Chapter Twenty

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Anastasia's Point Of View:

I wake up to the soft bed of the Escala, I'm buried under piles of blankets. I turn over to look at Christian, but his spot is empty; The bed is perfectly made. I slide of out of bed and stand on my wobbly feet. I pull on a robe from the ground and walk to the kitchen.

"Good morning Mrs. Grey, anything to eat this morning?" She asks me when she notices me emerging from the bedroom. Christian sits at the breakfast bar reading the new paper and something sits on the stove behind Gail.

"Whatever Christian is having," I tell her. She nods her head and turns around burring herself in the task.

"Good morning," I tell him. He looks me over once before putting the newspaper down on the counter. I walk around to the seat beside him and hop up.

"Good morning," He tells me. We are awkward. I don't know if he is still angry about the baby, he probably is. "Have you been sick this morning?" He asks me. I shake my head and take the glass of Apple Juice that Gail put in front of me.

"Not yet," I tell him. Sipping the cold juice slowly. I'm cautious I know something is going to set off my queasy stomach.

"Good, How are you feeling?" He asks me. I shrug and look over the apple juice. I watch the gold bubbles pop up to the top of the glass. I'm feeling fine physically, my stomach is surprising settled and I'm warm. My head is a little cloudy and I think that the flu is coming on.

Gail sets the food in front of us and I begin to eat the omelet. We eat in silence, neither of us wants to discuss the baby.

"Do you want the baby?"I ask him once I finish my breakfast. Christian lets out a sigh and I don't dare look at him. I'm not aborting our baby, and I'm not giving it up for adoption.

"Of course I do Ana. I just-I need to talk to Flynn about it," He tells me. I nod my head expected. "Please don't leave Ana. Let me see Flynn today and then we can talk," He tells me.

"Of course," I tell him. We've never been so distant and it feels weird. His anger has turned to fear and I can practically see the gears turning in his pretty head. "Are you going to work?" I ask him.

"For a bit yes, are you going?" He asks me. I was surprised when he asked me to be honest. I thought he was going to lock me away in the Escala.

"For a bit too, I just need to grab something. Can you drop me off when you go to GEH?" I ask him. He nods his head and slides his plate across for Gail to clean. We both get ready for silence. I miss the constant remarks from Christian about wanting to take me to bed, or the slight touches well we dress. But it's quiet. Like we're both on autopilot. Taylor drops me and Sawyer off at S.I.P. Sawyer excuses himself to the cafe below the building and I head to my office. I began to work for a few hours and around 3:00 Christian tells me he will pick me up in half an hour.

My phone begins to ring after 10 minutes from Christians the last email, maybe he is here early. "Anastasia Grey speaking," I say through the phone. I wait for Christian's handsome voice but it doesn't come. "Hello?"

"Mrs. Grey, how nice to hear your voice again," His voice cuts me like a knife. NO.

"Alexander, what do you want," I ask him. I move to my office window and peek out, checking for Christian.

"I want the money. Your husband's threats just pissed me off. I have something for you. Maybe we can make an exchange," He tells me. I hear him move the phone from his face and hear heavy breathing.

"Ana, please help. Get Christian," Mia begs. He has Mia. Oh God.

"$10, 000 Mrs. Grey. I'll call you later," He tells me. He hangs up the phone and i throw it in frustration. How the hell am I going to do this?

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