Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Christian's Point of View:

She's gone when I come back to the bedroom, her spot on the floor has since been abandoned and the divorce papers are scattered along the floor. I go over and pick them up into a pile and walk out of the room. On my way out to my office, I see Ana curled up against the window. She is snuggled up against the window, her body shaking from the presumed cold. I can tell she is asleep by the way her chest rises and falls evenly. I set the papers down on the coffee table and tug the blanket from the back of the couch and drape it over her shoulders. I give her a chaste kiss on the lips before walking into my office. Slamming down the papers and beginning my research.

I'm distracted from the page Welch sent me over when Taylor walks in. My eyes snap up to him and watch him walk in.

"Taylor," I grumble. My eyes shifting back down to the computer.

"Sir," He says back. Crossing his arms over his chest. I look behind me in the office chair to see the bright sun rising over the skyline.

"What do you want Taylor," I ask him.

"I want to know why in the hell your pregnant wife is sleeping on a window," He asks me. My eyes snap up to his surprised.

"Excuse me?" I ask him. Standing up from my desk. He walks closer and looks over the divorce papers spread out, He picks up the first page of the divorce file and reads it over. Shock and realization covers his once angry features as he eyes snap back up to meet mine.

"Christian," He breathes out reading over the page, I snatch it out of his hand and throw it back down on the desk.

"I'm not divorcing her, do you think I'm fucking crazy!" I yell at him. My eyes snapping down to the page and once again looking at my signature- my perfectly forged signature.

"What do you want me to believe, the signature is spot on?" He asks me. I let out a sigh and slump down into my chair. "Everything about the page looks like yours, the handwriting, the signature."

"I need to find this fucker, I need to-Ugh I don't know. How could she believe I want to fucking divorce her? What more does she want!" I ask slamming my hands on my desk.

"You look like shit Christian, have you slept yet," He asks me. I just shake my head and look straight at him.

"Christian, we both know who did this. It was work of Linc, we just figured out her breaking point, and it's losing you." He tells me. I bury my face in my head letting the realization of my mistakes sink in and the constant fear of losing Ana nags at my misjudgment.

Ana's Point of View:

"Ana banana, wake up," I hear a distant voice say. I roll over on the couch and am woken by the sudden jolt and arms wrapping tightly around my body. I open my tired eyes to see a very worried Sawyer staring back at me. "Jesus Ana," He tells me. Lifting me back onto the couch.

"Sorry," I murmur out. I snuggle deeper into the blanket and Sawyer sets his hand on my forehead. "What time is it," I ask.

"11:30" Sawyer tells me. "I want to get you something to eat alright? For little blip," He tells me. I shrug my shoulders as he helps me sit up. "Gail made you some eggs," He tells me. I nod my head as he walks over to the kitchen and brings me my food, setting it down on the coffee table in front of me.

"Where is Christian?" I ask him, he rolls his eyes and focuses on the plate of eggs. I slowly spoon some into my mouth and wait for his response.

"His office with Taylor. We split it up, Taylor deals with Christian and I deal with you," He tells me.

"Oh, so you're dealing with me now?" I joke with him setting my now empty plate on the coffee table.

"I am, and now that I've fed you I'm supposed to either make you take a bath or go back to sleep. According to Ms. Jones that is; We can't fight her," He tells me.

"What if we settle on reading in the library," I ask him. He looks skeptical for a moment, "I'll only ready actual books and not manuscripts, no work." I add in with a sly smile.

"I want your phone and computer," He says with a smirk, thinking he out smarted me, as he gets up and takes my plate and puts it in the sink.

"What about I give you my computer and keep my phone?"I say trying to bargain a bit.

"Fine," He tells me. I smirk and get up. Handing him my briefcase with my computer in it. I grab my phone off the counter and walk into the library. I try to read, and continuously try to read. For hours, as long as I can, but nothing works. I turn on my almost dead phone and read the first message on my phone.

Mia Grey:

Hey Ana, just wanted to go over some baby shower details! Do you know the gender yet? Have you heard from my brother, he just keeps ignoring me. Text me back girlie.

The thought of a baby shower never crossed my mind and I never even thought about telling the family what gender we are having. I quietly walk to christians office. The only sound comes from the soft padded of rain against the windows.

Christian looks up to me from my desk, his eyes snapping up to mine. Dark clouds burrow under his eyes and he looks tired-no exhausted.

"Anastasia," He says to me. I cross my arms over my chest, my arms hitting my now protruding stomach. My eyes snap down in shock and so do Christian. I unfold my arms so my blouse hides my stomach and Christian eyes meet mine again.

"Christian," I murmur. "Mia wants to throw us a baby shower," I tell him.

"A baby shower?" He asks. I nod my head quickly and give him a tight smile.

"Okay," He says his eyes going back to whatever he is looking at on his computer.

"We need to tell them the gender," I tell him. "The family I mean," I clarify.

"I know we do Anastasia, but now is not the time," He snaps at me, his eyes breaking from his computer screen to look at me.

"I'm sorry okay,' I tell him. He lets out a sigh and gets up from his desk moving around to lean on it instead.

"You're sorry?" He asks with a laugh.

"I saw your signature, and I thought the worst. What did you want from me! I had the freaking signature engraved in my mind from our wedding. I saw it and thought you'd want to leave me and then the- you were being so cold," I tell him.

"Well, you added it up wrong!" He yells at me.

"I'm sorry Christian! Please," My voice cracks and he looks down at me in pity. My hand rubs on my stomach and Christian eyes soften.

"I finished the house, well we did. Elliot and I, we are ready to move in sometime next week." He tells me.

"Christian, please I'm sorry," I cry out. My tears roll down my cheeks before I can stop them and I know that it's the baby hormones.

"Okay okay stop crying baby," He tells me. Getting up from leaning against the desk and coming over to wrap his arms around me.

"Please don't be angry with me, I know it's my insecurities and I'm sorry," I cry out. He just shushes me again before rubbing his hand along my back.

"It's okay we're alright, I promise everything is okay Ana."

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