Chapter Seventeen

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Anastasia's Point Of View:

After a stressful, yet oddly fun weekend with my husband locked in our tower it was back to work, and back to normal. Christian seemed calm this morning, the small incident of me being sick at 6:43 in the morning went completely over his head and unnoticed. However, over the past few days, I became the master of being sick without him knowing. I'm narrowing it down to stress, nothing I need to stress my husband about. Once I got to work a coffee sat on my desk from I assume Hannah, but the trick. The kick of the joke, the smell of coffee made me want to vomit, which I did in the bathroom of S.I.P.

My head rests on my arm on the turned up the toilet seat. I try to steady the weak puffs of air the escape my lips. But nothing works, my stomach is in knots and I just want to sleep. But I can't be sick? No. I'm not sick. I turned back to the toilet and threw up again when I thought I was able to get back up from the cold tile floor. My hands searched in my bag which I tossed beside the toilet. I pull my phone out and immediately call Grace.

"Hello Darling," She says through the phone. Her voice is soothing in a motherly way.

"Grace, can I meet you at the hospital, please?" I ask her. My voice is weak and tired; The idea of going to the hospital makes me want to vomit more.

"Are you alright dear?" She asks concerned. I hear Carrick in the background asking questions but Grace just shushes him.

"I feel really ill, I've thrown up for the past week or so. I have horrible cramps too," I moan out once another wave of pain rushes through my body.

"It's alright Ana," She rushes out trying to soothe me. "Can you get up?" She asks me. I let out a small gasp as another rush of pain hits my abdomen. "Alright, call Sawyer to grab you. I'll meet you at the hospital."

I offer up a yes through my groans of pain. I call Sawyer next and request that he come into the bathroom. He seems reluctant at first but eventually comes in.

"Jesus Ana," He mumbles. He flushes the toilet and helps me to sit up-right.

"I-Grace is meeting me at the hospital, can you take me please?" I ask him. My voice is scratchy and my stomach churns again. I suppress the throw up that threatens it way up.

"Alright, do you want some water first?" He asks him. He is calm but I can practically see his brain moving at 1000 miles a minute. I shake my head and regret it as soon as I do. He is about to get up to grab water when the bathroom door flies open. I sink back into the stall when my husband appears at the door.

"Sawyer, take Ana's things to the car we will meet you down there in a minute," Christian tells him. He complies and grabs my purse and walks out of the bathroom. Christian takes Sawyers spot in front of me and runs his cool hand against my on fire forehead.

"You're so warm Ana," He tells me. I push his hand away when the thought comes again. I lean over the toilet and let it all out. Christian collets my hair at the back of my head so none of it gets in the way of my mouth. I finish convulsing and lean back into Christians warm embrace.

"Are you done, baby?" He asks me. I nod my head and he picks me up. He tucks me under his suit jacket and leaves S.I.P. mostly unnoticed by the employees. He helps me into the waiting SUV and buckles me in. I immediately lean against the cold window as Taylor heads off in the direction of the hospital. Christian runs his hand up and down my leg trying to soothe me but it doesn't help. The overwhelming crowding and nervous glances from all three men in the car gives me anxiety, but now I try really hard to not throw up in the back of the Audi.

"Baby we're here," Christian says waking me from an unexpected nap.

"I can walk," I tell him when he tries to lift me from the car. He holds my hand tightly in his the entire time we walk into the hospital to find Grace.

"Hey Hunny, how are you feeling?" Graces ask me once we find her in a private examing room. She gives me a light squeeze before letting me climb on the bed.

"Like crap," I admit to her. She nods her head and moves to pull out my chart.

"So when did you start throwing up?" She asks me.

"About a week ago," I tell her ignoring Christians glance. Whoops.

"Alright, do you have any other systems?" She asks me.

"I get dizzy sometimes, and my stomach only started really hurting today," I tell her.

"When have you gotten your period last?" She asks me. I let out a small shrug and look to Christian for help.

"July 31" Christian answer. Blush fills my cheeks as Grace writes it down.

"Ana have you had any spotting in the past few days," she asks me. I glance at Christian who is looking at me intensely.

"A bit, but nothing like a normal period," I tell her. She nods her head and writes it down on her clipboard.

"Alright Ana, I need you to take this cup," she says handing it to me, "and pee in it so we perform some tests. Alright" I nod my head mad hop off the bench. I'm quick to pee, and hand the cup back to her.

"Alright, I'll be back in a few minutes." Grace says. She rubs her hand on christians shoulder before walking out of the room with her clip board and my pee.

"A week really Ana?" He asks looking at me.

"I figured it was because of the stress, but than the cramps started and I figured it was my period but it just got worse and worse and when I got to work it felt like I got kicked in the stomach," I tell him. He lets out a sigh and runs his hand through his hair.

"Do you feel any better now," he asks me. I shake my head.

"Not really," I tell him.

"Are you hungry?" He asks me. I shake my head again. He is itching for control and I can tell he is.

Grace comes back with a sadden look on her face. My vision becomes blurry and I feel like I'm going to faint. I grab Christians hand in mine and lean over the edge of the exam bed.

"Ana!" Christian asks worriedly. Grace puts a bucket in-front of my face and I throw up again. I feel Grace rub my back tenderly as I dry heave again.

"Are you better," he asks me. I nod my head and lean against Christians chest who stood up when I was being sick. He rubs the back of my head as I try to calm myself down.

"Mum," Christians asks worriedly. "Is there something seriously wrong?" He asks me.

"Ana I want to perform a blood test alright?" Grace asks. "I just want to make sure that my analysis is correct," she says. I nod my head and Christian forces me to lie down.

"She hasn't eaten all day mom, her blood sugar-" he starts. Grace nods her head and moves to sit by my forearm.

"Just stay lying down alright Ana, I'll bring you a sugary drink once I took the blood," she tells me. I nod my head and Grace begins to take some blood. Once she is finished she takes the blood to a lab and brings me back some Apple Juice. "The lab work should be done in a few minutes" she tells me. I nod my head and she walks put.

"Drink the juice please Ana," he tells me. I nod my head and continue to drink the juice. "If I ask Gail to make you some soup will you please try to eat it?" He asks me. I nod my head and he grabs his phone to text Gail.

Grace comes back in with a clipboard. I grip Christians hand tightly in mine as she sits across from us.

"Ana you're pregnant, a month along," she tells me. It feels like the life was kicked out of me when Christian let's go out my hand. I look at her lost and saddened.

"The blood-am I have a miscarriage? Di-d I kill blip?" I ask her. My body is shaking and I can't bare to look at Christian.

"No, it's called implantation bleeding. As long as you get a lot of rest and avoid stress you will be just fine." she tells me. "You're eating concerns me Ana, do you plan on any adoption or abortion. We won't judge you for doing anything," Grace tells us. I shake my head and put my hands in my hair.

" I know it's a lot to think about, I'll make an appointment with Doctor Geene next week and she'll explain everything to you." Grace tells us. I nod my head at her as she writes down a date on a booklet and than hands it to us. We're having a baby, and Christian looks as if he could care less.

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