Chapter Twelve

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Ana's Point of View:

I wake up at 6:40 from the sun shining in through the guest bedroom window. I stretch out my tired limbs and immediately regret it feeling the pain of my ribs. I don't want to be at home today, and I quite frankly don't want to see Christian either. He is being an overprotective dick and needs to be alone for a bit. I walk downstairs to our bedroom, peering into the room where Christian sleeps. He lies on his side, his good hand is underneath my pillow and he is resting his bad hand on top. The sight is cute, watching the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company spoon a pillow. I tentatively walk into my closet pulling out a simple grey dress and black high heels. The dress is tight fitting and does nothing for the pain the still lingers in my ribs. I quietly walk into our on-suit and brush out my frizzy hair. I try to put it into a ponytail but the pain strikes again. I hiss out and drop my arms to my side. Whatever I'll just leave it. I apply light makeup worried that Christian would get up any second to pull me back to bed.

I make it out of the penthouse by 7:30, with Sawyer, of course, I request Taylor to inform me on all changes that go on with Christian. Sawyer drops me out front of the building and I head up to the fairly empty office. Hannah sits at her desk sipping coffee with light music playing behind me. Her jaw practically hits the floor when she sees me walking in, she struggles to shut the music off and greet me with the best fake smile she could muster up.

"Oh Mrs. Grey I didn't know you'd be coming into today-I can get you a tea if you like," She stumbles over her words, obviously embarrassed by me catching her unprofessionally.

"Don't worry Hannah you can listen to music it doesn't bother me," I tell her. She visibly relaxes but the blush doesn't fade from her cheek. "Actually Hannah, take the day off. You've been working too hard well I've been gone and you deserve a day to yourself," I tell her. I lean over her desk and shut her computer monitor off.

"Really? Thank you, Ana," She tells me with a smile.

"Enjoy yourself," I tell her as I walk into my office. I shut the door and head off to my desk. I turn my monitor on to face with multiple emails from authors. I ignore my work for now and fire a quick email to Welch, requisitioning that I need all of Alexander's background information, all the data we have on him and his whereabouts yesterday.

Jason Taylor

Mr.Grey is still sound asleep, Mrs. Trevelyan Grey says that the pain medication would knock him out. She also requested to see you; She says you shouldn't be at work, shall I inform Sawyer to pick you up? -10:45 AM

Anastasia Grey

Thank you for the update, Taylor. I'll contact Sawyer if I feel the need to come back home. -10:50 AM

That was the last I've heard of Taylor, I assume he is sleeping as well since he was given the same pain meds as Christian. I work with the number of authors and contract Ros about Christian's medical state. It isn't until I get an email from Wrench that I stop my work.

From: Sean Welch

Subject: Alexander's Information

Date: September 10, 2011 15:50

To: Anastasia Grey

Mrs. Grey,

Lovely to hear from you, I hope you and Christian are doing well after the car accident. Yesterday Alexanders whereabouts are unable to be found, he completely went under the grid. Taylor is trying to find out more information and I'll send you the data once we know. As of right now, we don't have much data on him besides his recent actions which are included in his background check. I'm sorry to be just a limit help but I will keep you updated as we get more information.

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