Chapter Sixty Eight

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Ana's Point of View:

"Ana baby please wake up," I hear him say. I instantly know it's Christian from his worried tone. I let out a whimper at the pain in my back. My shoulders hurt from the strain of them being pulled for so long. "Baby it's okay I'm right here," He encourages. I give into his worried pleads and open my eyes to see him ties up to the bedpost. Still in his suit but missing his suit jacket. His shirt is completely unbuttoned and I can see little red circles on his chest. I cry out at the sight of him.

"He burned you again," I sob out looking at him. He has tears running down his face as he stares longing at me.

"I'm okay baby, I promise," He tells. "Can you stand up for me, your shoulders must not be feeling alright," He tells me. I nod my head attempting to muster up the strength to stand up on my shaking feet. "Good girl, now can you reach to the side of the cuff and find a button?" He asks me. I move my fingers around until I find the little button he was talking about.

"Yeah I found it," I tell him, my voice scratching from crying.

"Okay wait, baby, I'll tell you when," He tells me. I nod my head as the door flies open.

"Good morning beautiful, glad to have the happy couple back together," Elena says walking in with a belt. "Who first?" She asks looking between both Christian and me.

"Me," I say before Christian can speak. The thought of her touching him makes me feel more pain than the physical aspects.

"Ana, no!" He says pained out.

"Too late," Elena says walking behind me. "Make sure he watches the pain he is putting his wife through," She says. I look Christian dead in the eyes as she brings the whip down onto my back. I scream out my head dropping at the pain.

"Please, Elena stop!" Christian begs. Trying to fight against Cam's arms, that only gains another whip to my back. I scream out trying to wiggle away from her but only end up tripping over my feet and falling back only my shoulders. I fear another contraction and scream out surprising everyone in the room. "Ana baby are you okay?" Christian asks. His voice cutting through me like a knife. I was about to respond when a rush of water hit the floor at my feet.

"No," I mutter out looking in shock at the pool around my feet.

"Ew, what the hell is that!" Elena snaps I hear her drop the whip on the floor moving around my body. Another contraction rips through my body and I cry out again.

"Breathe baby, it's just contractions," Christian encourages.

"Her water fucking broke on my shoes," Elena says fake gaging. She was about to say something but the room turned pitch black. All sound in the apartment becoming quite. "What the hell?"

"The power went out?" Cam says but I can't see him. "What the fuck are you doing Grey," I hear him snap along with the sound of skin hitting skin.

"I don't know, I don't use the apartment often, the building probably shut it off," He says out of breath.

"Cam a word now" I hear Elena snap. I hear them walk back, me flinching when I hear them getting close. I hear the door shut along with the stupid lock.

"Ana baby I need you to hit that button okay," Christian says. My fingers move to hit the button releasing the handcuff. It falls to the floor with a clink and I bring my other arm to hit the other one off too. I bring my hands down to my side using my memory of the room to walk to Christian. "I need you to undo the tie okay," He tells me. I nod my head but realize he can't see me so I untie his hands. I feel them on my side instantly pulling me to him. I can feel his open wounds on my chest causing me to sob. "I'm okay, we need to get you out of here. How far apart are your contractions?" He asks me.

"I haven't got one in a couple of minutes," I tell him. I feel his hand on my wrist going to the door.

"It won't be open they locked it," I remind him.

"The door is electronic, so it can't be locked with the power out," He tells me as he pushes it open. His hand is clenched tightly in mine as he leads me through the apartment. Grabbing a silk robe on our way tightening it around my waist. "Follow behind me and do as I say," He says.

"Okay," I whisper. He leads me through the apartment and I've never been so thankful that he knows this place like the back of his hand. We reach the front room but can't see either of them anyway. "There is an escape door by my office," He tells me. "If they come I need you to run," He tells me.

"No" I cry out. Grabbing his bicep tightly in my hands.

"Please Ana," He begs me.

"Okay," I whisper. I hear Christian whisper something but I can't make out what he is saying. I hear a bang and Christians tells me to run. I'm thrown to the side by a body and I instantly scream out for Christian. The lights come back on to see Elena on top of me. A huge knife in hand.

"Hope you and Christian had the last couple minutes together," She snaps as she brings the knife down. I scream out, the next couple seconds seem to go in slow motion as Elena looks down to me in shock. She falls back to the floor and I look down to my chest to see that there is no knife stuck in my chest but Elena is bleeding out on the floor beside me. I cry out when another contraction comes up through my body. I close my eyes opening them up to see Christians standing up above me. His lips are moving but I can't hear what he is saying. I close my eyes again this time when I open them I'm being pushed through the hospital. Christian is running beside me and Doctor Greene is standing beside me as they run. I look up to see Grace standing over me her face distressed.

"Her blood pressure is dropping!"

"We can't get a heartbeat, hurry!"

"We're losing her"

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