Chapter Fifty

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Ana's Point of View:

Christian and I slowly walk down the stairs in silence. Christians hand on my lower back to help me not fall down the stairs. We walk towards the yelling and enter the dinning room where everyone is still yelling at each other. Grace gives me a sad smile watching on as I desperately try to grab everyone attention.

"Stop!" I yell. Everyone is quite instantly and the yelling finally creases giving my pounding headache a break.

"Ana-" My mom begins but I roll my eyes and ignore her.

"Please stop the fighting," I ask them.

"I'm sorry for getting into it Ana," Carrick says as he gets up from his seat. I give him a tight smile before Christian finally takes over.

"Ana and I are going home," Christian states. Everyone seems to agree in going home after the disaster Thanks giving dinner. I give Mia and Ethan a hug, along with Elliot who makes me promise to look out for baby Grey. Kate gives me a tight hug vowing to protect me from my mother before I move on to Grace and Carrick.

"I'm sorry Ana," Carrick tells me. I ignore his apology before throwing myself in his arms well he tightly embraces me.

"Don't apologize, Thank you for standing up for me." I tell him, I pull away and he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"Take care of Teddy for us okay sweetheart?" Carrick asks me. Christian vows to keep the promise before embracing his father. Grace is quick to hug me tightly in her arms and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Thank you Grace," I tell her. She rubs my back softly trying to calm me down a bit.

"No problem dear. Now please listen to Christian, and look after yourself sweetie," She tells me. I thank her again before Christian leads me to the awaiting Audi. Taylor doesn't say anything as Christian and I get in the car. We drive in silence, me rubbing my stomach gently calm my nerves for when I get home.

"Come on baby were home," Christian tells me grabbing my forearm gently with my door wide open. I look up to see that Taylor had exited the car already and now I was left alone.

"Sorry," I murmur figuring i had been dozed off for a while.

"It's okay baby girl, lets get you inside," he tells me as he leads me inside the house with his arm wrapped around my waist. We walk into the kitchen were Gail is standing behind the counter and Taylor is leaning against the fridge. Since moving in, and everything that has been happening, Taylor, Gail, and Sawyer have become more and more like family and Christian has grown to love them as much as I do.

"Good evening Ana, Mr Grey," Gail says with a smile. I give her a tight smile and Christian helps me sit on the island. "I hope you don't mind Ana, but I prepared some yogurt for you, Mr. Grey called me early asking to prepare something for your arrival home."

"Oh it's perfect. Thank you Gail," I tell her as she passes me a bowl of vanilla yogurt with honey and strawberries. I begin eating quickly hope to finish it off by the time my mother enters but to no avail the door opens and my moms voice takes over the house. Sawyer quickly hustles into the room and stands beside Taylor. He looks annoyed and Christian is quick to pick it up offering him a beer from the fridge that both him and Taylor were already nursing.

"Thanks Mr. Grey," Sawyer grumbles as he chugs about half the bottle. I let out a snort before spooning some more yogurt into my mouth.

"God Ana your eating again," She comments setting her hand bag on the chair beside me. I drop my spoon in the bowl and take a quick peak to Taylor who is livid.

"Carla enough!" Christian shots. I jump at the shock of him finally snapping. He is usually quite good at keeping his comments to himself around my mother but I think it finally got to him. "Your daughter is a recovering Anoxic and your fucking comments are not helping. So you can either shut the fuck up or leave because I will not have you sacrifice her mental health, Again!" He yells.

"Anastasia control your husband. I can't believe you let him talk to me light that! Is this how he talks to you, is that why you ended up in the hospital?" She asks me. I'm shocked to say the least, I hear Sawyer choke on his drinkand Taylor is close to spitting his out.

"Excuse me?" I ask her. Turing around on my chair and standing up.

"You hear-"

"Get the fuck out of my house." I all but growl at her.

"What?" She asks me. I think I shocked everyone more than her comment did.

"You don't get to come into my fucking house, belittle my first and only husband because I'm not a fucking gold digging whore like you, talk about my eating which is completely healthy and embarrass me infront of my family!" I yell at her. "Prescott will take you to a hotel, and quite frankly, I don't want to see you again. So go pack your shit and get the fuck out of my house,' I tell her.


"You heard the woman Ms. Wilks, I'll escort you to your room well Prescott gets the car ready." Taylor says dropping his beer bottle on the counter seeing as Sawyer is too pissed.

"Ana, he's brain washing you," She says. I attempt to pick up my bowl but Gail beats me to it grabbing is quicky out of my reach. Christian grabs my arm ignorinng my moms protests and comments about Christians controlling nature as he picks me up gracefully and carries me upstairs to our bedroom. I lean my head against Christians shoulder as he walks into our bedroom. He sets me down on the bed and goes into the closet to grab me a change of clothes.

"Hows your head feeling?" He asks me.

"Bad, worst than before," I tell him. He rubs my cheek and gives me a chaste kiss.

"Does your stomach feel better than before?" He asks me. I shake my head as I pull my dress about my head and slip on one of my night gowns.

"It feels worst now," I tell him as I lie down on the bed and he tucks me in. "I won't be sick just get in bed with me please," I tell him. He nods his head and quickly changes into his sleep wear before moving over to lie beside me, pulling me tightly against his chest.

"I love you baby," He tells me. I just nod my head, leaning my head against his chest as the soft tears fall down my cheeks. "It's okay beautiful," he tries but it doesn't work. My stomach hurts just as much as my heart and my head is pounding against my skull as I cry myself to sleep in my husbands arms.

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