Chapter Ten

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Ana's Point Of View:

"Mom, I want to be honest with you- about Alexander, he's hurting me," I tell her. She leans over and grasps my hands in hers.

"I know baby, and I'm trying to talk to Ray about you moving with him," She tells me. She rubs her thumb along my knuckles and kisses my hand lightly.

"But mom, I want to live with you. Just make him leave- or something," I ask her, squeezing her hands.

"Oh baby, you know I can't do that. I love him and he loves me. Just be strong for little bit longer," She tells me. A frown covers my face, and the tiny voice in my head continues to nag that my mom would never pick me over love. The door slams breaking my mom and I's talk as Alexander stomps through the house.

I open my eyes to see blinding white lights. I groan in pain trying to block my eyes from the light but my body screams in agony.

"Try not to move too much Ana," A voice says, I look to my left to see Sawyer sitting beside me. His suit jacket is missing and his top two buttons are open on his crisp white blazer.

"Sawyer?" I mumble. My voice scratchy, "Where is my husband, holy shit, where is my Christian!" I yells. Sitting up. My torso feels like it's on fire and begs me to stop moving.

"Ana lie down, Christian is in seeing the doctor, he is being treated to right now. There was a car crash," He tells me. Trying to calm my nerves but only making it worst.

"Car Crash! I know there was something going on! Is Taylor alright? Oh my god! What's wrong with Christian?" I ask all jumbled up.

"Ana, you need to stay calm or I'm going to need to get Grace is sedate you. Taylor is fine, he sprained his wrist and has a concussion but that's it. Gail is with him now. He'll probably be discharged soon. Christian broke his right arm well trying to block the car coming towards you guys. He blocked the car from hitting you Ana, his entire right leg is bruised up though. And you miss Anastasia, have a terrible concussion and a couple bruised ribs," Sawyer tells me.

"Oh my god, he-he blocked me. Is that why he is so badly injured. Oh my god, Go check on him, please Sawyer go make sure he is okay," I beg him. Gripping his tightly.

"Fine Ana, but you can't get out of bed okay?" He tells me. I nod my head and he leaves the room quickly. My heart is beating through my ears as and my breathing is out of control fast. I try to listen to Christians telling me to calm down, to breathe. But I couldn't my head becomes fuzzy, My hands scratch my chest trying to push air through my lungs to help me breathe. I close my eyes, my eye lids heavy and hard to move. I open them to see Grace looming over me, she is talking but I can't tell what she is saying. My eyes dart to Sawyer who is standing worriedly in the corner of the room. Grace injects me with something and soon my breathing calms down and my eyes close.

Christian's Point of View:

"Ah- fuck don't do that," I snap at the nurse that keeps touching my arm.

"Christian calm down, he is trying to help." My mother says snapping at me.

"Than tell him to stop touching it, it's fine. Where is my wife?" I ask her. I'm annoyed, my head hurts, my arm hurts and I'm worried that Ana is hurt.

"Sawyer's got her," Grace tells me. Trying to soothe my nerves. I calmed down for a second before Sawyer barges into the room. "Oh come on." Grace mumbles. "You're suppose to be with Ana."

"I came to check on Christian for Ana, she is kind of freaking out," Sawyer says. Grace gives him a dirty look and I just about punch the nurse off of me.

"Let me see my wife!" I yell. Trying to walk out of the room.

"Christian sit down!" Grace yells at me, pushing me onto the uncomfortable hospital bed. She snaps around when she hears beeping from a room down the hall.

"Room 246 Doctor," A nurse says checking her pager. She mumbles something under her breathe before racing out the door.

"Sawyer make sure my wife is okay! NOW!" I yell at him. He races out the door to see Ana and I'm left with the annoying nurse poking at my arm.

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