Chapter Twenty Two

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Anastasia's Point Of View:

I wake up with a start. My palms are sweaty and my head is pounding. Another nightmare. I feel for Christman but come off short when his side of the bed is abandoned. I let out a huff and pull on a silk robe to cover my naked body with. I check the clock to see it's 9:40 a.m. I roll out of bed and begin to look for Christian. My search is short and I find him sitting ar the high top bar stool at the kitchen island.

"Good morning Mrs. Grey," He tells me with a smile.

"Good morning Mr. Grey," I tell him pecking him sweetly on the lips.

"How are you feeling-Seriously," He asks me. I give him a shrug and move to sit beside him on the bar stools.

"Alright, I guess,"

"Are you sore anywhere? Have you had morning sickness? I need more than 'Alright, I guess,' Anastasia," He tells me. Shit. I'm Anastasia now, he means business.

"Anything for breakfast Mrs. Grey?" Gail asks me from behind the counter. She slides Christian over a cup of black coffee and me my usual earl grey tea.

"What's Christian having?" I ask. My eyes drifting over to Christian who has no set the newspaper to the side.

"His usual, egg white omelet with spinach and tomatoes." She tells me. I nod my head at her as if requestion for that too. She gives me a genuine smile before turning around and busying herself with making our breakfast.

"No morning sickness, my head hurts, my jaw hurts and my body hurts, but nothing horrible," I tell him.

"Where does it hurt?" He asks me. Motioning towards my body.

"Where ever there is bruising. Not my belly don't worry," I tell him. He eases up, a bit but not completely. He still seems on edge and he is constantly checking me over for injury.

Gail places two plates in front of us with a steaming omelet on top. It's not that the food looks gross but my stomach churns at the idea of tomatoes. I rub my stomach a bit and pick up my fork. I spoon tiny bits into my mouth at a time, not trying to anger Christian by my lack of eating. Not only did the food smell gross but it also hurt to eat. The bruise on my jaw had darkened overnight and talking became a difficult task let alone chewing.

"Ana, why aren't you eating," Christian asks me with a tense voice.

"I am," I tell him. I spoon a large fork full into my mouth to prove it too. I don't want to fight with Christian anymore, and as of right now we are perfectly fine.

"No, you're not," He tells me. I let out a sigh and drop my fork.

"My jaw hurts to chew, and the tomatoes smell gross," I tell him. He picks at one of the tomatoes from my plate and puts it in his mouth.

"Tastes fine to me," He tells me. His eye peeks at my belly and a small smile covers his face, "Blip doesn't like Tomatoes."

"Make sense, the smell made me want to vomit," I admit. He gives me quite the side eye before picking up the plate up from in front of me and tossing it in the trash.

"What will it be for you then?" He asks me.

"Yogurt," I tell him. He rolls his eyes at me and leans his hands on the polished countertop.

"Try again, What will it be for you and our baby who needs food?" He asks me. I roll my eyes back at him this time. They darken instantly and he seems to shift uncomfortably.

"Yogurt, I guess I didn't make myself clear enough Mr.Grey," I tell him. Giving him the sweetest smile I can muster up before opening the fridge and grabbing the tub of vanilla yogurt. I move around Christian who just stands and gives me dirty looks as I spoon some into a bowl and move back around to sit across from him at the island.

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