Chapter Thirteen

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Ana's Point of View:

I wake up to an empty bed, Christians side is cold and the bed sheets are ruffled. I get out of the bed, the cold air hitting my legs. I pull the silk red bed sheet along with me wrapping it tightly around my shivering body. I walk out of the door to the kitchen were Ms Jones sits stirring something on the stove top. Christian sits on the island reading the news paper.

"Good morning sunshine," I tell him. He looks up from his news paper and smiles at me. I move over to him and wrap my arms around his torso and kneel my head into his chest.

"Morning beautiful. How'd you sleep?" He asks me, kissing my forehead.

"Good and you?" I ask him. He just nods his head and plants a big kiss on my lips. "How's your arm?" I ask him. He shrugs his good shoulder at me trying to hide the fact that he's in pain. The bruise on his jaw has darkened leaving a yellow tint around it. My finger moves up to run my hand along his jaw but he flinches back. Aw my poor baby.

"I'm fine Ana stop worrying," He tells me. Kissing my finger. "How's your ribs?" He asks. I give him a smile and shrug my shoulder. You want to play lets keep our feelings secret then I'll play.

"Here you go Mr and Mrs Grey," Gail says as she places the plates on the counter in front of us.

"How's Taylor?" I ask her as I move to sit on the chair beside Christian.

"He's doing better. A little groggy from the medicine but he'll be fine," She tells me. I give her nod and she heads off to see Taylor I assume.

I stare down at the full english breakfast made from Gail. The plate is filled, I assume from Christian telling her to make so much. "Something wrong with you're food Anastasia," He asks me. I know whats he's doing, trying to cause on a fight. I chose to ignore him and begin to eat my food. Christian is done his breakfast before I get half way through my plate.

"I'm done Christian," I tell him.

"Ana you've barley eaten anything," Christina says. I let out an aggravated sigh getting up and clearing both our plates.

"I'm full Christian," I tell him again.

"That's not good enough Anastasia, I know for a fact that you barley ate anything yesterday so don't pull the bullshit I'm full card." Christian tells me. His anger getting the best of him like it usually does.

"Christian stop! I'm not too thin and I can chose what is put in my body!" I yell back at him. Slamming my fists down on the marble counter tops.

"You're acting like a child Anastasia," Christian snarls at me. "You heard my mother. You need to listen to me. Can't you just do as you're told for once in your fucking life!" He yells at me.

"Christian STOP! I don't want to fucking fight with you!" I yell at him.

"Ya know what fine," He grumbles. He hops off the chair and moves around the counter to face me. He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the bedroom. He pulls me until we are inside the bathroom facing the scale. He turns me around forcefully and I begin to know better than to disobey him when he is like that. Even with a hurt arm he undress me in record time. He picks me up and drops me down onto the scale.

We both become silent and the air becomes thicker. We watch as the tiny numbers quickly travel up, it slows down at 103 pounds and stops at 90 pounds. I close my eyes tightly knowing that he'll yell at me for being right.

"I fucking told you!" He yells at me.

"Christian you can't control every fucking aspect of my life!" I yell back at him.

"Fine! You can be someone else fucking problem then. I'll call my mom and get you in a clinic," He yells back. He turns around quickly and slams the bathroom door behind himself. The mirror shakes and I begin to wonder how much the people under us can hear.

I sit in the bathroom just staring at my feet. My gaze turns to the mirror as I silently pinch my flat stomach. I'm not that skinny, not as bad as when I was younger. My collar bone sticks out a little more than it did a few months ago but it's not too bad. After I while, goose bumps grown on my arm and I leave the bathroom to go get changed. We didn't talk for the rest of the night, hell, he wouldn't even look at me. I figured he called someone, maybe Grace or Flynn, but no one showed up to the Escala on the rainy Wednesday.

Christian leaves for work early the next morning. Really early. I get Sawyer to drive me to work, figuring it would be better than taking a car. I arrive at work at a normal time and by day goes by slowly with the constant rib pain and the hunger that began to grow at the pit of my stomach. The thing that Christian doesn't understand is that I'm not not eating to defy him, I only don't eat because I'm simply not hungry. Two words that seem to not be in my husbands vocabulary. I wait patiently for an email from Christian. A threat, demand? A call maybe? But nothing. I leave the office at 4:30. Planning to go home and get a snack. I head up to the Escala to meet Christian sitting with scotch in his right hand. He is staring straight across to my.. mom?

"Mom?" I ask her. Dropping my purse to the floor. Christians head moves to face me and I can finally see the dark circles forming under his eyes. The way he looks weaker and his hair is a complete mess.

"Oh Ana darling," My mom cries out. She gets up from her seat across from Christian. Placing the wine glass on the table and hurrying over to hug me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her. She looks nervously back at Christian who gets up from the couch. placing his glass on the table as well before walking over to us.

"Christian is worried about you're weight Ana. He told me that you weighted 100 pounds. You know what that means sweetie. We need to admit you to the clinic again," My mom says. Rubbing her hand along my hair to tuck a piece behind my ear. I'm quick to hit her hand away for me and stand back from her. "Oh please Anastasia don't make this any harder then it needs to be."

"Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot," I snarl at her. I turn my gaze to Christian and am quick to push him back. "Fuck you Christian," I tell him. He isn't surprised by the outburst. He seemed to be expecting it actually. He moves gracefully on his feet. He calculated this. They both did. I push past Christian to the couch that they were sitting at. I pick up his almost empty glass and throw it, hard against the wall. The glass shatters against the wall and the little but of scotch splatters the wall.

"Anastasia, stop acting like a child in your own home," My mother scolds me moving over to me. I pick up her glass next. I throw this one hard to the floor. The glass shatters to the floor and breaks across the room like vines.

"DON'T FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I yell at her. This time she is taken back, her eyes widen and she looks like I just hit her. Christian once again is unfazed. "You don't even fucking care!"

"Annie?" I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around quickly to look at Ray. His arms are crossed at his chest and he looks at me with pure disappointment. He is holding a wedding picture in his hand and a frown covers his features. I turn around quickly and barge over to Christian. Hitting his chest repeatedly. He stumbles back before catching himself. He wraps his strong hand in mine stopping the blows that seem to be completely un-effecting him.

"I hate you I hate you I hate you," I mumble over and over again. He pulls me into his chest, his arms wrapping protectively over my back as I sob into his suit clad chest. His hand rubs up and down my back soothingly.

"It's okay Ana," He whispers in my ear. I cry harder when I feel my dads hand on my back. He rubs my back softly like Christian was. My fists curl into his suit jacket pulling him tighter to my body.

"Breathe my baby girl," Ray mumbles into my ear. He plants a soft kiss on my head as I try to catch my breath. Once I calmed down, Christian whips my tears.

"I'm going to let you talk to your mom, alright Annie?" Ray asks me. His hand still on my back. I nod my head and wipe my eyes on the expensive white blouse leaving behind black mascara lines.

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