Chapter Forty-Nine

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"Grace," I whisper to her over the yelling. She seems just as shocked as I am watching the entire family erupt in anger. She doesn't hear me the first time but after the second I called her name her eyes snap up to mine and I meet her with pleading eyes. I'm going to pass out, I think. Chanting it over and over again. Just make it out of the room and fall in the hallway but not here. "I think I'm going to pass out," I whisper to her. She gets up the action going completely unnoticed by the rest of the table since Christian, Elliot, my mom, Bob, and Kate had all gotten up too.

"Come on honey," She whispers to me. Silently leading me out of the room with her hand on my lower back and the other gripping my hand that rests on the small curve of my belly. "We're going to go up to Christian's old room alright? Away from the yelling. Do you think you can make it up there or should I go get Christian?" She tells me.

"No, I can-I don't want to get Christian," I tell her. Grace and I make it up the stairs easier than I thought we would. A lot of my body weight is pressed on the railing and on Grace. Once we make it to his old bedroom she pulls back the sheets and tucks me into his plush comfy bed.

"Do you feel sick?" She asks me. I let out a small groan and feel the vomit fighting up my throat. Grace helps me inch my way to the side of the bed where a white bucket sat. I pick it up on my left hand well Grace quickly grabbed my hair into a ponytail out of my face well I wrench out the little dinner I had ate. "It's okay sweet girl," She tells me well she rubs soft circles into my back. Once I'm completely satisfied and now sweaty I lean back in Christian's old bed; I attempt to close my eyes to block out the unsettled feeling that rushes through my body. I feel a soft cold cloth rest against my forehead calming down my pounding head.

"Teddy doesn't like people fighting," I murmur to her. My hand resting on my belly which is churning like crazy.

"You blood pressure it a little high Ana," Grace tells me. My eyes snap open to watch her put the blood pressure reading tool back beside the bed. The muffled yelling continues downstairs and only intensifies my headache. I try to close my eyes again but am startled awake by the bedroom door flying open.

"Hey, whats going on?" Christians worried voice fills the room and the bed dips beside me to where Christian sits with his hand stretched out to hold mine over my belly.

"I felt sick," I tell him. He lies down on the bed, his back resting on the headboard so I can move to rest my head on his chest. My hand moves from my belly to fist his button up shirt as I try to fall asleep again to the soft lull of his heartbeat.

"Mom?" Christian murmurs. I can tell her is crazy worried right now but I don't have the energy to help him.

"Her blood pressure is high. She told me she was going to pass out which was probably a side effect. I'm going to let her sleep for half an hour well I get Missy to make her something light to eat. How's downstairs?" She asks me. I can tell that he rolled his eyes and felt as his muscles tensed.

"Carla is defending her side, everyone is yelling at her, and Bob is just trying to get everyone to stop. It's crazy. I noticed Ana was gone and I thought the worst," He murmurs as he rubs his hand through my hair.

"She threw up after we got up here, so I'll bring her a little bit of food up now, and than when you guys get get home get her something else to eat. Hopfully her sleeping will work back up the appitate," Grace tells him. I can't fight the sleep after she admits that and eventually I fall asleep to Christian working his fingers through my hair. Blip dancing around my stomach, and Grace rubbing her hand on my back.

"Ana baby wake up," Christian murmurs. His hand is still rubbing my stomach well his other hand is gently holding my hand. "Sweetie you need to eat something," He tells me. The mention of food wakes up Teddy as he dances around my stomach and kicks the front of my belly. Christians hand taps my belly and Teddy kicks back. "Teddy bear help me wake up mommy so we can get you fed," He whispers softly to my belly planting a kiss to the side where Teddy kicks again.

I bat away Christians head and he him chuckle. "You both are so annoying," I murmur. Teddy kicks away my hand that sat at the lower part of my stomach.

"Come on baby Teddy is hungry," He tells me. Leaning his head against my stomach where Teddy kicks away against Christians head. I fully open my eyes to meet Christian staring up to me from my stomach. "He's hungry," Christian murmurs.

I let out a small giggle and Christian gets up to help me sit up. "What a beautiful sound Mrs. Grey," He tells me kissing me lightly on the lips. He reaches beside me and lifts up some left overs from the dinner that no one ate. He sets the plate on my lap and I gingerly begin to eat it.

"How are you feeling? How's Teddy," He asks me.

"A bit better. My head hurts but I do feel better now that I've eaten." I tell him.

"I love his name, I think it's perfect," I tell him. He gives me a small smile. He kisses me a kiss on the lips again before picking the plate from my legs and putting it on the side table.

"Ready to go home baby girl?" He asks me.

"I don't want to go downstairs, I'm embarrassed to go down," I tell him. "I don't want everyone to look at me."

He chuckles softly tucking a peace of hair behind my ear. "You are nothing like your mother," He chuckles lightly. "It's fine, we will say goodbye to my mother and father before heading out. Your exhausted and stressed."

"Okay," I tell him. Patting down my hair and pulling my dress down to cover my body as I stand up. Christians hands cover my belly and smiles lightly as he kisses it.

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