Chapter Forty-Seven

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Ana's Point of View:

"Ana baby we are leaving in five minutes are you ready?" Christian asks me from the bedroom. I let out a huff and throw the dress down on the floor. I pick up one of my pairs of heels hurling it at the wall with as much force as I could. Stupid weight gain. "Nice throw Mrs. Grey, now want to tell me why you're having a tantrum," Christian asks me as he leans against the frame of the door.

"Nothing fits," I growl out. "And the next shoe will be at you."

"Ok, Ok," He says with a chuckle helping me up off the ground. "I thought you went shopping with Mia for maternity clothes?" He asks me.

"I did but I'm in an in-between stage where everything just makes me look fat," I grumbled out. Crossing my hands over my stomach. Christians fingers catch my chin forcing me to look up to him.

"and what did I say about calling yourself fat Ana," He asks me. "Need I remind you what happened last time," He asks me, his hand palming my ass and pulling me closer to him.

"We will be late than Mr. Grey," I murmur back to him. "and I still have nothing to freaking wear."

"Where are the clothes you guys got?" He asks me. I point to the end of the rack where everything was neatly hung up. Christian goes through them pulling out pants that are far too big for me before putting them back on the shelf. He picks up a yellow dress with a bow at the front and hands it to me. "This should fit," He tells me. Leaning down to give me a chaste kiss.

"Wow, Mr. Control freak is letting me wear a dress in November," I ask him as I slide the dress on and adjusting it around my bump.

"Here," He says as he hands me a knit cream cardigan. "Only because it's Thanksgiving, and get the idea out of your head, you are not wearing heels," He tells me. I roll my eyes and slide on some nude flats. "You look, beautiful baby," He tells me as he tugs me into his arms. A knock pulls us apart and Christian walks out of the dressing room to answer the bedroom door.

"Taylor?" Christian asks.

"Mr. and Mrs. Grey-I mean Ana- Ana's parents are here," He tells me. My stomach drops if even possible considering I already felt queasy. "They're in the front room waiting for you when you're ready," He tells us. Christian dismisses him before tugging me into his arms.

"I actually don't know what she wants now," I admit to him. "I haven't talked to her in weeks."

"I know baby, and I don't particularly want her here either," He tells me. I nod my head in agreement before letting out a quick sigh and walking to the front room.

"Oh Ana," She squeals running over to hug me.

"Hi mom," I say patting her back to let me go. She releases me from my hug before moving on to me belly rubbing soft circles into it. Although it soothing when Grace or Christian does it, it just makes baby Blip fluttering around in my stomach.

"You look so good baby, How are you feeling," She asks me. Christian moves beside me pulling me away from my mothers protruding hands and into his side.

"I'm feeling fine, um what are you doing here?" I ask her, my eyes drifting to Bob who stands beside her.

"We came for Thanksgiving. I've been trying to call you for the past two weeks and you didn't bother to pick up so we thought to surprise you," She tells me with a smile. I finally take notice of the bags behind her meaning she figured she'd stay at our house. "I also couldn't' want to see your new home it's beautiful. She says looking up the flight of stairs to our bedroom.

"Thanks, but we were supposed to go to Christians parents house tonight for dinner," I tell her with a sad smile. Please Leave my subconscious nags. Christians grip tights around my stomach as if trying to claim that I'm his to my mom.

"Perfect, I've been meaning to talk to Grace about the baby, Let us just put out bags away and we will be ready," she says. I feel Christain stiffen beside me and I'm quite literally at a loss for words.

"Um-I," I stutter. Looking over to Taylor who is standing by the door for help.

"I'll show you to your room, " Gail says emerging from behind Taylor and leading my parents upstairs.

"Ana,' Christian growls in my ear. I turn around and nudge him down the hall and into his study away from Taylor and my parent's ear.

"I didn't know she was coming, I'm sorry," I say apologizing to him. He rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around my back pulling me to him.

"I know, she just invited herself. Let me call my mom," Christian says. Pulling his phone out of his pocket and holding it to his ear.

"Tell her I'm sorry," I beg him. My fingers fisting his white button-up shirt.

"Hush Ana it's alright," He tells me giving a kiss on my forehead.

"Hey mom," He says, they make quick conversation about it and Grace is ecstatic to have more people over. There is once again a knock at the door before Taylor and Sawyer step in.

"Their ready to go whenever you are," Taylor says.

"Okay, we'll take two separate cars, I don't think I can deal with Carla talking for that long," Christian mutters. I give Sawyer a sad smile knowing he'll get stuck with her. We head out in the separate Audi's Christian and me in one and Carla and Bob in the other. The car ride is silent and I can't tell if Christian is mad or not. We pull up to Grace and Carricks house only 30 minutes after leaving our house. Since moving from the Escala the ride over takes 15 minutes long but it's completely worth it.

"Come, baby," Christian tells me. His hand on my lower back as he leads me into the house, ignoring the fact that my mom and Bob are only minutes behind us.

"Oh, Christian Ana!" Grace says as she sees as a walk in. Of course, we are here first because Mr. Control freak can't be late.

"Hello Mother," Christian says with a tight smile as they have a quick embrace. I know it means the world to her that her son has finally let his own mother hug him.

"Oh, Ana look at the little baby bump. How are you feeling have you still been getting morning sickness?" Grace asks me as she leads Christian and I to the Kitchen.

"I still feel gross but I haven't actually thrown anything up," I tell her. Christian pulls out a stool for me to sit in and helps me up before giving me a glass of apple juice.

"Christian tells me it's your favorite right now," Grace tells me as I down the glass of apple juice.

"That's all she's been drinking," Christian comments.

"How is your eating?" Grace asks me. I let out a sigh and continue to sip on the juice.

"It could be better, she keeps not eating when she gets hungry during the day at work," Christian tells her. Grace eyes the clock and then me.

"You can have a snack," She decides before rummaging through the cupboards and pulling out a new bag of goldfish.

"Here they were Elliot's favorite," She tells me.

"Thank you for letting me mother come," I tell her as Christian pulls open the bag of goldfish for me and pours some into a bowl.

"It's no problem dear," She tells me and just on time the door opens indicating the arrivel of my mom and Bob.

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