Chapter Nineteen

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Christians Point Of View:

I continuously look over to Anastasia well on our way to the Escala. I'm worried, extremely worried. She is pale and freezing. A rosy colour covers her cheeks and nose even though we've been in the car for a while. I watch her eye flicker open and closed and her arms continuously clench her belly. Is she having cramps? Cramps can't be good. I debate calling my mother to meet us at the Escala but the time is too late and I don't want to worry her about anything. I pull into the Escala garage and pull into the awaiting spot.

"Baby, we're home," I tell her. She murmurs something incoherent and moves around a little in her seat before settling her head on the door. I get out of the car and walk to her side, picking her up bridal style and walking towards the elevator.

Shes lost more weight.

I let out a sigh as I wait for the elevator to come to the garage floor.

"Christian?" Her shallow voice cuts through me like a knife. Oh, baby, what did I do to us. She sits up against my chest and wiggles her little toes, her shoes forgotten about in the car. "I can walk," she tells me. Her legs are bright red, from being out in the cold for so long, goosebumps still litter her skin. The elevator dings and I walk in. Managing to punch in the code with one hand.

"You don't have shoes on," I state.

"This isn't solving any of our problems Christian," She tells me. Wiggling out of my arms. I set her down gently and she wobbles on her unsteady feet before straightening herself out. The elevator reaches the penthouse and we both walk over to the bedroom. I stop at the kitchen to grab her some food, she needs to eat. I pull out the sandwich that Gail made around 7 for Ana. I grab some water and walk into our room. Ana sits with one of her silk nightgowns on. Her legs are still bare and her hair is pulled into a messy bun.

"Here," I say when I pass her the plate. She picks up the sandwich and begins to eat it which completely calms my nerves.

"Thank you," She says when she finishes. She puts the plate on the side table and reaches for the glass of water in my hand. She drinks all of it before setting it down on the side table.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her. Pulling the sheets back for her to slide in.

"My head hurts and my stomach is still unsettled," She tells me. She gets under the covers and I tuck her in. She moves around trying to get settled before giving up. "I'm not tired," She tells me. I tuck some hair behind her ear, I can't keep touching her, we are in a fight this isn't helping anything. Her head is extremely cold and so are her hands. I can tell she is exhausted from her face. She has huge bags under her eyes, I can't tell if her eyes are red because she is tired or sick.

"We can talk?" I ask her. She shakes her head and turns over to face away from me. I watch her shiver under the covers as she brings her hands to rest under her turned over cheek.

"Baby why don't you change into something warmer," I ask her. My hand rubbing the curve of her hip. She nods her head and turns over to sit up. I get up and grab an oversized sweater and some socks for her. I hand them to her when I get back into the bedroom. I pull the sweater over the head and give her the fluffy soaks. The pulls them on and wiggles her little toes.

"Lie back down, I'm going to grab you some more water," I tell her. She nods her head and lies down on our bed. I pull the sheets back over hear and she now looks 10 times more comfortable. I walk into the bathroom and grab some water for her, and damp a washcloth with some hot water. I hope this will warm her face up some more. I look at the man in the mirror. You fucking failure of a man, my reflection growls back at me. You wrecked your marriage and any hope that the woman won't run from you. Oh, what did I do; I glare at the jackass in the mirror and can't help but think of the crack whore, and how much I'm like her right now.

I set the now full glass on her side table and while the washcloth on her face. "I'd give you something to take but I don't want to risk it because of the baby."

"Thank you, Christian," She tells me. I look at her face one more time before letting over a sigh. Oh, Grey what did you do.

"Can I kiss you?" I ask her. She nods her head and I lean close and give her a light kiss on the lips. "Good night, Ana. I love you," I tell her. She nods her head but doesn't say it back. I flip off her table lamp and let the darkness consume us.

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