Marco!" Comet demands, "save yourself!"

Marco doesn't respond. He merely moves forward, and leaps in front of the beam. He is turned into black ash.

"No!" Comet wails, picking up the ash in her hands, crying, "Marco! No!"

"As I said," Moon laughs, "you're a burden and a threat to them."

Comet is to consumed by grief and rage to speak as Toffee and Moon smirk with their green glows. They both prepare to attack, Toffee with his wand, and Moon with her hands. Comet glows green, as the thought of anyone else getting hurt for her overwhelms her with fear and rage at Marco's demise. They dark duo blast Comet, who counters with her own magic, before the two black beams overwhelm her own, and blast her in the face.

"Comet!" Marco shakes her awake, "wake up!"

Comet looks around, and finds herself in front of the TV, Marco by her side with his arm around her. She clings to him tightly, so happy that he's OK, she bursts into tears.

"It's OK," Marco strokes her hair to calm her, "I'm here."

Most of the lights are off. The only light is the flickering light of the TV.

"What time is it?" Comet asks.

"It's about eleven," Marco explains, "you dozed off around ten, and I was gonna wake you cause sleeping on the couch isn't healthy, but I wanted to finish this show first. Then you started crying in your sleep, so I woke you up. Did you have another nightmare?"

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