Chapter Five

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(if you want me to write about Grace and Ana's conversation I will. But I think it will just be repetitive. Just let me know X)

Anastasia's Point of View:

Christian dragging me to his to see Grace helped me come to terms with things a bit better. But I could tell Christian was annoyed at Grace and I for keeping the conversation private and not telling him. I don't want him to get hurt, and knowing Alexander, he'd go after Christian. I couldn't let that happen. We left Grace's house in silence. Christian was angry; I could tell he was. We slide into the awaiting Audi, Taylor sitting quietly in the front.

"Thank you for talking to my mom; I will just never understand why you can't tell me," He starts. He looks over to me with sadness in his face.

"Christian--" I began. Hoping to shut down the fight.

"I don't want to fight Ana. I just want to feel close to you again." He tells me looking at his lap like a sad child. "Will you go out for dinner with me tonight," He asks me. He looks like a young boy asking out his crush. A smile creeps onto my face as a blush fills Christians face.

"Are you asking me on a date, Mr. Grey?" I tease him. He looks up to me with a small smile on his face.

"Appears I am Mrs. Grey," He tells me.

"Well, of course, I'll a company you to a date," I say. Christan lets out a laugh and grabs my hand.

"I love you so much Ana," He tells me with a shy smile. Taylor pulls up to the Escala and Christian, and I head up to the apartment. As soon as we enter the elevator, Christian pushes me up on the wall. His lips are attacking mine. His fingers quickly press the emergency button on the elevator, it comes to an abrupt stop as Christian undoes his dark jeans. His member flys out of his pants and I gulp in response. His fingers enter my sex, filling my hole. "Always so ready Mrs. Grey," He mutters against my chest. His fingers push my panties aside, and I wrap my legs around his waist as he slowly sets me down on his dick. I cry out as he fills me. I always seem to forget about his size.  "This is going to be fast, okay Ana?" He asks me.

"Fuck me hard Christian," I tell him. Oh, does Christian go hard? He slams hard into my body, over and over again. I scream out as I slowly reach my peek. I feel as if I'm on cloud nine when my high hits, and so does he. I feel him release inside me and I join him as I lean my head against his chest. He hits the button and helps me down off him. I fix the dress down, and Christian does up my pants. The elevator dings and we both walk out, a blush fills my cheeks as Taylor waits outside the door. I walk quick into the bedroom mumbling a 'hi' to Ms. Jones on my way. She laughs at my expense, and I practically run into the bedroom after that.

"Don't be so silly Ana. We are adults, sex is a thing," Christian tells me as he enters the room to find my face down on the bed.

"It's so weird Christian," I say. Laughing at the idea of what we just did. "I'm going to get ready," I tell him getting up and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as I do.

I walk into my dressing room, pulling down a tight red dress. I slip it on and grab a simple pair of black heels. I look through the many drawers of jewelry before settling on a simple diamond necklace.

I can hear Christian calling me from the bedroom, complaining about the reservations at 7 and how it was 6:45 now. I neaten down my hair as I walk out into the bedroom.

"Don't get your panties in a twist Christian let's go," I tell him. He gives me a nice smile and gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"You look beautiful Mrs. Grey," He says smiling against my lips.

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