Chapter Nine

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Ana's Point of View:

Christians soft touch wakes me up from my sleep. I snuggle into his chest, trying to shield my eyes from the light coming in through his window.

"Wake up Ana, you need some food," Christian whispers. I try to ignore him but he plants soft kisses along my hairline. "Come on Anastasia, it's dinner."

"Christian let me sleep," I mumble. Pushing him away and trying to turn over in his soft chest.

"Ana you need some dinner, please baby," He tells me kissing my ear and rubbing my arms. "Okay fine, but I warned you," Christian mumbles.

I wondering briefly about what he is planning on doing until I feel his fingers work their way up and down my body tickling me. I instantly start laughing and trying to push him off. My feet move to push him away and my body begins to contort in ways to hopefully stop the tickling torture. My eyes are open now and staring back to his beautiful grey ones.

"Christian sto-stop please," I say out between giggles.

"Are you going to get up now?" He asks me. I can almost her the smile on his lips as he asks me. Well at least he's in a good mood.

"Fine," I say to him. Moving out of his warm lap.

"You were exhausted Ana," Christian comments as we make our way to the kitchen we're Ms Jone's is cooking.

"I haven't been sleeping well," I admit. Sliding on to the kitchen bar stool.

"Oh I imagine why," Christian tells me. Ms.Jones sets two bowls of a chilling looking thing in front of us, as well as, some white wine. "Ana you need to be more honest with me."

"I know Christian, But I've never really be able to tell anyone about him-until now and it just feels weird being able to confide in someone," I admit to him.

"I know baby, and it means the world that you've been able to tell me some of these things, but I know there is still more that I don't know about," He tells me.

"I'm trying Christian," I tell him.

"I know you are. Now eat you dinner please, no more skipping meals for you," He tells me. I rolls my eyes and thankfully he doesn't notice. I eat most of the chilli that Gail made and it was actually quite good. I'm quick to clear both our plates and now that Christian is satisfied with the amount I ate and I'm 'allowed' to go read in the study. I can't lie, I'm still so freaking tired but I'm also so behind on all my work. I've been out for 1 and a half days and my work load is already filling up.

We'll reading through one of my 50 emails Christian popped in. He wasn't pleased with the amount of work and seemed to be aggravated that he didn't even think of me going to the library to work and not just read poetry like I said I was.

"Ana you need to be resting-" He starts but I'm quick to cut him off.

"Which, incase you forgot, I've been doing all day. And my work load is just going to get even more full if I don't do something about it." I tell him. He walks over to my desk and shuts my laptop screen. I glare at him but he seemed to be unfazed. He grabs my hand and tenderly helps me up from my chair.

"You and I, Mrs. Grey have some talking to do," He tells me. My mouth instantly goes dry and about a thousand thoughts come into my head. "Breathe Anastasia, and stop biting you're lip," He tells me. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding as we both make our ways to the bedroom. He sits down at the end of the bed and pulls me down to sit in his lap. I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and lean my head against his shoulder.

"Ana, I'm concerned about you're anxiety; and lack of sleep," He tells me.

"Christian please not this right now," I say. I don't want a fight with him, and I don't think I have an anxiety problem.

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