Chapter Fifty Seven

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I sat beside his sleeping frame for hours. Not moving when anyone came and went. Not looking away from his peaceful face when people asked me questions. I was silent and still waiting for him to wake up. The doctor said it would be a couple hours until he slept off his sleeping medication. I kept squeezing his hand and playing with the golden ring on his fingers. Hoping anyway would wake him up. I was losing hope until I felt him finally squeeze back. My eyes snap up to his face and the tears stop streaming. I watch him wince in pain before he finally opens his eyes. I let out a sob looking at his gorgeous eyes staring right back at me. He tries to reach for me but I quickly stop him. Demanding that for once he listen to me well I get a nurse. It was the first time I had walked in 5 hours so my legs were asleep and with some struggle I got a nurse and came back into his room to watch him struggle with sitting up.

"Good to see you awake Mr Grey," The doctor says as he walks in behind the nurse and I. "I'm Doctor Roso, I've been treating you since you came in yesterday, do you know where you are?" He asks Christian. He nods his head quickly. "Do you know who that is?" He asks pointing to me. My heart stops at the thought but Christian quickly nods his head to reassure me.

"What happened?" Christian asks. His voice scratchy. I quickly pour him some water and get him to drink it slowly. He clears his throat a few times before I set the cup back beside his bed.

"You had a heart attack Mr. Grey, It was from the stress you were under. Your body seems to be heeling extremely nicely and with all the sleep you've gotten I think we will be able to discharge you tomorrow at the earliest," He tells him. The doctor continues over with the basic instructions of calling a nurse if he has any heart trouble or sudden headaches. I stand off, looking at them exchange details and such, just watching Christian breath. Once the doctor leaves it's silent, they turned off his heart monitor since his vitals where good all night and now we are left with silence.

"Come here please Ana," He practically begs me. I take a step towards his bed before I making a mad dash to the bathroom where I vomit into the toilet I've come to know over the last couple of months. I hear Christian groaning around calling my name. I quickly get up once I know I'm done and flush the toilet. I wash my mouth out and rush back into the room where Christian is desperately trying to get out of bed. One leg is thrown over the side and the other is bent, his body is slanted towards the door and he is holding onto the bed rails trying to hoist himself up.

"Stop," I tell him rushing over to push him gently on the bed. He lets out a sigh of defeat well I get him back tucked into bed. Once he is settled I sit on the edge of the bed by his stomach, my hands on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry," He tells me as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. I lean down and kiss him gently on the lips. The feeling I had grown to miss so much over the past 24 hours.

"I love you," I croak out Leaning away to look into his eyes.

"I love you too Ana," He tells me. Moving his arms around my back to pull me tightly towards him. I lean my head on his chest and swing my legs over to lie on him on the bed. Christian seems to enjoy it as he lets out a hum of improvement as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you and scaring you," He tells me.

"That was the worst day of my life, I don't know what I'd do without you," I tell him. "You were dying in front of me."

"I'd never leave you and blip alone," He tells me. His hand moving down to rub my swollen stomach. "Are you feeling alright?" He asks me.

"Better that your awake," I tell him.

"What time is it?" He asks looking towards the window. There is another blizzard passing through Seattle causing the sky to darken.

"Only around noon," I tell him. He nods and continues to play with my hair as I listen to his steady heartbeat.

"Get some sleep baby it's been way too stressful for you," He tells me. I try to fight the sleep that takes over me, with Christian gently playing with my hair and the steady thump of his heart I lull off to sleep.

I wake up to the door shutting. I move my sore neck to look around the room. Grace is sitting in the chair besides Christians bed and Carrick is leaning against the desk by the window. The sky is now almost pitch black.

"Good evening sleeping beauty," Grace jokes as I sit up and move to get off Christians bed but he pulls me to his chest. Letting me lean against him.

"What time is it?" I ask. Rubbing my eyes gently to rid of the sleep.

"Around 7:30, Elliot, Mia and Kate just left, visiting hours close at 8," She tells me. My heart drops at the thought of going home without Christian but also sleeping without him. I tell them I'm going pee before quickly going to the bathroom. I shut the door and sit down on the closed toilet seat lid. I won't be able to sleep without Christian. The hospital waiting room was only because I was so tired. I run my hands under freezing water trying to calm myself down. Splashing my self a few times before I try my hands and face and walk back out.

"Come here," Christian tells me as soon as I walk back into the room. He gives me a look to not question him and I walk back over and stand by his bed. He rolls his eyes and pulls me down to the bed so that I'm lying across him like I was before, this time my body angled to look out the window. "You're not leaving tonight, I talked to my mom, you can stay with me," He tells me.

"Thank god,' I mutter. Snuggling into his side. Grace gives me a small smile.

"There going to bring a cot in for you to sleep on, but it's fine if you stay with Christian. It's just hospital procedure," She tells me. I nod my head and hug my arms around Christians body. Christian and his parents talk for a while longer, Taylor comes in with food which I gladly take. Christian seems pleased to see me so hungry, what he doesn't know is that this is the first thing I ate since breakfast yesterday because of everything that happened. I polish off my food and steal some bites of Christians before Grace and Carrick have to leave because visiting hours are over.

"I'm so tired," I tell him. Leaning into his body more.

"You slept for nearly 6 hours," He tells me. Bring up the blanket that Gail brought us from the end of the bed. He turns on his side wrapping his arms tightly around my body and pulls me close.

"I love you so much," I tell him kissing his chest.

"I love you too baby, I'm sorry for what happened and getting mad at you," He tells me.

"You can never-ever do that to me again okay? Please never stress yourself out that much. I could've helped you," I tell him.

"I promise baby."

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