The Bus

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Comet wakes up. It's Friday, the last day of the school week. Comet knows what to do, as per usual, she plans to fake illness. She isn't ready to face other humans. What if they're like Mewmens? Hostile to monsters? Genocidal against them? She just can't bring herself to do it.

Marco is ready for school long before the bus arrives. He notices that Comet hasn't gotten up yet. He remembers what he read in her diary. She's faking a stomach bug again. Marco heads upstairs and knocks on Comet's door. "Comet," he asks, "are you up?"

"Not feeling well," Comet lies, "I'm staying here today."

"Ah come on," Marco sighs, "you gotta face other humans eventually."

"Says who?" Comet demands.

"Uh," Marco replies, "the fact you've already missed twelve days and weren't actually in the classroom on the others. Comet, you can't keep doing this. Just come out and actually go to school. What could go wrong?"

"Let's see," Comet replies, getting up, "I could get murdered by them, they could be working for Moon, they could hurt you to get to me..."

"What was that last one?" Marco asks.

"Well," Comet replies, "it could happen you know. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt because of me."

"One," Marco sighs, "you're being way to paranoid. Two, I may not have magic, but I have karate and my wits. I can handle myself just as well as you."

"Yeah," Comet sighs, "I know but..."

"Trust me," Marco continues, "as your friend, it's gonna be OK."

"Alright," Comet sighs, "but if I get murdered I blame you completely."

"Fair enough," Marco smiles. Marco isn't worried. Truth is, he's actually been talking about Comet to his friends, and they all have shown interest in meeting her. To the point where people started talking about some monster girl. Rumors began spreading, that she had magic powers. She was popular before she even showed up.

Comet exits her room. "Ready to go?" Marco asks.

"As close as I'll ever be to ready," Comet replies.

Comet and Marco head towards the bus stop. Comet becomes increasingly nervous as they get closer. She grips her wand and begins to shake. Her wand begins to glow with a green light.

"Hey," Marco tries to calm her down, "look at me."

Comet looks Marco in the eye. His smile helps her calm down. Her wand stops glowing, but she's still afraid.

"It's gonna be OK," Marco smiles, "I promise. Besides, if you need to bail, you have your scissors, right?"

"Always," Comet replies, taking her scissors from her pocket.

"Exactly," Marco replies, "so even if things go horribly wrong, you can always just bail, right?"

Comet looks at her scissors. Marco's right, as soon as one little thing goes wrong, she's gonna bail. She can't do that. She has to go through with this.

"I want you to hold on to them," Comet replies, handing them to Marco.

"Really?" He asks, holding her scissors in his hands, "are you sure?"

"Look," Comet sighs, "I know that if I have them, I'm gonna bail first chance I get. I can't be trusted with them, and I trust you more than anyone else."

"You sure about this?" Marco asks, "I mean, if you get overwhelmed..."

"Then you'll be there to help me through it," Comet smiles, "don't worry Marco. I mean, I have you, right?"

"I'm always here for you," Marco replies.

"Exactly," Comet smiles, "come on. We can't be late."

Marco and Comet get on the bus. Marco sits down in the third row. Comet looks around. She could sit with Marco, but Marco's near a lot of people. Comet grips her wand, paranoid. Marco notices the green glow. Whenever Comet is nervous or afraid she goes strait for the wand, and it glows green. Marco isn't sure what the green glow means, but he knows it isn't anything good. He's seen Comet's wand glow this color a few times before, and he knows it's a bad sign. He decides to say something.

"Hey Comet," he smiles, "come on. Got a seat right here for you." Reluctantly, Comet sits down. Marco immediately realizes he's made a horrible mistake as Comet sits down. Her hands shake uncontrollably as her grip on her wand tightenes and the green glow flares up to the point it looks like the wand may explode.

Marco and those around him sit in tense silent for a few minutes. Comet stares at the floor, her eyes wide with fear. She looks like she could go off at even the slightest touch. So, who else but Janna to do so?

"Hey," Janna begins, "you're-"

Comet leaps to her feet, startled, and lifts her wand. "Bat blast!" She exclaims. A swarm of bats appear from the wand. These bats, however, are different. They screech, filling the air with a hellish noise, their eyes glow red with bloodlust, and their wings are torn. Janet ducks under the swarm, and they fly out the open window.

There's a moment of tense silence afterwards. Nobody moves, and nobody speaks. Comet reaches for the pocket where her scissors would be, but then remembers she gave them to Marco. She sinks back into her seat, hoping not to draw any more attention to herself. Janna is the first one to say anything.

"Woah," Janna smiles, "that was awesome. How'd you do that?"

Comet looks up, nervously. "Well," she explains, "I have this wand. It lets me use magic."

Jackie joins in on the conversation, "can you summon other stuff?"

"Yeah," Comet replies, starting to smile now, "I can summon spiders and crows too."

"Can we see?" Jackie asks.

"Sure," Comet smiles, getting up, "just stand back."

The students give Comet some space as her wand stops glowing green. Marco smiles. Looks like he made the right choice after all.

"Spider swarm!" Comet exclaims, causing giant spiders to swarm from her wand and crawl out the window.

"You know something," Janna smiles, "I think you and me are gonna get along just fine."

Comet turns back to Marco. He nods as if to say, "told you so." Comet smiles at her new friends. She decides she can trust other humans. She finally gets over her fear of humans being like Mewmens. As she and Marco get off the bus, Comet smiles. Her classmates walk with her off the bus. Comet finally feels safe with her new friends...

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