Chapter Sixty Five

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Ana's Point of View:

"Are you sure your okay Ana?" Grace asks me for the hundredth time since we left the Escala. We just arrived at the wedding chapel in time to sneak Kate back before anyone sees her.

"Yes, I'm sure," I tell her with a smile as we head up the stairs of the beautiful chapel. The whole thing is white marble with gorgeous stainless windows lighting up the place. We quickly rush to the basement of the church into the room they had planned for us to wait in.

"You look beautiful Kate," I tell her walking over and fluffing the bottom of her tight fit and flare gown. It's all beaded sequent with a sweetheart's neck, the dress hugs her curves wonderfully and once we finally put on her vail it's hard for this to not feel real.

"Thank you, Ana," She says turning around. Grace and her mother are helping with the flower arrangements along the aisle so it's just Kate and me in the basement. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course why would you ask me that?" She snaps at me turning around with a huff.

"Hey don't get mad at me. I love Elliot, he's like a brother to me, but you asked me on my wedding day if I was 100% sure I wanted to marry Christian, and when I said yes I knew that I was really ready to become his wife. I just want to make sure your really ready," I tell her. She looks at me through the mirror her chest moving up and down before she eventual calms down enough to turn around.

"I'm sure, I love Elliot with all my heart and I know that he is the one," She tells me with tears streaming down her cheeks wrecking her perfect makeup.

"Oh Gosh Kate, I didn't mean to make you cry," I tell her moving over to grab a Kleenex and whipping her stray tears. "Man if your going to sob at that you'll be a mess by your vowes," I tell her with a smile. She just shakes her head giving me a tight hug. We break apart when we heart footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Joses here," Kristie says looking at us both, "I don't know who that it is, but Christian and Elliot are about to rip his throat out," She says out of breath from rushing down the stairs. Kate walks forward but I quickly stop her from going up the stairs.

"If you go up there Elliot will see you, I'll go talk to them and sort it out. You get ready to become a Grey," I tell her with a smile. She gives me a nod and another quick hug before I walk out of the room. I use the rail to help me get up the stairs but feet already killing with the light pink shoes I was wearing, I had on a long silk dress that matched the shoes I was wearing, the silk off the shoulder sleeves falls loosely by my sides. The dress looks a whole lot better before I was 8 months pregnant. I get up to the top of the stairs slightly out of breath before pushing open the light wood oak doors to see Elliot, Jose, Christian, Grace, and Carrick all standing in a circle. Christian is pissed I can tell by his face, the tips of his ears are bright red but from the looking eye, he looks unfazed. Elliot, however, is awful at hiding his emotions and is visibly pissed off. His fits are clenched by his sides and he looks like he is ready to rip apart Jose. Grace looks exhausted as stands between the boys to make sure Elliot and Christian don't try anything.

"Ana can you tell them to calm down," Jose says once he sees I'm upstairs. Christians eyes snap up to mine and they visibly darken.

"You're not welcome here," Elliot all but spits at him.

"Then why did I get an invitation," Jose says holding up the pale pink piece of paper and waving it in front of Elliot.

"How the hell did you get that," Elliot says going to snatch it out of his hands but Jose quickly pulls it back.

"Stop okay, Elliot Kate invited him but was too scared to tell you," I tell him walking over to the

circle. Christian just shakes his head in disbelief walking away from the group. Elliot looks at me for a second before looking back to Jose. He walks closer to him Elliot forced to look down at him because he is standing so close.

"If you ever fucking treat Ana or Kate like that again you won't be taking any more pictures for a very long time, do you understand me?" Elliot asks his voice gravely deep.

"Elliot!" Grace asks stunned.

"Do you understand me!" He yells. Jose looks up not backing down and quietly says yes. Elliot turns around giving me a dirty glare before walking over to the boy's room and slamming the door. Grace gives me to hand a squeeze as she walks by before walking downstairs. Carrick gives me a nod towards Christian who is pacing in the chapel. I give him a defeated smile before walking out to see Christian.

"Christian-" I start as I walk towards him at the end of the aisle. He holds his hand up indicating that he doesn't want him to talk. I sigh moving to sit on the stairs leading up to the altar. My hand on my lower back rubbing it softly well Christian paces in front of me.

"How long have you known?" He asks me turning around to face me finally stopping his movements.

"She told me on the bachelorette night," I tell him. He lets out a sigh stopping in his track and rubbing his hands through his hair. "Help me up please," I ask him. He moves over grabbing my hands and tugging me up. "Stop touching your hair you'll wreck it," I tell him. He stops moving his hands dropping them to his sides.

"You should've told me," He says looking down to me

"I know but Kate said she was going to deal with it so I left it alone, I told her it wasn't a good idea but she didn't care," I tell him. He lets out a defeated sigh putting his hands on my stomach and rubbing in circles.

"I don't want you talking to him alone," He tells me. I nod my head and he pulls me into his arms.

"I can't wait to get blip out of me," I tell him My stomach pushing against him.

"I know baby soon," He tells me kissing me softly on the lips.

"You look beautiful by the way," He tells me with a smile.

"Christian let's go people are about to come in," Grace says down the aisle. I nod my head as we

both walk back down the aisle. Grace grabs my arm leading me away from Christian. We head back downstairs to see Kate is by the door her dress puffed out to perfect and her veil covering her face. Her red roses flowers in hand.

"How'd they take it?" She asks me as Mia hands me my flowers.

"Alright," I tell her. We continue to get ready a little bit, fixing our makeup before Carrick comes downstairs with Kates dad Ryan.

"Oh baby you look beautiful," Ryan says hugging Kate.

"Thanks, daddy," She says as they pull away. Ryan kissing her on the head before looking her over again in her beautiful white dress. "Are we ready to go?" She asks.

"Yes, we are," Carrick says grabbing Graces arm. We all head up to the main floor, Carrick and

Grace walking down the aisle first after the flower girl and ring man. The rest Kate and Elliots wedding party line up, Mia going down with Ethan before Christian and I match up. His hand holding mine tightly well the other holds my flowers.

"You look beautiful," He whispers as we begin our walk.

"So you've said already," I tell him with a smile. Christian, of course, helps me up the stairs which earns a laugh from people in the audience before we walk separate ways to the opposite side. The music starts indicating the entrance of Kate, everyone turns to catch the glimpse of the beautiful bride walking down the aisle. Elliot brings his hand up to rub away some of the tears that feel earning a slight nudge from Christian as Kate walks down the aisle towards her future husband.

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