Chapter Twenty Three

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Anastasia's Point of View:

After lunch, which I ate soup well everyone had chicken, we sat outside on the patio chairs. Christian gave me his sweater to keep me warm and I sit on his lap. His arms wrapped tightly around my belly.

"So," Elliot starts taking all the attention off Mia who was talking about Paris.

"So?" Carrick says back. Christians fingers dance across my flat stomach and gives me a kiss behind my ear.

"Kate and I have an announcement," Elliot continues.

"Oh no Kate are you pregnant? I can only deal with one of those right now, especially with all of Christian's worrying," Grace says giving Christian a pointed look. I nudge him in the chest and he gives me a light kiss.

"I wouldn't worry so much if Ana would stop doing stupid shit," Christian says. I can feel his smile on my back and I can tell that he's joking.

"Language," Carrick says.

"So what is it?" Mia asks. She is practically bouncing up and down. Since I told her I was pregnant by mistake she hasn't left my side.

"We're getting married!" Kate says, Mia jumps up and drags me up with her. Christians hands support my back until I'm steady on my feet. I give Kate a big hug and Mia joins in too. Mia is screeching her head off at the idea.

"This calls for some champagne," Carrick says getting up and heading into the house with Elliot behind him. Mia sits beside Kate, my pregnancy was forgotten about. I move to sit back on Christians lap and he pulls me tighter to his chest.

"Can I plan it please please, please!" Mia begs. Kate gives her a cheerful nod and Mia begins to go off with her new theme.

"We need to have it soon," Kate says. Grace pales instantly, assuming that Kate is pregnant too.

"Oh god no Kate. Why don't any of my children practice safe sex," Grace mutters? I snort and Christian blushes.

"No I'm not pregnant, but Ana is," Kate says like it's obvious. "I'm not having you go in labor at the altar and your gonna be my maid of honor, so."

"It has to be before March 11," Christian says.

"Why?" Kate says.

"Because it's one month before Ana's due date," Christian says like Kate is stupid. I nudge him in hopes to not start an argument. Kate eyes narrow and Grace rolls her eyes at the enviable fight.

"Have your wedding whenever you want Kate. I promise even an hour after labor I'll be there," I reassure her.

"Like hell, you will be," Christian says angrily. I can feel his muscles tense and I nudge him. Carrick comes out with Elliot follow behind him, both caring champagne glasses. They begin to pour them and passes them out. One is handed to me which Christian takes instantly.

"Nope," He mutters. Placing it on the ground.

"Christian she can have a taste the baby will be fine," Grace whispers to Christian.

"I'm not risking anything else to this baby," He tells her. Grace doesn't say anything else and seems to have given up on the discussion with her overdemanding son.

"To Elliot and Kate," Carrick says. Everyone joins in to say it again, even me without a glass. Everyone clinks their glasses and takes a sip. Elliot downs his on the first go which earns him a smack on the arm from Kate.

"Here," Christian mumbles. Handing me the rest of his. I take a sip of it, letting the bubble mixture sit on my tongue. It tastes sour, not like how it tasted before I was pregnant. I spit it back in, going unnoticed by everyone else but Grace and Christina.

"Your taste buds change when you're pregnant," Grace says letting out a laugh. I give Christian back the pre swished champagne and he sets it down beside my untouched glass.

"No more alcohol for you Mrs. Grey," He tells me. I give him a nod in agreement. I seem to hate the taste now anyway.

"Ana, can I talk to you for a minute?" Grace asks me. I nod my head and Christian helps me up from his lap, I follow Grace into the house. "I wanted to talk to you about Alexander," Grace says, patting the spot on the couch beside her that's empty. I sit beside her and she crosses her legs. "How are you dealing hun? Christian told me about your mom."

"Alright, I mean better than I did when I was little because I have him," I tell her.

"Do you feel better about eating now?" She asks me.

"Kind of, I think so. I'm not sure though I haven't really had a normal week in a long time," I admit to her with a laugh. She doesn't find it funny though and just gives me a look.

"Nightmares?" She asks me. I could lie and say that every night is peaceful but it isn't. I haven't had a full night in a long time. Most of the time Christian doesn't wake up after my nightmares so I'm able to let them go unnoticed but some I wake up crying without meaning to.

"Yes, every night," I tell her. She lets out a sigh and squeezed my knee.

"Does he know?" Grace asks me. I shake my head and she gives me a slight nod. She knows how Christian works just as well as I do. If I admit to the nightmares he'd think they are his fault. "I think you should go talk to Doctor Flynn."

I let out a huff and shift on the couch. "I know but- I just- I don't think it will help."

"Have you tried it?" She asks me.

"No," I tell her. " I talked about going with Christian once since-" I regretted bringing up Flynn the night I go home from the hospital, and since then whenever Christian tried to bring it up I dodged it.

"Okay well give it a try, with or without Christian. Just to see if you like it or not," she says. I recently nod my head, I don't want to talk to him, but if it will put Grace and Christian at peace I might as well try.

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