Chapter Fifty Six

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Ana's Point of View:

"Have you got anything on Linc?" I ask Christian on our way up to our offices. Christmas is next week and this is one of our last days goings into office before leaving for Aspen. Since what happened months ago with Cam, we haven't heard from him.

"No," Christian replies curtly. He's been in an awful mood since the start of the week. No only is Mia and Grace stressing him out, but so is the stuff with Cameron, and new issues popping up with China. Nonetheless, he has been grumpy. He fears having to leave to go to China, but of course, doesn't trust me on my own. We set up the nursery which was another whole issue in its self. Elliot and Christian, being the idiots they are, wanted to do everything themselves. With Mia's help they managed to finish everything over the weekend, just another thing on Christian's plate, the arguments from all the siblings caused me to call Grace on them more then once. To say that the weekend was anything but fun is an understatement.

"Okay," I tell him. Pushing my hands in the pocket of my sweater dress. It's a form fitting cream dress that shows off my bump wonderfully. I, of course, had to wear thick black tights and boots with it, along with a scarf to satisfy Christians worry over me catching a cold in the 4 minute walk to the car from the house and the 2 minute walk from the car to the office. I didn't bother arguing with him because of his already foul mood, and it started to snow pretty heavily over the last few days.

"I won't be able to have lunch with you today, I have a business meeting," Christian grumbles before walking off to his office leaving me with a frantic Andrea and a confused Hannah.

"Good Morning Mrs. Grey," Andrea says, she puts the coffee down on the table, the one I assume is for my annoyed husband.

"I'll take that to him," I tell her with a smile. Picking up the hot coffee and bringing it towards his office. I tap the door lightly a few times, earning a grumble from Christian. "You ignored Andrea when she was giving you your coffee." I tell him, walking over to set it on his desk. His eyes stay trained to his key board as his eyes frantically scan an email.

"What else do you want Anastasia?" Christian snaps. His eyes snapping to mine quickly. They hold a darkness that I haven't seen for along time that causes the smile on my face to drop. His lips are pushed in a thin line and it's obvious that the sleepless nights have caught up to him.

"Nothing, sorry," I tell him. He gives me a 'humph' in response before going back to reading his email. I let out a sigh walking to my office. I set my purse on the floor and begin writing. Taylor and Sawyer go into a meeting with Roach and Christian, who is angrily talking on the phone to a client around 12:30 when Blip starts to grow restless about food. I know way to better to bug Christian right now, and I don't have the heart to wreck Taylor's meeting. I pull my thick coat back on and tie my scarf around my neck before making quick work of leaving the Grey House. I know better then to take a car right now considering the heavy snow fall from the night before, so I settle on the sandwich stop across the street. I order some food for Christian and I before paying and heading back to the office. Overall, the interaction was probably about 10 minutes. I head back up to the office, give Hannah the cookie she requested before walking into Christians office where Roach, Sawyer and Taylor all sit around his desk. He looks pale and even more so looks furious.

"Anastasia, what do you want?" He snaps. Maybe he doesn't know I left since that wasn't the reacting I was expect for. I figured it would be a "where the fuck did you go." I hide the bag of food behind my back away from Christians intense glare.

"I brought you lunch?" I ask him. Biting my lip. He studies me for a minute before looking between Sawyer and Taylor who are obvious to my confession of going out alone.

"Can I have a minute with my wife," Christian snaps. All three men get up and leave, Sawyer giving me a warning head shake on his mood. Once the door shuts Christian loses it.

"What do you mean you fucking brought me lunch Anastasia? I god damn told you that I wasn't going to be having lunch with you today because I was too fucking busy. And would you like to explain to me why I had no fucking clue where you were, and if I didn't know I can fucking bet money that-- that,"

"Christian?" I step forward. Setting my purse on the floor and walking towards him. He is looking down to the ground. He is as white as a ghost and his hand is clutching his button up.

"A-n-na" He stutters. I force him to sit down on the chair and listen in pure shock as his breathing becomes laboured.

"Taylor!" I scream for the life of me that I'm surprised the glass windows don't shatter. He barrels in not a second later to see me standing over Christian. "Call 9-1-1 please," I cry. Taylor hurries over, demanding that someone call 9-1-1 as he pushes me gently aside and kneels down infront of Christian. He is now slack. His head is against the chair and his eyes are tightly closed.

"Fuck," Taylor curses. "Tell them to fucking hurry!" He yells. It all happens too slowly, yet time doesn't feel real. One second I'm staring over Christian sitting limp in a chair, then I'm watching him be loaded onto a stretcher. Then I'm in Sawyers arms. being lifted out of the building. Then it's all black. I wake up sitting in a hospital waiting room. The only sounds are the soft natural hum of a quite room. I'm leaning against Carrick who has his arm wrapped tightly around me supporting most of my weight. Grace is on the other side, her head buried deep into her hands and her body shaking gently. Elliot is just staring at the wall blankly and Mia and Kate are sobbing into each others shoulders. Taylor is sitting beside Gail who both look incredibly worried, Taylors eyes are red rimmed and Gail is dotting under her eyes with a tissue.

"Ana!" Grace says finally getting through the buzz that surrounded what seemed to be only me. My eyes leave Taylor and Gail who are now looking at me to Grace who is kneeling on the floor in front of me.

"Is he okay?" My voice is a whisper and scratchy. Grace slowly shakes her head and I silently lean back in the chair setting my head against the wall as tears begin to flow out of my eyes. Grace lets out a small sigh getting up and sitting beside me, pulling me tightly in her arms. She slowly rubs my stomach as I silently cry against her. We stay like this all night, At around 12 Grace moves back to sit with Carrick and Elliot comes to sit with me. I fall asleep against his lap out of pure exhaustion. I wake up to the sun creeping into the waiting room. Everyone is asleep and a man dressed in a white lab coat is shaking me.

"Mrs Grey," He asks. I instantly sit up rubbing my swollen eyes.

"Yes,' I ask. I look over to see Grace talking to a nurse by the door everyone else is still asleep.

"I'm your husbands doctor, I'd like to speak with you privately if thats alright," He asks me. I nod my head and get up from the chair making sure to not wake Elliot. He's dead. I know it, they wouldn't be pulling my away for no reason if he wasn't. Grace follows behind me down a hall. We stop 3/4 of the way down and the doctor pulls out his clip board.

"Your husband suffered from a heart attack," He tells me.

"Heart attack?" I question in shock.

"Yes ma'am. It was quite severe but nothing we couldn't come back from. We observed him last night and it seems that his body is recovering quite nicely. They is no issues regarding speech, or his mobility and the best cure for him right now is to be stress free," He tells me.

"He's not dead," I ask him. Licking my chapped lips to hopefully regard some type of moisture in my dry throat.

"No he's not," Grace tells me. I let out a sigh of relief, bring my hands to my face to silently sob. "I can take you to him," She asks me. I nod into my hands, wiping my running nose on the back of my sweater before Grace leads me to the door across the hall. She pushes it open and there sits my perfect, gorgeous husband. Alive.

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