Welcome To The Underworld (Blood Moon Ball Part Two)

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Later that night, Comet sits in her room. She's used make up to make her skin a paler shade of purple, added attachments to make her horns longer, and has hidden her wand and scissors in a pocket of her emerald green dress.

"Don't do it Comet," Marco pleads, "it may be a trap or something."

"Marco," Comet sighs, "for the last time, I'm going. You can't stop me."

"Alright," Marco sighs, "go on ahead, but don't say I didn't warn you."

Comet sighs, annoyed by Marco and rings the bell. A winged demon carries a carriage up. Comet gets in.

"Look," Marco sighs, "at least... be careful. OK?"

"Sure," Comet replies, "OK, strait to the bottom!"

The demon carries the carriage down. When Comet is out of sight, Marco sighs. There's so much about Comet he doesn't know. Her life, her past...

Curiosity gets the better of him and he decides to peek just a little...

Meanwhile, Comet arrives in The Underworld. Tom greets her, his bunny still in his hand. "Looks like you made it," Tom smiles, "good to see you Comet."

"Good to see you too Tom!" Comet smiles, "how you been?"

"Good now that you're here," Tom smiles, "come on. You're gonna love this."

Tom takes Comet's hand. She blushes slightly and follows him. "Hey," he asks as they walk, "I gotta ask, why are you living on Earth anyways?"

Comet quickly lies, "oh, just cause. Haven't been down here in a while."

"Well," Tom warns, "I'm gonna tell you now. This may be a bit heavy for your tastes then. If it's ever to much, just say so."

"I've fought hellhounds," Comet reminds, "I can handle it."

"OK," Tom replies, "if you say so."

Tom and Comet enter the main hall. Tom notices that there's a place where he and Comet can get their photo taken.

"Come on!" Tom exclaims, "check this out!" Tom leads Comet in front of the camera and under the giant bucket of blood.

"Uhh..." Comet asks, "what's in the vat?"

"Oh," Tom replies, "it's not demon blood. We're not savages. It's monster blood."

Comet tries not to freak out. Monster blood, the blood of her kind, taken and used for the amusement of demons. Comet's rage causes her wand to glow green, but Tom doesn't notice the glow under her green dress.

"That's a hard pass for me," Comet replies preparing to grow her web of lies, "I knew a monster when I was really little. Saw them killed before my eyes."

"Yikes," Tom replies, "sorry that happened. OK, no problem. Let's head strait to the dance floor."

Tom leads Comet to the main room of the event. The music is heavy and intense, hellhounds patrol the area, sniffing guests.

Comet tries to keep from freezing up. "What's with all the hounds?" Comet asks.

"Oh," Tom replies, "I can get rid of them if you like, but Moon sent them to sniff out monsters hiding in the crowd. I understand if you want them gone after Mr. Fluffybuns attacked you."

"Please get rid of them," Comet pleads, "quickly."

"Alright," Tom replies. Tom whistles and the hounds approach him. They begin to growl at Comet as they approach, getting more and more agitated.

"Calm down you mangy mutts!" Tom demands, seeing that the hounds are making Comet very uneasy  "get outta here!"

The hounds snap, annoyed, and leave.

"There," Tom smiles, "problem solved."

The song changes.

"Ah," Tom smiles, "I love this song. Come on Comet!"

Tom leads Comet to the center of the room and the two begin to dance. Comet finally starts to enjoy herself. She finally feels safe, even in The Underworld...

Meanwhile, Marco continues searching Comet's room. He happens across a college ruled notebook labled, "my diary."

His first thought is that he shouldn't read this. This is to far, but then he begins to wonder what's inside. The tantalising promise of answers forces him to open it.

The notebook reads, "Chapter one: My only friend.

I've been on Earth for two and a half weeks now. So far it seems nice. I mean, the humans haven't tried to murder me yet so, great start. However, no matter how I try I can't bring myself to actually talk to them. I tend to avoid them, faking illness to skip school and stuff like that. Marco though, he's different. I don't feel afraid when I'm with Marco. He's my only friend. I guess Baby too, but Baby is usually on Mewni. Marco is always by my side. Before I came here, I actually suffered from night terrors, and would regularly wake up screaming. However, since I've met Marco, they've stopped. Marco is someone I can depend on, someone I can trust. I'd trust Marco with my life. I can always depend on him. He's my only friend, and  the truest freind I've ever had."

Marco sets the notebook down where he found it. He realizes that Comet needs him. He can't let her down. He picks up the bell and rings it...

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