Chapter Eleven

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Ana's Point Of View:

After 4 more long hours, I was finally able to go see Christian, his arm was bandaged up and the right side of his face had bruising along it, bringing out his natural jawline.

"Oh Christian," I mumble walking over to him and falling into his awaking arms. I'm carful to go on his left side, where theres less bruises.

"I was so worried about you Anastasia," He says, his voice muffled through my hair.

"Sawyer is going to take us home?" I tell him. He nods his head and I leave his warm arms. Grace forces Christian into a wheelchair and we all walk to the car.

"Should you be walking Ana?" Christian asks from his wheelchair. He is still pouting for the tag team nagging he got from his mother and I.

"She shouldn't but I got one of you in the damn chair that is as good as done for me," Grace says from behind Christian as she pushes the chair. Its annoying Christian I can tell. But he can't really do anything about it. Taylor gets into the front seat beside Sawyer, and Christian slides into the larger SUV. I move inside to sit beside Christian.

"I'll meet you at the Escala okay? I'll be right behind you," Grace says. Christian nods his heads as Grace shuts the door. The car ride is silent and I can't help but anxiously look around to make sure that there is not another fucking car. I don't realize I'm anxious biting my lip but I don't realize until I taste blood. Christians hands comes to pull my bottom lip away from my teeth.

"Anastasia," Christian scolds whipping the blood from my lip. His eye brows are scrunched together and his mouth is in a frown.

"Sorry," I mumble to him. We pull up to the Escala parking and I quickly look back to check the Grace is pulling in behind us. Good.

It takes a damn army to get Christian into bed with his fussing. His constant 'I can do it' or 'stop touching me.' It's quite amusing actually. I quietly leave the room well everyone is fighting over Christians resting position. I silently walk into Christians office and shut the door. The sun is just setting over the city and the office is dark. I walk over to his desk and begin to read over the files. Most of them are background checks on Alexander, on my mother, and me? There are notes from phone calls he's made and an envelope addressed to Christian written in Alexander's handwriting.

"Fuck Fuck Fuck," I mumble. I pick up the envelope and open it tentatively.

Mr. Christian Grey,

So the bitch snapped? Careful with her eating problems their a handful. Mr. Grey what are we going to do to keep the bitch in place, she almost needs to learn her fucking lesson about listening to the dominate males like ourselves. I've noticed that the left side of the car is hers, would be a shame if she got t-boned wouldn't it?

All in due time Mr.Grey,


The bastard fucking new. I crumble the note in my hand and barge out of the office. Gail is in the kitchen when I walk by putting ice on Taylor's wrist.

"Did you know Taylor?" I ask him. He looks over to me with a frown. He eyes the paper and doesn't look back up to meet my gaze.

"Ana-" He starts. He fucking knew too! I swear if Sawyer knew as well. I trot away to the bedroom where my stubborn asshole of a husband should be resting. I throw open the door starling Christian who is lying down with his elbow resting on a stack of pillows.

"Mrs.Grey would a sight for sore eyes," He says with a smile.

"You fucking bastard!" I yell at him. Throwing the paper at him. I'm pissed, no I'm fucking livid. I slam the bed room door and Christian struggles to sit up.

"Anastasia, what were you doing in my office?" He asks.

"You fucking knew about the car! You knew it was happening. You knew that the car was coming. You could have died!" I yell at him. Tears brimming my eyes.

"You could have died Ana! You are about half my fucking body weight, you would have been in far worst condition than I am if you sat on your side and you damn well know it!" Christian yells back.

"You fucking prick! Fuck you Christian! How could you keep this from me!" I yell at him. I see him getting angry by the minute and the more words I throw at him the worst it gets.

"Watch you fucking language Anastasia I'm fucking pissed at you too," He yells at me.

"How could you do that to me. How would I live if I lost you Christian?" I ask him. Tears falling down my cheek.

"Don't you get it! That's how I feel every damn day when you panic, or don't eat, or fucking get so paranoid that you fucking pierce your own lip!" He yells at me. So his anger isn't dissolved.

"Stop making this about me and my weight Christian! This is about you not telling me stuff and deliberately risking you're own god damn life!" I yell at him.

"Anastasia, watch you're self. You have a long list of fuck ups that I haven't taken you across my knee but I fucking happily will." He says back. Master of control is back and his anger is now masked behind a settling man.

"Oh is one of them snooping through you're apartment Christian? I thought it was ours! Everything that you have it now mine RIGHT CHRISTIAN! That's what you said in you vows Christian!" I yell at him. Stomping my foot like a 4 year old.

"DO NOT THROW MY VOWS IN MY FACE ANASTASIA, I DIDN'T WANT YOU KNOWING ABOUT THAT LETTER BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING TANTRUM YOU'D THROW!" He yells at me. Well there goes Mr. Controlled. I've never had Christian yell like that, the apartment practically shakes at the sound.

"Fuck you, I'm done with this conversation." I tell him walking into the closet to grab pyjamas.

"If you leave this god damn apartment I will take you over my knee, bruised ribs or not." He threatens. I ignore him and leave the room, stomping up the stairs to one of our many quest bedrooms. I slam the door and lock it. Blocking out my stupid careless, selfless husband and his stupid, carless, mindless bodyguard.

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