Inside the Wand Part One: She Lives

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Season five cover by Mango_Diaz. Follow him!

"Marco?" Jackie asks, "you OK?"

Marco offers no response, he pulls his blanket over his head and grips the piece of the wand tighter. 

"Come on Marco," Tom knocks on his door, "we gotta do something about Toffee. We've got five days before he's executed."

"Any luck?" Angie asks.

"No," Jackie sighs, "no one else had any luck either?"

"No," Marco's mother sighs, "we've tried everything. Comet's death hit us all hard but I think Marco was hurt the most. I just wish..."

Angie sighs, she turns away, almost crying.

"I gotta go," she explains, "try to figure something out."

Angie walks off. 

"I just..." Tom sighs, "can't believe she's really gone."

"I know," Jackie replies, "if we had just..."

"Just what?" Tom asks, "what could we have even done?"

"I don't know," Jackie sighs, "something."

Meanwhile, inside Marco's room, Ash tries to get Marco up, whimpering and nudging him with its nose.

"Ash," Marco sighs, "we're sad now, act sad."

Ash whimpers and lies down at Marco's feet. The crystal glows pink, but Marco doesn't take notice to this as Ash seems to stare at the crystal intently...

Rhombulus sits in his crystalline home, thinking about what has transpired. He looks at Eclipsa, trapped in her crystal, and thinks about the time Moon used one of her spells. He regrets unfreezing her, and a sense of unease looms over him as he looks at her smile...

"Hey Rhom," Hekapoo greets, opening a portal, "what's up?"

"Just thinking," Rhombulus replies, "about Comet. She's really gone. She wasn't evil, she really wasn't."

"I know," Hekapoo sighs, "I've seen her be nice. She really isn't, or, wasn't a bad person, but she's gone now,  and there's nothing we can do about it."

"You ever think about monsters?" Rhombulus asks, "about how we kill them and stuff and never try to reason with them?"

"Why do you ask?" Hekapoo inquires.

"Eclipsa was more caring for monsters," Rhombulus continues, "do you ever think about... maybe talking to her?"

"Now don't do anything you're gonna regret," Hekapoo warns.

"Not free her," Rhombulus elaborates, "just talk. Maybe she knows some way to bring Comet back, or maybe even reverse the curse?"

"I dunno," Hekapoo sighs, "if the others find out..."

"Come on," Rhombulus smiles, "trust me."

"Oh alright," Hekapoo chuckles, "but only because you're cute."

Rhombulus blushes, which appears as a darkening in the shade of his crystal face, actually picking up on that little hint

He unfreezes only Eclipsa's face. The dark queen exclaims, 'the deal is fulfilled!" However, she then realizes she's still mostly stuck, and that Rhombulus and Hekapoo are the ones who freed her.

"What do YOU two want," she demands.

"What can you do for the dead?" Rhombulus asks.

"Why should I tell you?" Eclipsa chuckles.

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