Chapter Forty-Eight

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Ana's Point of View:

"Oh, Grace it's lovely to see you," My mother says as she gives her a tight hug. I stuff a few more goldfish in my mouth in an attempt to not say anything.

"You too Carla," Grace says kindly running my moms back before stepping away. "Nice to see you again too Bob," Grace says with a kind smile.

"Nice to see you again," Bob says with a kind smile. He sets his hand on my moms back pulling her closer to him.

"Carrick why don't you show Christian and Bob the new pool installation," Grace says with a smile. I look to Christian with pleading eyes not to leave me alone with my mother but Grace is quick to notice the exchange and gently put her hand down on mine. "Well be fine here right, Ana?"

"Yeah of course," I tell them quickly not wanting to hurt my mom's feelings as she looks so happy.

"If Elliot comes just let him know where out back," Carrick says as they walk into the backyard.

"Ana you look adorable in that dress it hugs your little tummy perfectly," She tells me.

"Thank you, Grace," I tell her with a smile, rubbing my hand gently on my stomach.

"So do you have any idea as to what you want to name him?" Grace asks me.

"Him? You're having a boy," My mom butts in moving to sit on the stool beside me.

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you," I tell her with a shrug.

"Oh, Ana that's huge news! I always wanted a boy," She tells me with a smile. I rub my stomach gently in hopes to stop blips little rolling around before I throw up all over the countertop.

"Yeah, um, we were talking about the middle named to be Raymond, for my father," I tell her.

"Stepfather Ana," Carla snaps. The breath gets kicked out of my lungs and I make quick eye contact with Grace in hopes for her to help me calm down. Grace was about to bud at the comment my mother made but Elliot's voice fills the room.

"MOMMY! Kates being mean!" He yells as he stomps his way into the kitchen with Kate hot on his tales.

"Elliot how old are you?" Grace asks rolling her eyes. "And be kind and say Hi to our guests."

"Oh Carla it's good to see you again," Kate says giving my mom a quick hug as well as Grace.

"Sorry Mom, Nice to see you again Carla," Elliot says giving her and Grace a quick kiss on the cheek. "Hows the little muskrat doing Anna- Banana," Elliot asks me giving me a hug from behind the chair.

"Good, just dancing around in there," I tell him with a smile. "Christian is out back with Bob and your dad if you want to meet him," I tell Elliot. He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before heading out into the backyard to find the boys.

"So what were the first names you were considering," Grace asks me casually pushing the bowl of god fish over to me. I pick up a few and put them into my mouth.

"Um, I like Theodore or Teddy," I tell them. Grace growls a smile along with Kate who gets the reference to Christian's grandparents.

"Why wouldn't you honour your father, Ana," Carla asks me.

"Wha-at?" I ask her.

"Oh, nevermind," She says quickly taking back her comment after looking at Grace's scowl.

"You look good Ana, You've gained your weight back," Kate tells me with a smile rubbing my shoulder. "I was worried about you for a bit there, I thought I was going to have to have some words with Christian," she jokes with me. I let out a laugh as I plop some more goldfish into my mouth just to prove a point to Kate and Grace that I can actually feed myself.

"Maybe a little too much, it's not that easy to lose all the baby weight, Ana," my mom tells me. "Oh, and the stretch marks," She tells me. I almost spit out the partially eaten goldfish at her comment. We're all shocked, especially Grace who has never really heard the backhanded comments my mother says.

"Ana," Kate whispers. Trying to grab my hand but I quickly push it away, not wanting my mother to see how weak I was at her words and once again Grace was about to comment on my mothers degrading comments before the backdoor opened to reveal the entire family walking through, including Mia and Ethan.

"Hey guys," Mia says with a smile, making her rounds along with Ethan to say hi to everyone. I quickly hop off the stool leaving the almost full bowl behind and grabbing Christians hand.

"Hey, whats going on?" Christian asks me, I just shrug my shoulders and push myself between his arm and his body so that he'd hold me to his side. His fingers rub soft circles on my side and he gently gives me a kiss.

"Mom, how long until dinner I'm hungry," Elliot complains. Grace replies that the dinner is almost served and to go help set the table. Elliot is quick to grab the plates and cutlery to make the arrangement faster. I stop listening after a while of everyone talking and my mother continuously making comments about my eating. Christian begins to grow annoyed with is and so does everyone else as Christian keeps gripping my side tighter and tighter after each comment. "Dinner guys," Elliot calls us from the porch. Christian helps me inside walking closely behind me and tugging me to his side. We all sit down together, Me pushing my chair closer to Christians so that we touch at the arm.

Dinner is easy besides the disapproving glare from my mother watching Christian fill my plate with food.

"Are you done Ana," Missy, Grace and Carrick's housekeeper asks me, startling me to look down at the half-eaten plate of food. I can feel everyone looking at me but I attempt to ignore it handing her my poor excuse for an attempt at eating.

"Are you sure Ana? You haven't' eaten much," Christian asks me. I ignore him and just continue to sip on my apple juice.

"She has eaten more then enough," My mom says and Carrick abrupt drops his knife and fork causing everyone to stop and look at him.

"Ana I'm sorry honey but that's enough Carla. She is recovering from an eating disorder and you making awful comments about her weight has to fucking stop," Carrick says. A blush fills my cheek as everyone begins to tag in and soon a complete arguement arrupts.

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