Chapter Twenty Four

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Ana's Point Of View:

The car is quiet. We went to go for lunch at Grace and Carrick's two days ago, and since then Christian jumped back on the idea of me going to see Flynn after I admitted that his mom suggested. So here we are. Me being forced to go talk to Dr. Flynn well Chrisitan sits beside me mindlessly sending emails off to different people.

The right side of my brain, the sane on knows that going to see Flynn would be the best idea. But there is a part of me that is scared of what he is going to say. What if Christian runs from me, scared of how fifty shades I am. Taylor pulls up out front of Flynn's office and I take on the last gulp of air before getting out onto the chilly streets of Seattle. The temperature is dropping and soon it will be freezing point and officially winter. Elliot says the house should be done in about 3 weeks and ready for us to move in.

"After you Mrs. Grey," Christian says as he holds the door open. I walk in front him and he wraps his arm around my waist. His hand is rubbing soothing circles on my back as we step into his empty waiting room. "Go sit down baby, I'll sign you in," Christian says. I nod my head and make my way over to the chairs. I sit and wait for what seems like hours before Christian and Flynn walk into the room to get me. I give Christian a quick kiss and he goes to sit down. I made it clear to him that I couldn't do this with him. I know he is angry and hurt but it's something I need to figure out before he breaks over it too.

"Have a seat, Ana," Flynn says. Gesturing to the chair across his office. The room smells of candles and the dark browns and thick curtains make it seem cozier than it is.

"Thanks," I offer him a weak smile but he doesn't buy it. I sit across on the chair with the fluffy blanket thrown across it.

"So Christian tells me your pregnant, a congratulation is in order," He asks me.

"Yes, about a month along," I tell him with a smile that I can try to muster up.

"How did that go over with the family?" He asks me. He has a dark brown book open on his desk to his side that he seems to be writing a lot in.

"Alright, Christians parents were excited and happy. Especially Mia, Christians sister," I tell him. I try hard to act normal like this isn't freaking me out. He writes a paragraph alone on what I just said.

"and your parents?" He asks me. Looking up from his book.

"Um- I haven't told my dad yet, I mean Ray. He's my dad," I tell him. I try to clarify the difference and he beings to write again. Fuck. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I just didn't know if he got the difference; That horrible human is not my father, he never will be. Ray is my only true dad.

"I know Ana, you don't need to worry about that. Christian and I have talked since the issue with Alexander, I know all about him." The sound of his name makes me shudder. He notices and writes that down too. "How about your mom? Christian never said anything about her."

"I told her," I tell him. He looks surprised.

"You did?" He asks me. He is shocked. Christian must have told him all about us telling his parents. But I never told him about my mom.

"Yeah, I called her well Christian was in his study working the night after I got back from the hospital, I didn't want her getting worried if she saw headlines," I tell him.

"So why not tell Christian? I assume he doesn't know." Flynn asks. He finally puts the pen down and makes eye contact with me. I can't say that I prefer it like this.

"Because her reaction wasn't what I expected. I needed my mom to talk to, she dealt with Alexander and all the things that came with him--"

"Like the nightmares?"

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