Chapter Fifty Three

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"Ana! We need to eat first. We have all day to look around New York," Christian tells me again, I let out a sigh dropping my coat on the polished marble floor.

"Christian!" I wine. Crossing my arms over my chest. He just shakes his head moving over to grab my hand and pulling me back to into the apartment.

"Stop wining Ana, that is for children and children get punished," He threatens me.

"Is that a promise?" I ask him, he just chuckles grabbing my hand and pulling me back into the kitchen.

"If you keep it up, I bet you it is," He tells me. He forces me to sit down in front of an omelette Gail cooked. She said is was fine to continue working after we had to fire the old house keeper. I down the food in record time, and much to Christian's annoyance am back on him about going out. He lets out a huff when he finishes his food and we are very quickly off to explore New York.

"We need to Christmas shop," Christian tells me. His arm wrapped over my shoulders as we walk through the busy shopping district of the upper east side.

"What are you thinking of buying people?" I ask him. "Shit what the hell do I get you?" I murmur. The man has literally everything at his fingertips.

"Just you baby, thats all I want," He tells me. Kissing me gently on the head.

"Um for Kate and Mia we should get them something from Tiffany's, Buy Elliot tickets to some game, and you parents um-I don't really know," I tell him.

"What do you want for Christmas?" He asks me as we head into a shop. He holds the door open for me as we walk into the huge Nordstrom .

"Nothing," I tell him with a smile. He rolls his eyes and we walk over to the mens clothing section since it was by the door.

"Ana, I can't get you nothing," He tells me. I pick up a grey cable sweater and hold it up for him. He scrunches up his nose and shakes his head.

"I'm pretty sure you owe something just like that Mr," I tell him rolling my eyes.

"and I'm pretty sure a little thief stole it from me," He tells me. Walking up behind me and kissing behind my ear .

"I did no such thing," I tell him dropping the sweater back on the pile. "Do you need anything?" I ask him. Picking up a white cotton shirt from a display.

"No, and I usually just get someone else to buy my clothes for me," He tells me. Leaning beside me on the table.

"Of course.. then why are we here?" I ask him. Poorly folding the shirt and putting it back on top of the pile.

"For you of course," He tells me with a smile. He holds my hand as we walk over to the maternity section. The area is mostly empty beside the few customers, Christian begins rummaging through clothing. Pulling out a few dresses and pants for me. I give up after a while and begin just watching him toss things into a basket. My eyes catch the babies section and Blip happily kicks away at my stomach. I walk over looking at the wooden cribs and matching change table. I make a mental note to tell Christian I want a dark brown wood crib like this one when we get home. It's cute fitted with a light blue crib cover and matching change pad. I begin looking through baby clothes picking up a few I like.

"Ana," Christian growls behind me. I almost drop the pile of onesies in fright and turn around to see him looking anything other then pleased. The bag has disappeared and behind him stand a nervous looking Sawyer. "I told you not to leave my sight and you're off hidden between fucking shelves," He growls at me. I watch Sawyer let out a sigh and walk away. Obviously happy they found me before Christian fired him.

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