Chapter Fifty Two

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"Are you going to tell us where were going now?" I ask Christian. He just gives me the side eye and shake his head with a chuckle. "Christian please!"

"Nope," He tells me giving me one of his panty dropping smiles. "It's a surprise my love."

"I hate surprises, Just tell me!" I beg him crossing my arms over my stomach. I get a hard kick to my belly which both Christian and I notice from the bump. "Even Teddybear hates surprises"

"We'll you'll both have to learn some patience won't you," He tells me. Moving down to kiss my stomach where blip kicked. "And I think he may be hungry, not impatient," He tells me moving up to kiss my lips.

"You know I don't like-" I start but Christian silences me with another kiss.

"Eating when your flying, baby just tell me why," He asks me, looking into my eyes.I move into him kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Charlie Tango," I breathe out.

"Oh baby," He whispers. Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "You know that was just a flook," He tells me. Looking deeply into my eyes.

"I can't forget that feeling Christian, My world was over," I tell him. He just nods his head and pulls me tighter into his embrace.

"I know baby, you've made me feel that a couple times since," He whispers into my ear. I just nod my head and snuggle deeper into his body. "Blips hungry baby, think about our little Teddy bear," He tells me. I feel my stomach grumble and I know that I can't neglect Teddy's desire for food any longer.

"Okay," I whisper. He lets me go and get comfortable on the plush leather seat. He rummages around behind me for a bit before walking back over and setting down a sandwich and chips. "Thank you," I tell him. He moves to sit beside me. Grabbing his own bag of chips and opening them. It's odd to see Christian eat regular junk food but since I hit my second trimester chips and cookies have been my new favourite things. Once I'm done the food Christian pulls me to the back room for a quickie and a nap. I sleep for the majority of the 5 hour flight and am woken up by Christian when were landing. He buckles me in tightly and I instantly go for his hand, gripping it tightly.

"It's okay baby," He tells me. Kissing my hand gently as the plane lands. Once we are safely stopped Christian reluctantly lets go of my hand.

"Welcome to New York Mr. and Mrs. Grey."

"New York!" I screech peering to the plane windows, look at the JFK airport and the tall buildings behind it. I push past Taylor who is standing by the flight door and I quickly descend my way down the plane stairs.

"Excited Ana?" Sawyer says as he leans against the Audi SUV with the back door open probably waiting for Christian and I.

"Yes!" I say looking around at the Empire building in the distance and the statue of liberty. Christian walks up behind me wrapping his arms around my stomach. "Oh thank you Christian," I tell him turning around and wrapping my arms around his waist and squeezing him to me.

"No need to thank me baby," He tells me as he leans down and kisses me. "Anything to make you happy sweet girl."

"I love you," I tell him with a smile. He leans down and gives me a chaste kiss before promising that he loves me more.

"Come on baby, Clare has dinner prepared," He tells me. Leading me to the SUV.

"Clare?" I question as Christian leans over and straps me tightly into the seat. He moves in beside me.

"The house keeper I have for New York. I decided to give Gail weekend off," He tells me. He pats Taylor on the shoulder to go and he quickly pulls out of the spot.

"Wheres Taylor?" I ask him looking at his noticeably empty front seat.

"He is driving to the penthouse with Gail," He tells me. I give him a smile and turn to look at the window. He claims that he doesn't have a heart and here he is paying for a vacation for Taylor and Gail. I watch the people pass by on the street and the upcoming yellow taxi's. We eventually pull up to a grand building where a man in a fancy suit comes over to open my door.

"Welcome to the Palace Mrs. Grey-- May I take your bags," He asks.

"Yes, thank you," Christian tells him before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the elevator. He hits the up button and we wait patiently for the elevator to drop. The lounge is decorated in black and white with gold accents.

"This is beautiful Christian," I tell him as the elevator opens showing off the mirror elevator.

"It's all ours baby," He tells me hitting the penthouse button. I move closer to him and he wraps his arms tightly around me. The elevator dings at the floor, Christian wraps his arms tightly around my waist as we walk into the kitchen.

"Welcome Mr. Grey," Clare says shaking his hand. Her blouse is button open way to fair and her hair has obviously been blown out recently. Her manicure is far too long along with her fake eyelashes. "Oh you too Mrs. Grey," She says with an obviously fake smile, she harshly shakes my hand before turning around. Tutting out her flat ass as she shakes it in front of Christian. "Dinner is just this way," She says looking over and batting her eyelashes at Christian.

"Fucking bitch," I mutter. Christian goes to grab my arm but I shake him off. I follow behind her and sit down at the table, Christian sits across from me mouthing a 'behave' before taking a sip of the water. She leans down to place Christians place in front of him showing off her perky breasts in his face. I practically growl but Christian rolls his eyes. As she turns to leave he picks up his plate passing it to me.

"Eat it all Ana," He threatens me. I just nod my head and pick up my fork.

"and for you Mrs. Grey," She says with a smile. Her fake smirk drops as soon as she sees the plate in front of me. "Oh," She mutters looking dumbstruck at me.

"My pregnant wife was hungry after our long flight, next time serve her first," Christian snaps at her. Taking the plate from her.

"I'm sorry Mr. Grey-" She starts but Christian quickly cuts her off.

"For what? Trying to break up a marriage?" Christian asks.

"I truly didn't mean to come off," She says reaching to touch Christians shoulder but he flinches away.

"Stop touching my husband," I snap at her. She rolls her eyes at me turning to look at me, " You fired, Get the fuck out of my apartment," I tell her.

"You can't do that you stupid litt-" She snaps.

"Do not, EVER, talk to my wife like that. Get out," He yells her. She looks shocked and a little bit scared before she quickly grabs her things and scurry out of the apartment. "Eat." He snaps at me. I pick up my fork and start eating the food trying to avoid his anger. I finish off the food and peep up to him looking at him finishing his food as well.

"Lets go we need to talk," He tells me. I grab his hand and he leads me to his bedroom. The apartment is covered in glass and white marble. It's grand and beautiful.

"Sit we need to discuss," He tells me. I sit down on the bed and Christian sits beside me.

"I'm sorry about getting jealous but god she was just trying to get into your pants and I-" He begins.

"I'm not angry about that," He tells me.

"Then what?" I ask him.

"We are in a big city baby, I've got some rules," He says. I roll my eyes and they darken on instant. "You are not to walk off alone, you understand me? I was trying to lighten up on it at home but I'm serious Anastasia. I don't want you walking alone, I need you to be beside me at all times and if your not with me then your with Taylor or Sawyer," He says.

"It seems a little aggressive don't you think," I ask him.

"No, it is not. I don't want anything happening to you. Your lucky the original idea was to have you hold my hands at all the times but Taylor talked me down," He tells me.

"Okay fine,"I tell him. A small smiles peeps on his lip and he leans down to kiss me.

"I love you,"

"I love you too," He tells me with a kiss.

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