Entering The Playing Field (Hekapoo's Game Part One)

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So, my normal artist was busy, so I had someone else do this cover. You can find the artist at the following link.


Tom, Ponyhead, Marco, and Comet are at the Bounce Lounge, fighting Mewmen soldiers.

"I don't get it!" Comet yells, "how do they keep finding us!?!" Comet tries a bat blast, but misses.

"I dunno gurl," Ponyhead replies, "my guess the High Commission is tracking you somehow."

Marco doesn't participate in the fighting, his leg has healed, but his arm is still broken. Away from the heat of the fray, he notices something, a red portal. This portal isn't normal. He sees someone with yellow horns, grey skin, red hair, and an orange dress, watching the fray, amused. "Tom!" He yells pointing up, "look out!"

The girl dissapears into the portal and it closes. "What are you talking about?" Tom asks, looking up.

"Never mind," Marco sighs. Tom returns to fighting the guards and takes out the rest.

"We should go," Marco explains, "before more come."

"Agreed," Comet replies, opening a portal. "come on guys! We're heading home early!"

The four head back to Earth. "Well," Tom smiles, "I'm headed back to The Underworld. See you guys later."

Tom snaps his fingers, calling his carriage, gets in, and dissapears in a burst of flame.

"I'm headed in," Comet explains, "Baby! Can you come give me a hand?"

Baby flies down and greets Comet. "Sure thing," Baby smiles, leading Comet inside.

Marco takes the opportunity to ask Ponyhead about the girl in the orange dress.

"Hey," he asks, "Ponyhead?"

"Yeah?" Ponyhead replies.

"There was this girl," Marco explains, "orange dress, grey skin, yellow horns, watching the fight through a portal, an orange one. Sound familiar?"

"Argh!" Ponyhead exclaims, "I should've known!"

"Known what?"

"That would be Hekapoo. A member of the magical High Commission. They're allies of Moon. Hekapoo rules the portals, so she must be using them to track where we open portals to and from."

"How do we stop her?"

"Are you out of your mind? She'd slaughter you. You saw Comet fight Moon, right? Hekapoo's strength rivals Moon. If you wanna try to face her, I guess you could open a portal to her domain, but it'd be suicide."

"Got it."

Marco heads inside, approaching Comet's room. They'd been attacked three times today, and it's been like this all week. Even though she tried not to show it, these attacks were tiring Comet. She had already lost her eyes, and if the attacks kept up, she may lose her life. Expessialy if Hekapoo chooses to send hounds. Marco knows he has to try to stop Hekapoo, or the attacks will continue.

He knocks on Comet's door. Comet blasts at him with her wand, missing. "Comet it's me!" Marco exclaims.

"Oh," she replies, her white hair now unkempt, her eyes pale from blindness and wearyness, her smile gone, replaced by a fake grin hiding paranoia of another attack, "sorry. Thought you might be a Mewmen."

"Comet," Marco asks, questioning if he should go through with this, but his conviction growing stronger as he really takes the time to notice how these attacks are harming Comet. She strokes her hair uneasily and clutches her wand tightly, it faintly glows green constantly, all day, everyday, since the attacks became more frequent,"are you OK?"

"Why do you ask?" Comet inquires.

"Cause we're friends," Marco replies, "and to he honest, I'm worried about you Comet. You've been through a lot lately. I just wanna help."

"Look," Comet replies, "we just gotta keep fighting until I get my eyes back. It'll be fine. After all, it's what I've been doing my whole life. You get used to it."

Hearing this stomps out any doubts Marco had. "Hey," Marco asks, "can I borrow your scissors?"

"Sure," Comet replies, taking them from her pocket.

"Thanks," Marco replies, grabbing the scissors, "now, if Ponyhead asks, tell her I went to get some sodas."

"That's..." Comet replies, "oddly specific."

"Don't worry about it." Marco replies, "see ya later."

Marco goes to his room and locks the door. He can't let anyone intervene. Expessialy Comet. Hopefully Ponyhead won't put the pieces together, but if she does and comes to help him, Marco has a feeling it won't end well. He grips his scissors, opens an orange portal, and goes through...

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