Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Ana's POV:

"Ana baby wake up," Christian murmurs, his soft voice fills my ears and I slowly open my eyes. "Have a nice nap? How are you feeling?" He asks.

After our makeup, Christian discovered I had a fever. My temperature was over 100 and it took everything for him to not call his mom. After some compromise, we agreed that if I took a nap then he wouldn't call his mom, which worked for me since I was completely exhausted.

"Okay,' I say with a shrug. "My head hurts a little bit but nothing to be overly concerned about," I tell him.

"Okay good," He tells me, leaning in and giving me a kiss on the forehead. When he pulls away a scowl covers his face.

"What?" I ask him.

"You still have a fever, and your face is still quite flushed. Are you sure I can't call my mother--Just to check you over?" He asks me.

"Christian I'm fine, I promise it will be fine," I tell him. My hand rubbing soft circles into his unshaven cheek.

"You need to shave," I tell him with a smile. He rolls his eyes and leans down to kiss me on the forehead.

"You need to sleep more, hopefully that will ward off this fever. It's because you slept against the cold window Anastasia. We have plently of rooms for you to sleep in upstairs, hell even a couch," He says with a frown.

"Don't Anastasia me," I scowl back. My finger rubs the line between his eyebrows in hopes to smooth out the crease.

"Ana we need to get your fevor down," Christian decides. Grabbing my hand so the fluffy blanket falls to my feet. He leads me into the bathroom, turning on the water and adding jasmine oils into the luke warm bath. He moves over and pulls off my leggings and blouse before giving me a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Come in with me?" I ask him. He seems to continplate it before giving in and stripping off his clothes. We both get in the bath. My body pressed tightly against his as his fingers rub soft circles into my protuding stomach.

"Baby Blip has grown a lot," Christian says kissing my bare shoulder.

"He has," I agree looking down to my stomach.

"How do you feel about it?" He asks me. I know he is trying to get more information on my new thoughts on my new body but in all honesty I'm just happy that Blip is healthy.

"I feel fine, I'm happy that he is there," I try to admit to him about my constant fears of miscarring without actually saying it aloud. It was a fear that both of us had for a while but we were just too scared to admit it.

"But?" He asks. His fingers have stopped rubbing my stomach and now moved to rubbing my shoulders. His skillful fingers rubbing the knot in my neck away from my uncomfortable sleeping position.

"I'm scared of the weight after Blip is born, and the strech marks and my-" I start off before Christian shushes me. His makes quick work of spinning my around so that I face him and my eyes quickly find his grey ones.

"I will love you the same, strech marks and all," He tells me. I want to believe him, and I know I should I will just never be able to see what he does in me. "Don't think like that baby, your the only woman for me," He tells me. I let out a sigh before snuggling myself onto his chest. I lean my head against his heartbet and let the thumping drift me to sleep.

"Ana," His voice wakes me up what feels like only seconds later.

"Hmm," I murmur. My fingers moving to his chest and playing with the little patches of chest hairs.

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