Chapter Sixty Two

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Sorry it took so long I was writing exams...hope you enjoy the chapter and once again apologizes for taking so long. Make sure to comment and vote because I love hearing what you guys think.


Ana's Point of View:

I hear Christian stomp all the way down the stairs and into his office. Slamming that door behind him as well. I roll my eyes at him knowing that he can't see so I therefore won't get in trouble. I get up moving off the bed to take a quick shower to wake me up a little bit. Once I'm done I quickly change into some sweatpants and a lose shirt. I pull on white fluffy socks to keep my toes warm and move to the bed to find my phone that Christian threw. I quickly unlock it to see all the emails from Roach and Hannah, all 87 of them. I find the newest email is from Christian, forwarded to us all.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Maternity Leave

Date: January 28, 2011, 18:48

To: Hannah Lancaster, Jerry Roach, Anastasia Grey

Hannah and Roach,

Good evening to you both,

A quick debrief, as of right now, Anastasia is on maternity leave. Any issues that are in dire need in relation to the publishing of the book will go through me, other then that I'm sure you both will be able to figure it our yourselves. If the book is not set to be published by the end of the week the publishment will be pushed off until Mrs. Grey is medically cleared to return to work.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holding, Inc.


I shut off my phone and quickly make my way to Christians office. I push open his grand office doors without knocking to find him hunched over his sleek glass desk.

"Anastasia," Christian says not moving his eyes to look at me, as he continues to read over what ever he is doing on his phone.

"Christian Trevelyan Grey what the bloody heel do you think you're doing emailing my employees and coworker. We talked about this already!" I ask him as calm as I can muster, slamming the door behind me. The bang of the door hitting the frame wasn't as loud as Christians slams but was just as satisfying.

"I already told you Anastasia," He says with spite in his voice. "You're on maternity leave," He says each work like I cannot understand them. "Gail left dinner for you on the stove tops. I assume that you've be able to finish it all of seeing as you haven't eaten today and I could only assume how hungry OUR song is," He finishes off, his eyes not budging from his computer screen.

"What the fuck crawled up your ass?" I ask him. Rolling my eyes purposely so that he can see. It seems to get his attention because when my eyes settle back on him he is looking directly at me with the fire in his eyes. "I know I fucked up. Okay? I just didn't want to let Kate down. She did everything she could to make sure our wedding was...perfect. I wanted to help Kate like she did ours, and I just wanted to make sure that the book was published. I didn't want it seem like I wasn't doing anything for the company, that I was just the face because I was your wife. I wanted people to know that I could work just as hard as they do," I tell him in one breathe. Once I finish I bite my lip as I wait for a response. He looks at me for a second, his eyes filtering down to my belly before looking back at my face. The fire behind his eyes slowly fading away. He gets up from his desk and moves around to stand in front of me. He nods to the door indicating that we are leaving the office, which I'll happily do. I always feels like a business meeting in his office. We walk in silence, me following slightly behind Christian until we get to the leaving room. I sit on the plush fluffy white couch as Christian turns on the fire place. He moves around to sit beside me. I turn on the side pulling my knees to my chest as much as I can and lean my head on my knees.

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