Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Good morning Anastasia," Christian says as he walks into the kitchen. I give him a once over and a small smile noticing him out of his regular suit and into jeans and a t-shirt.

"Good morning Mrs. Grey," I tell him with a smile. I pick up my fork and continue eating the omelet Ms.Jones made me.

"Anything for you Mr.Grey?" Ms.Jones asks with a smile.

"No. Thank you," Christian says dismissing her. She hurries out of the kitchen and off to her quarters.

"Are you not going to work today," I ask him. Finishing off my food and picking up my plate to take it to the dishwasher.

"No," He says his tone dry. He pulls out his phone when it dings and begins to type away. Once my dishes are in the washer I begin to walk over to our bedroom to get better for work.

"Where are you going?" Christian demands. I spin around quickly to look at him. His tone is short and angry. I don't know what happened in the last 12 hours for him to be angry with me but he is.

"To get ready for work," I say back to him.

"No your working from home today," He tells me. I take a step back from his angry tone, stunned out how pissed off he is.

"Christian I'm not having this fight again," I tell him. I turn around and continue walking to our bedroom to ignore him and get ready for work.

"Anastasia, do not walk away from me when I am talking to you," He demands behind me. I slam the door in his face and lock it. I hear him start to bang on it when I continue to get ready for work. Trying my best to ignore him. When I open the door he is gone and the hallway is abandoned. However, my luck is cut short when I find him standing in the main room leaning against the door.

"Christian," I sigh when he blocks my way.

"I'm not having this fucking discussion you are not to leave this apartment, do I make myself clear?!" He yells at me. His hands slamming his hands on the wall so hard that I'm scared the plaster would break.

"You can't tell me what to do, Christian! Communicated with me! Tell me why I can't leave! What is going on!" I yell back. Stomping my foot on the polished floor like a toddler.

"Why can't you just fucking listen to me!" He yells back. "Just can you fucking listen to me god damn it!" As the words leave his mouth a shot is heard through the Escala. It looks like it happens in slow motion as I turn around to see one of the huge floor to ceiling windows shatter to the ground.

"Get down!" Taylor barks from behind Christian who I didn't know what there.

"Get her out of here now Sawyer," Christian yells. Sawyer wraps his arm around my stomach and lifts me effortlessly tugging me out to the hall of our bedroom.

"NO! Christian!" I scream watching my husband kneel behind one of the couches as more gunshots fire. I'm screaming it's all I can hear the gunshots firing through the window. Sawyer sets me down in our room and stands at the door. His back leaning against it as he leaves me to pace around the room.

"Luke let me out of this god damn fucking room or I won't be responsible for my action," I tell him. I'm seething and I can practically hear my heartbeat. Luke just ignores me. His expression is meek and doesn't give anything away. I can hear more yelling from the restroom and my heart plummets. I run my fingers through my hair trying to find a way to calm my nerves. I open Christians side drawer and pull out the pair of silver handcuffs. I slide them into the pocket of my wool cardigan.

I sit down on the bed and begin to sob. The sound of the gunshots is the only thing heard of my cries. My hand rubs up and down my stomach in hopes to calm down the sick feeling I have. I feel Sawyer sit beside me grabbing my hand in his.

"It's okay Ana. T will protect him," He tells me. I sniffle and look up to him. I swallow and get up quickly, catching him off hand as I run out of the room slamming the door behind myself. I run quickly over to Christian who is still hiding behind the couch. Taylor notices me first and closes his eyes as if he is in pain. Christian notices me quickly after and his eyes darken.

"Anastasia," He growls at me. I feel him look up to Sawyer who is now standing in the hallway with his back to the wall and his gun drawn. I reach into my pocket and pull out the handcuffs. Tightening one around my wrist and one around his. "What the fuck are you doing," He yells at me. The gunshots quiet and Christian tugs me towards his chest my stomach hidden between his legs.

"Sawyer and I are going to the room to see if we can get a better look," Taylor says to me. Christian nods and pulls me behind him as he gets up and races out of the room. The gunshots are no longer but Christian is still hiding me behind his large frame. Christian tugs me tightly in the room and slams the door behind himself.


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