Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Have you seen Christian this morning Gail?" I ask her as I sit down at the breakfast bar were a bowl of yogurt and fruit sit.

"He had an early morning meeting Ana, they left at around 7:30. I guess he wanted you to get your sleep," She tells me with a small smile before walking to her quarters to get ready for the day. I eat my yogurt in silence waiting for something to come in from Christian but come off short. Maybe it is a serious business deal-- But if it was serious I'd know about it right?

Once I'm satisfied with how much I've eaten I throw away the leftovers and get Sawyer to take me to S.I.P.

"Have you heard from Christian?" I ask Sawyer as he pulls out of the Escala parking. He gives me a quick glance before his eyes revert back to the road.

"Not today Ana, I haven't even heard from Taylor." He tells me.

"That's weird, right? Usually, we get at least some information," I ask him. I'm anxious and nervous. Something doesn't feel right, especially with all the stuff going on with Linc and the baby. Distant Christian is the last thing I want.

"Don't dig too far deep into it Ana. I'm sure it is just a meeting. I'll call Taylor when I get it, have you even tried to call Chrisitan yet?" He asks me as we stop at a red light.

"No, but he is usually the one to text me in the morning," I mutter. I'm ashamed of my nervous thoughts and the idea of Christian being mad at me for something vanishes as Luke brings some sense into my mind. "It's the baby, he's making me crazy," I tell him. I rub my fingers on my baby bump which over the last few days I've grown to love.

"Call Christian and if he doesn't pick up I'll call Taylor alright?" He asks me. I nod my head and give me a tight smile as he pulls up to S.I.P. "I'll see you at lunch Ana," He calls to me as I shut the door. I head up to my office and am greeted with Hannah and a tea.

"Morning Ana," She tells me as she hands me the hot cup.

"Morning Hannah, how was your night last night," I ask her as I unlock my office and she follows quickly behind me. I set my bag on the floor beside my desk and my coffee by my computer.

"Ugh morning, I couldn't find any cute guys. I wish I could just stumble onto a Christian Grey like you did," Hannah jokes. I roll my eyes as I sit down in my chair.

"I quite literally stumbled into a Christian Grey," I say with a snort.

"Your annoying," Hannah snorts out along with me. "Um you have no new mail and no new manuscripts but Boyce Fox wants to talk to you today, Should I arrange a meeting?" She asks me. I nod my head and she hurries out of my office.

"How is 10?" Hannah calls.

"That's fine! Thank you!" I yell back. I fire up my computer and type a quick email to Christian.

From: Anastasia Grey

Subject: Early Morning Wake up Calls

Date: October 23, 2011, 8:45

To: Christain Grey

Dear Husband,

I missed you this morning, Gail told me you had an early meeting and left at around 7:30. I can't wait to see you tonight but I wish you woke me up before you left.

I hope your meeting is going well if it isn't over, and not to worry Sawyer is bringing me food as pre-requested. Email me when you get a chance.

All the love,


Editor, SIP

It's only when Sawyer walks in that I realize the time. My meeting with Boyce Fox was dull and I barely caught anything he said. All I was thinking about was Christian and the lack of response I got. Even in a meeting, he responds.

"Have you heard from Taylor?" I ask him as he sits down and passes me a bag.

"Yeah, he didn't say much," Luke says with a shrug as he pulls out his sandwich. I sigh and pull my sandwich from the bag. I set the bottle of water alongside it and begin to eat. A knock breaks us out of silence, both of us too consumed in our thoughts to talk.

"Come on Hannah," I call. She walks in looking uncomfortable with a stack of papers in her hands. "Everything alright?" I ask her. My eyes darting to the papers.

"These were just dropped off from the Grey House," She tells me as she hands me over the papers. My eyes scan the words, none of them making sense. I read court case and family court and instantly assume it's about Alexander and the file against him until I get to the bottom.

The Petitioner Christian Grey has sufficiently proved the contents of the petition herein and is entitled to a decree of [divorce], the marriage having irritably broken down, the facts being proven the Respondent's _____please sign here_______ unreasonable behavior.

"No," I mutter out, Sawyers' eyes snap up to meet mine and grab the sheet out of my hands. My world is falling apart. I've lost him because I don't listen because I don't eat. I know I have. I grab the trash beside my desk and threw up the contents of my lunch, Hannah opens the water bottle and passes it to me quickly in hopes to calm my unsettles stomach down.

"That fucking prick. I'm calling Taylor," Sawyer says. Grabbing his phone and getting up, slamming the office door with undeniable force. My trembling fingers move to the paper as I turn the page over. The words 'DNA Paternity Test' stick out like a sore thumb on the tope of the page. My eyes move towards Christains hand writting, the dots on the 'i' the curve of his 'c' on his signarture are things that cannot be erased from my mind.

"What have I done," I mutter. That why he left this morning, because he simply doesn't want me. I feel sick, I feel the worst I've felt in my entire left. My heart is breaking and if it wasn't for little blip I don't know how I could've gone on. Sawyer comes ragging back through the door, before throwing his cell phone in the trash bin and taking me in his awaiting arms.

"The coward can't even fucking awnser my phone," He mutters. His suitclad arms warm me as he rubs my back in the most soothing way he can, the 3 words however play through my mind, the one person I want doesn't want me, I want Christian.

"Come on let's go home," He tells me.

"No I can't go back their Sawyer, it will break me," I beg him. My fingers wrapping around his hand. I slide off my wedding band and toss it into my bag beside my desk. My finger looks weird and bare without it.

"I know we won't stay. I'll grab some things and so will you and then we can leave," He tells me. "I'll call Logan, someone completely detached from that asshole." I nod my head inagrrement and we both walk silentely to the SUV. The car ride is tense, Luke grips the sering wheel with all the strength he has as he pulls into the underground parking. I notice all the SUV here which means only one thing, Christian is here.

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