Reflecting On The Past

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Eclipsa sits in her room, examining the darkness on her arm. Pondering how things came to this point. How she went from queen of Mewni to the most hated being in the universe.

With a sigh, Eclipsa goes to speak to someone she can trust. Someone she hasn't talked to in a very very long time...

Meanwhile, Marco sits in his room, petting Ash, thinking about the upcoming assault. Five days remain until they make the attack. Five days...

Marco gets up from his seat and heads to his room to grab his scissors, holding them and examining them, trying to think about what he's about to do is a good idea...

Uncertain in his plan, he opens a portal and heads to where he knows he's needed most...

Rhombulus's castle.

Baby's mirror rings. "What in the world?" Baby thinks aloud, seeing the spy is calling.

"What's up?" Baby asks.

"Look," the spy sighs, "I've been thinking, and, I think... I think it's best we kill Eclipsa."

"Hold up," Baby pleads, "why the sudden change of heart?"

"I just keep thinking," the spy explains, "back when I met her, I made a promise to help her. She left to help Eclipsa, right? So, if we remove Eclipsa from the picture..."

"We can't do that!" Baby exclaims, "I made a deal with her! To defeat River! Defend Mewni! Then we can save Comet! How are we even supposed to do that?"

"Heinous," the spy explains, "she has magic, right?"

"Maybe as plan B," Baby sighs, "but for now, that's a no go."

"OK," the spy sighs, "one more favor. If you do see Comet, tell her that if she isn't ready to face Marco, she can stay in the Underworld for a while. I won't say a word."

"Got it," Baby smiles, "that may be best for her anyways. Thanks Tom..."

Hekapoo plays with the flame on her head, trying to pass the time, when there's a gentle tapping on the wall of her cell. She turns to see Eclipsa, who waves and smiles shyly. Rhombulus is asleep, and isn't paying attention.

"What do you want?" Hekapoo inquires.

"Can we talk?" Eclipsa asks.

"What about?" Hekapoo asks.

"I just keep thinking," Eclipsa sighs, her back to the see through wall, sitting, "about better times. The past. When we were friends. When you were like my..."

Eclipsa turns away and falls silent.

"You don't have to say it," Hekapoo reassures her, "after you lost your mom, I guess it makes sense. Is everything OK?"

"It's just to much," Eclipsa explains, "all of it. The politics and the wars and the bloodshed..."

Eclipsa burries her head into arms and tries her best not to cry, breaking down from the stress of the war and protecting Comet.

"Calm down," Hekapoo reassures her, "it's OK. It's gonna be OK. Look at me, OK?"

Wiping tears her Eclipsa turns to look at Hekapoo, who speaks with a reassuring, warming tone, like a mother comforting her child...

Rather fitting, don't you think?

"It's gonna be OK," Hekapoo presses her hand to the glass, "I promise. It's all gonna be OK. Just know, that if Moon tries to kill you, even if I don't agree with what you do, I won't let you die. I can at least be proud of you for one thing. You're doing what you think is right. I'm proud of you for that Eclipsa."

"Thanks Hekapoo," Eclipsa smiles, feeling a bit better.

"Now," Hekapoo smiles, "cheer up. Remember, Comet needs you. You gotta stay strong. You gotta help Comet."

"You're right," Eclipsa gets up and leaves, "thanks mom."

"Stay safe," Hekapoo smiles to her self and speaks under her breath as Eclipsa goes to check on Comet, "my dark little princess."

As Eclipsa goes to check on Comet, who sits in her room, looking at the photo of her with her friends, a portal opens.

"Comet?" Marco enters the room.

Comet grabs her wand and takes aim.

"Easy easy," Marco pleads, "I just wanna talk. Come on, it's me. Marco."

After thinking for a moment, Comet overlooks her distrust and lowers her wand. "What is it?" Comet demands.

"Lets start small," Marco smiles, "how you been?"

"Going dark," Comet sighs.

"Oh," Marco turns away awkwardly, "hey, can we talk about... the cloak incident?"

"What's there to talk about?" Comet sighs, "you all hate my guts and want me dead. If you've come to kill me, if you hate me that much. Go ahead. I won't back. Just make it-"

"Comet no!" Marco pleads, "Comet, Star, whatever you wanna be called, nobody hates you. You can end this. Just come home. Come home Comet. This isn't our war anymore. Monsters, Mewmens, it's not your place to solve everything. Please, this is killing you. We can go back. Don't you remember? When you were to scared to ride the school bus? When it was just us and our friends? Things were good. Things were simple. Please, Comet..."

Marco begins to cry and hugs Comet, "Come home..."

Comet locks up, unsure what to do, before pushing Marco away, sighing, "I don't have a choice Marco. I need to take Mewni. Eclipsa isn't bad. Listen, I wanna make a deal."

"A deal?" Marco asks.

"Help me take Mewni," Comet pleads, "and we'll call a truce with the High Commission. Baby and Heinous, we can reason with them. Can I trust you Marco? Help me retake my kingdom and help me make peace in say... Five days?"

Marco thinks. That's when River is...

"I promise," Marco smiles, "this will all be over in five days. I'll be back. It's gonna be OK."

"See you soon Marco," Comet smiles.

Marco opens a portal and prepares to leave.

"And Marco?" Comet asks.

"Yeah?" Marco asks.

"Do you still love me?" Comet asks, turning away.

"Why wouldn't I?" Marco chuckles, "I love you Star."

With that, Marco leaves.

"It's..." Comet sighs, "eh. I love you too Marco..."

Marco takes put his mirror and opens a group chat.

"River," he explains, "new things have come to light. I wanna change our deal..."

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