Chapter Forty-Five

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Christian made me an appointment with Flynn the day I finally admitted what happened with my mom, and he promised me that no matter what I do, I'm going to go talk to him. We left work early to go to the appointment, driven by Taylor and Sawyer who sit silently in the front of the car. We pull up to the formulary office space what feels like only seconds after leaving the Grey House. Sawyer helps me out of the car and I'm lead into the building by Christian. He signs me in like he did last time and once again I'm left with the nailbiting wait before going in to talk to Flynn.

"Ana Flynn's ready when you are," Christian tells me as he walks back into the lightly decoated waiting room.

"Okay," I murmur getting up from the comfy leather chair. Christian gives me a quick kiss on the head before I walk into the room.

"Good to see you again Ana," Flynn tells me with a smile. I nod my head and cross my legs over my belly.

"You too," I say back. I don't want to be here, I had 4 meetings and one conference call that Christian canceled for me, without my permission.

"So you wanted to talk about your mother?" He asks me.

"No, Christian wanted me to talk about my mother. I'm fine," I tell him. Flynn just shakes his head and uncrosses his hands from his chest.

"Your obviously not fine, Ana. Especially with pregnancy your hormones are heightened. It was extremely smart of Christian to get you to come in to talk to me about this, it is a weight that you shouldn't have to carry around well your pregnant." He tells me. Leaning forward on his hands.

"But I am, this is how my mom is, how she has always been with me. It's not surprising," I tell him.

"Just because you have accepted what your mother can be like, doesn't mean that you are alright with it. Can you honestly tell me that you are fine? That your mother practically disowning you is fine?" He asks me. I just roll my eyes in response, something that Christian would have taken me over his knee for but frankly, I could care less.

"She didn't disowned me. She just chose to not accept my pregnancy," I tell him back. Blip flutters around in my stomach, his movements bring some sort of ease into me but nothing that fully calms me down. I know deep down that I want my mother there, I've had nightmares her since she told me she was disappointment in me.

"But this is bugging you. Christian has told me about your distant behavours, and about your theory on your mother and her habits with what ever boyfriend she has," He tells me. " I talked to Grace and Dr. Greene, as well as Christian, about how this is effecting your pregnancy, and the more you put it off Ana the worst time your going to have after the pregnancy,"He tells me.

"Do you have a right to talk to my doctors about my health without my concent? I'm pretty sure thats illegal," I snap at him.

"When it concerns your mental health and well being of course I do Ana." He tells me. "Christian turned to BDSM when he felt unloved and out of control. You turned to your eating habits and now that it has been taken away from you, you've just stopped admitting your feelings."

"Well it seems you have it all figured out so why talk to me about, why not just drug me up like my husband wants?" I yell at him. Not being to rasie my voice but the fact that Christians spawn is growning inside me hasn't seem to helped me angry.

"No Ana thats not what we want-" He starts off before the office door opens to reveal Christian. He runs his hand over his hair before walking over to me.

"Are you okay," He asks me reaching down to pull me into his arms. I flinch away from him and stand up to match his hight. Dr. Flynn doing the same.

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