Chapter Seven

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Anastasia P.O.V:

I wake my eyes up to see the back leather of a couch. I struggle to get up and haul my body off the sofa.

"Careful Anastasia," Christian demands me. I didn't notice him sitting at his desk, and come to figure out that I was lying on the gray leather couch in his office. He gets up from his chair and walks over to sit beside me on the couch.

"What happened Christian?" I ask him rubbing my sore head.

"What happened?" Christian mimics me. "Your father, Alexander, has been stalking you for just over a week. He has been threatening you and I from what Sawyer and Kate have told me. So, you keeping this from me gave you anxiety which leads you to have a fucking massive panic attack and pass out. Thank god my mom was there because she told me not only was it panic but PTSD. So why don't you fucking tell me what the hell is going on Anastasia," He demands me.

"He didn't do anything until this afternoon. He said he'd hurt you Christian. Apparently, he hurt left me, but I had no memory of him until in the bedroom. That why I've been so...bitchy lately. Because I was horrified of you getting hurt." I tell him. He lets out a shaky sigh and I rubs my hands along my dress.

"He hasn't done anything? Are you fucking serious! How about your hand? My mom looked at your wrist Ana. She thinks that it's sprained. Did he do that? " He asks me. I was about to respond but Christian buts in. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Fucking Sawyer knew what the hell was going on but NOT me! Do you not trust me! Do you regret this marriage, Anastasia!" He yells at me. I swallow harshly.

"No, no, of course, Christian I love you. I just couldn't let you get hurt," I tell him.

Before Christian could say anything in response, Sawyer and Taylor walk in. Sawyer gives me a weak smile and Taylor hands Christian a large file.

"I want the story," Christian demands standing up and walking behind his desk. I look to Sawyer and Taylor hoping that they leave or something! But nope. The both grab a seat and look directly at me. "They need to know too, Anastasia." He tells me. Opening up the file that I assume is on Alexander.

"He was my birth father, he--my mom left him when I was only a baby because he wanted to hurt me or something, I don't know, my mom never told me. And-He came back when I was younger I think. I don't remember it, but I keep having memories or-or flashbacks of him coming back and hurt-hurting me. I think he was husband number 3. I remember his eyes and when I met him at the cafe--it was the same eyes. He kept threatening me with small things, and-nd I didn't care much about it until he brought up some things from your past," I say addressing Christian. He clenches his arms before getting up from leaning against his desk. His eyes are stone cold as he looks at me.

"How has he been contacting you, Anastasia?" He asks me. His jew tense.

"He wrote me a few letters and email," I tell him.

"I want them all. Taylor calls Roach to get him to send me all of them emails," Christian barks at him.

"No--" I intervene. Christian gives me a dirty look at I get up to stop Taylor from calling Roach. "I got him to delete everything; it's gone. All of them," I tell him. Christians hand grabs my upper arm, and I try to squirm away.

"Fuck Ana," He mutters. "Tell Roach to go into the deleted email list of Anastasia; you should find everything there." He tells Taylor. He walks over to me. Hauling me over his shoulder and walking out of the office. Taylor and Sawyer hurry off to their offices as Christian takes me to our bedroom. Christian lies me on the bed and walks into my dressing room.

"Christian, please don't be mad," I tell him as he walks into our bedroom with one of my nightgowns.

"I'm off the scale fucking crazy mad Anastasia. But I am also freaked out about you, don't take my kindness for pity Ana. You're sleeping, and then tomorrow your eating, and not going to work," He tells me. He comes to sit beside me on the bed and unzips my dress, pulling it down my body. He unclips my bra, and I slide the nightgown on. I slip under the covers as he tucks me in.

"Palm twitching mad?" I ask him. He just shakes his head, and I knew better than to try and make jokes with him.

"You fucking bet Ana. But your sleeping," He tells me. He turns to leave me in the darkness of our room but I grab his arm. "Ana," He sighs out as he turns back to sit by my stomach.

"Please don't shut me out in this Christian," I beg him.

"I'm not shutting you out of anything Ana, I'm trying to protect you," He tells me. I can tell he is holding a lot back from me. But I don't want to push him. I knew that lying was a mistake but I couldn't risk losing him. "Why, Anastasia, why couldn't you just tell me the truth," He asks me. His voice cracking as he looks down to me. I swallow the sob that was threatening to escape as he breaks down infront of me.

"No Christian please don't cry," I mutter as I reach up to touch his face. His hand reaches up to cover mine of his cheek as I wipe the stray tear.

"I couldn't let him hurt you Christian, you are the only thing I have," I mutter to him. He leans in and kisses me softly on the lips.

"We'll talk more later, okay?" He asks me. I nod my head as he gives me a chaste kiss on the head before leaving the room this time. I close my eyes and let the sleep take me under as my over-protective husband tries to figure out my past.

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