Chapter Eight

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Anastasia's Point Of View:

"Christian?" I call out into the dark room. A bang woke me up, and as I went to look outside there was no storm, and my husband wasn't beside me. I push the covers off my body as I walk out of the room. The apartment is all dark, the only light coming in from neighbouring apartments, I walk over to his study.

My face hits the ground with a hard thud as I trip over something. I let out a groan as I pull myself off of the polished floor. I turn to look, and a scream escapes my mouth as Ms. Jones lies lifeless on the ground, blood spilling from her abdomen. I move quickly to try and control her breathing as I scream for her to wake up. I check her pulse to find that it's gone. My head snaps up when I hear loud shouts from Christian's office. I run away from Ms. Jones and down the hall where I find Sawyers body slumped against Taylor's office door, a single line of blood coming from his forehead were a gun shoot wound was.

"no no no no," I mutter as I look into Sawyers glossed over eyes. I slam open Christians office door to see him sitting behind his desk. I let out a huge sigh as I walk into the room, swallowing the vomit that threatened it ways up my throat.

"Christian," I sob out as I walk towards him. I scream when a bang comes across the room and his body slams to the desk. Blood pools around his heart as I turn around to see Alexander standing by the door with a gun pointed at me. I fall to my knees and sob into my hand praying that he'd kill me. But then,

I wake up.

My eyes scan the dark bedroom as tears rush down my face. My body shivered as I got up from the bed my legs shaking. I don't bother to look out the blinds or to see the time as I rush out of the room. I smell delicious food from the kitchen as I rush past it. I let out a very loud scream when a hand touches my arm. I flinch away when I turn to see Ms. Jones standing there with a scowl on her face. Her eyes brows scrunch up with worry and she instantly takes takes her arm off mine.

"Oh Mrs. Grey I didn't mean to scare you," She says shocked. "Ana are you alright," She asks me. I look to her stomach where the blood poured out in my dream and a sob escapes my mouth. I turn away from her rush towards Christian's office. I push open his office door and the light practically blinds me from behind the desk. I scan the room for Christian and he stands behind the desk, his expression is horrified when he sees me. Christian moves around the desk quickly and I run into his arms, my head snuggling into his heart and I listen to the soft pumping of his heart.

"Baby what's wrong," He asks me, His hand rubbing my back. I breathe through my fear of the nightmare and close my eyes tightly.

"Christi-Christian," I mutter against him.

"Taylor, Sawyer a minute please," Christian asks. I hear them both agree and leave from the study. Christian tugs me to the couch and I sit on his lap.

"Ana what happened," He asks me. I snuggle into his chest and Christian rubs my arm.

"I'm sor-ry I had a nightmare," I apologize to him. He sighs as he kisses my head.

"Don't apologize for that Ana," Christian says kissing my head. "Ana, I have something to tell you," Christian tells me. I nod my head, urging Christian to keep going. "I talked to your mom this morning, and I told her everything." He tells me. A cry escapes my lips thinking about my mother's warnings of him. Christian kisses my head before continuing, "She said that Alexander was husband number three and I guess number one. She thought to try to bring him back into your life, Ana did you know this?" He asks.

"When we were in the redroom and I paniced it was becasue I had a memeory of Husband number three, or-I guess Alexander, but I didn't remember it until the redroom," I tell him. He doesn't seem surprised by my confession and all he does is look at me.

"He hit you one day so hard that you had a mild case of amnesia and you forgot about some of the beatings conflicted you and your mom. It was just after your mom met Bob, Your mom never told you because she was scared you'd panic." He tells me. "They didn't want you to be sick again, Ana, how could you not tell me about the clinic," He asks me.

"I didn't want you to force me to eat like they did Christian," I tell him looking down to our intertwind hands.

"Ana you are borderline anorexic right now, me forcing you to eat is the only thing I can do without putting you in another clinic," He tells me. "I wish you were honest about this with me Ana."

"Please don't force me to eat," I beg him. My hands gripping his sweater. He lets out a sigh as I look up to him.

"Ana, you need to eat please. I can't let you control this Anastasia. I have to force you to eat," He tells me. I just shake my head and lean my head against his shoulder.

"Are you going to make me eat now that you know about the clinic?" I ask him. He nods his head as he grabs my hand and leads me into the kitchen. He sits me down on the bar stool and moves around to sit beside me. Ms. Jones slides Christian a coffee and me a plate of pancakes and fruit.

I start to eat the pancakes and hear Christian sign in relief. I try to eat as much as I can but end up only finishing one pancake and half the fruit.

"I-I can't eat anymore, please don't be angry," I beg him. He sighs and grabs my hand leading me into his office.

"I don't want you to have another nightmare without me, can you sleep on the couch well I work?" He asks me, I nod my head as he lies me down on the couch and tucks me in with a soft blanket. He kisses me head tenderly and kneels down in front of me. "I love you, Ana, now please, please, let me help you."

"Okay," I mutter bringing my hand to touch his cheek, "I love you too ."

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