Chapter Forty-Six

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I watch Christian work from my desk, the way his leg bounced up and down when he is focused or pulls his hands through his hair when he is angry. It's quite interesting to see the CEO in action. It's now 3:30, Christian left just after 1 to get on a conference call after our lunch date. Blip flutters around in my stomach reminding me that I'm hungry which I chose to rightfully ignore eating only 2 hours ago. My laptop dings twice one from my husband and once from his shrink. I chose to go the easy route and open Christian's email.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Blip

Date: November 20, 2011, 15:41

To: Anastasia Grey

Ana, I can hear your belly rumbling from here and feel your intense stare. I asked Hannah to bring you an afternoon snack seeing as Blip is hungry and his mommy won't feed him. Ana, we discussed your eating already and you can't keep neglecting it. And don't roll your eyes at me Mrs. Grey or I'll happily take you over my knee.

Get back to work Mrs. Grey


Annoyed and rightfully so CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.


From: Anastasia Grey

Date: November 20, 2011, 15:45

Subject: RE Blip

To: Christian Grey

I ate 2 hours ago, Blip can chill.


Annoyed of being told what to do Editor, Grey Publishing

I click off his email and pull up doctor Flynn's getting ready to read is before my chair is turned abruptly and my view of the screen is cut off by my husband. He reaches over and shuts off my monitor before stalking over to the office door and locking it. Without saying a word Christian lifts me up from my chair and carries me over to one of the chairs in front of my desk. He sits down nicely pulling me across his lap with ease as he tugs down my pants and my underwear.

"Christian stop," I say as calm as I can. He shushes me as he brings his hand down to my bottom with an all mighty smack. "Ow!" I yell covering my mouth instantly remembering that Hannah and Andrea are just down the hall.

"Watch your attitude Anastasia," Christain growls behind me. Attempting to move my hand off my sore behind. After a lot of struggle Christian pins my hands on the small of my back with one arm and brings his other one down to land a loud smack on my other cheek. "What did I say about eating Mrs. Grey?" Christian asks me. Bring his hand down to land on my sex. I moan out at the feeling.

"To listen to you," I murmur.

"and what didn't you do Mrs. Grey," He asks me. Rubbing my sore bum with one hand.

"Well, technically I didn't listen to Blip," I smart mouth back. He brings his hand down to deliver a volley of smacks landing on both my cheeks and the underpart of my thighs. "Ow! Okay okay, I didn't listen to you or blip," I cry out attempting to wiggle out of his hold.

"and what Mrs. Grey," He asks me. Bring his hand down to my butt again.

"I'm sorry," I murmur. I clench waiting for another smack but come off short when Christian helps me stand back up. He pushes me gently back so that my butt is leaning on the desk and I let out a loud hiss from the sting. Christian just smirks as he pulls down his trousers and boxers and lefts me gently to glide down on his dick. We moan out at the feel as Christian begins to slowly move. I let out a soft squeal every time he pushes into me and my butt smushes against the desk. I assume that was Christians plan all along. He continues thrusting into me and soon both of us reach our climax. He pulls out of my and trugs back up his boxers and pants. I quickly follow behind.

"Don't disobey me Mrs. Grey, and that means our baby too," He tells me as he grips my chin in between his fingers. He gives me a passionate kiss on the lips before unlocking my office door and walking back to his. I rub my sore behind and sit back down at my computer turning my monitor on. Hannah delivers the muffin that Christian requested she got me and I pick at it as I read through Flynn's email.

From John Flynn

Subject: Talk.

Date: November 20, 2011, 16:04

To: Anastasia Grey

Mrs. Grey,

I know that we aren't on good terms right now, and that your angry at me but this is apart of the process of healing. I know what happened between you and Alexander is traumatizing and that you don't want to admit that to yourself or Christian right now, but I believe the only way you can truly move on is by accepting what happened.

Try talking to Christian about what really happened between you and Alexander, it might help your nightmares.

Call anytime

Dr. John Flynn.

I let out a half-hearted sigh and toss out my muffin wrapper. I shut down my computer and move clean up my desk before grabbing my purse and heading over to Christian's office.

"Can we go home please," I ask him. He looks up to me from his chair and then over to his watch to check the time.

"Yeah of course. Are you feeling alright?" He asks me as he shuts down his computer and collects his things to leave. He gets up quickly shoving his phone into his pocket and dropping his hand to my lower back to lead me out of the room.

"My head hurts," I admit to him.

"I think it's from your lack of sleep baby, let's go home and see if you can take a nap," He tells me as he walks onto the elevator with me following behind him. I wrap my arms tightly around his waist and bury my face in his chest.

"How long have you had the headache," He asks me.

"A while but it only got really bad a few minutes ago," I tell him. He doesn't say anything as he leads me to the awaiting SUV were Taylor and Sawyer are sitting. Christian must have texted them or something. The drive home feels like it takes longer than it should and for some odd reason the movement of the car makes me feel sick. Christian carries me up to the bedroom and sets me gently on the bed. Wrapping the throw around my body and sitting beside me on the bed.

"Try to get some sleep baby,' He tells me as he leans down to kiss my forehead.

"He tried to rape me when I was younger," I murmur. Christian stops dead in his tracks and looks down to me.

"What?" He asks me.

"My mom went out and I was home alone with him, this is when I thought he was Steve Morton. He was really drunk and he tried to grab me. I took the beer bottle from the countertop and hit him with it so he'd fall but he ended up passing out. I ran into my room and locked the door. I sobbed for hours until my mom came home. She yelled at me for hurting him," I say starting to cry. "She told me it was my fault and that I should feel ashamed for hurting someone. Thats when I left to go stay with Ray."

"and Carla did nothing?" He asks me. I shake my head squeezing my eyes shut to attempt at warding off the headache.

"The last time he did anything was the day before I left for Ray, he took the belt--" I start but taking one look at Christians devistated face made me stop. He knew about the belt.

"I know," He murmurs. Running his hands through his hair.

"I don't think your anything like him. Please don't compare yourself to him," I beg him grabbing his hands in mine.

"Try to get some sleep okay baby? I'll be here when you wake up," He tells me. Ingoreing my plead. He scoots down on the bed wrapping his arms around my frame and pulling me tight to his chest.

"Thank you for telling me," He murmurs as he kisses me the back of me head.

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