Chapter Thirty-Three

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After dinner Christian and I snuggle by the fire rather than the baloney-Christian claiming it was too cold for me. I ate enough of my dinner for Christian to not get angry with me and for him to let me off for the rest of the night. Even though I'm exhausted it is only about 7:00. The sun has fallen over the city and now the apartment is quite. Taylor, Gail and Sawyer went off to their quarters.

"Are you worried about the baby," I ask Christian as he rubs his fingers along my swollen stomach.

"Always, why?" He asks me. His eyes darting to my frame before looking back to the glowing flame.

"I don't know, You really want him right?" I ask him. My hand covering his.

"Ana, Where is this coming from? Of course I love our baby," Christian tells me. Moving his gaze to try to look at me.

"I don't know," I murmur. I refuse his gaze and I can tell it's frustrating him. He grips my chin lightly in his firm hands to make me look at you.

"Ana, I love you," He tells me. He leans in closer to my face his lips inches away from mine, "You. Are. Everything," He says between kisses. "Okay?"

"Okay," I murmur. My voice is quiet compared to the storm that has started outside.

"We should discuss how were having the baby?" He asks me. I shake my head and nuzzle my face into his neck.

"I don't want to discuss it," I tell him. He is about to protest when the elevator dings. Christians body tenses as he looks over to the penthouse elevator. Christians body is tense and moves to block me.

"Where is Taylor," I murmur to Christian.

"Christian?" The wicked voice fills our apartment.

"Ugh," I groan out. Christian gets up and than helps me up as well.

"Go to the bedroom alright I'll be there in a few minutes," He tells me. I shake my head and grip his hand. If he thinks I'm leaving him alone with the child abuser he is crazy.

Elena," Christian says when she walks into the great room. She wears a tight low cut black dress. Her blonde hair is curled and teased, and wears killer black heels on her feet.

"Oh darling it's good to see you," She says rushing over to give him a hug but I step out before she gets to close. I move to stand slightly in front of Christian and wrap my arms around my swollen belly. "Anastasia I didn't see you there," Elena says. She looks me over and gets a wicked twinkle in her eye.

"Why are you here Elena," I snap. Christian wraps his arm around me as if to calm me down.

"You've gotten a little fat don't you think," The words almost knock the wind out of me, I hold back the gasp and Christians fingers tighten around my stomach as if to reassure me.

"Elena," Christian growls. She looks shocked at him, seeming to think that she didn't hurt a sore spot. But she did- The food seems to become completely unsettled in my stomach. "I won't ask you again Ana, go to the bedroom please," He tells me. This time I nod which seems to shock him. His hand falls to my side as I make quick work of leaving the room under Elena's and Christian's intense stairs.

"Christian-" She starts once I turn the corner. I lean against the wall and make sure I'm hidden. I settle my breathing and make myself unknown to them.

"Don't you fucking dare, ever, call her fat. Do you hear me Elena. Never. You don't have a right to stand here right now. Your fucking crazy ex is trying to hurt my family and it's your fault," Christian growls. It seems that just her being in the room created a hostile environment for Christian. Bringing up old memories of her BDSM room.

"It was an innocent mistake," She says trying to play it off.

"No it fucking wasn't. It was you being a bitch. If you step foot in this apartment on more time I'll have you arrested." Christian declares.

"Don't go to extreme measures it was just a comment," I can practically hear her roll her eyes from her. I can only imagine Christians twitchy palms.

"No, it's not just about the comment. It's about you wrecking her self esteem every time you come around, it's about you filling her head with dirty comment about her beautiful body, it's about you coming in here and telling her she is fat- god you know about her problems with her body. It's about your crazy ex, this is your fault," Christian snarls.

"I can't control my ex and if Anastasia has body issues she should go get an abortion because this baby is going to be dead in no time," Elena says. I cover my mouth to hold in my gasp.

"Were done. Get the fuck out. I'm liquidating all my funds for your salons and if you come in a 100 meter radius of my girl and my child I will have you arrested. Now get out!" Christian yells. Like really yells.

"Christian-" She tries but once again Christian interrupts her.

"Taylor, Sawyer escort her out of the building and have Barney change the codes," Christian says to I assume both body guards came running when they heard the yelling. Elena begins to protest and I make a quick dash into the bedroom. Stripping of my outfit and lying down in bed. My head touches the pillow as soon as Christian opens the door.

"If your going to eavesdrop make sure your belly is hidden by the wall baby," He tells me. I peek open my eyes to see him grinning down at me. Surprisingly good mood.

"I'm still trying to figure out how big my body is," I admit to him. He just shakes his head and makes quick work of stripping his clothes and getting into bed with me.

"I'm sorry Christian," I tell him. Turing over to face him.

"No your not," He tells me. Pulling me tighter into his chest.

"True," I say with a giggle. Christian just shakes his head at me and gives me warming kisses along my head until I finally go to sleep.

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