Chapter Thirty One

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"What do you mean he is gone! Where is Taylor?" I yell at him. My heart begins to pound through my chest as I rummage for my phone. "Where the fuck is my phone!" I yell.

"Annie calm down," Ray says grabbing my hands to force me to calm down and look at him. "He is in Detroit with Taylor and Sawyer."

"So why am I here?" I ask him. I'm furious that I was left behind and out of the loop.

"Because they can't take them with you. It's dangerous. Christian called me last night to tell me what was going on and that he was going to bring you here," Ray says. He is trying to keep my calm, I can tell by his soft tone voiced.

"Is Christian in danger. I need my husband please," I beg Ray. My hands gripping him tightly. I'm sweating, ans the idea of my husband being gone makes me fill ill.

"Ana, you can't leave. Please just keep calm and trust him. Taylor will call me a bit later about everything. Just trust me," He tells me.

"Oh god, he must be in trouble if he took both Sawyer and Taylor. That's why we have extra security. Let me call him please Daddy,' I beg him.

"Annie why don't you go get some more sleep well I make dinner,' He tells me. He gives me a kiss on the head before heading back into the kitchen. I don't move, I just sit there looking down at the seat Ray just left. My heart breaking at every minute that passes of Christian being gone. It slips down to nothing when Ray comes back sometime later letting me know that dinner was done. Then again when I didn't get up.

"Annie, come on you need some dinner," Ray tries. His hand gripping mine.

"I'm not hungry," I murmur. My stomach is full of worry and doubt about Christians safety.

"Annie, you know how important it for you to not skip meals, please," Ray says. Trying to tug me up.

"I'm not hungry," I say again. He lets out a sigh of defeat and runs his hands through his hair.

"Come on let's go to sleep then," He says to me. Pulling me up from the couch and into my bedroom and eventually, I fall into a horrible sleep. I wake up for the 6th time I the night to Taylor coming home to tell me that Christian was shot dead. This time though, it felt real. I was screaming and tears were falling down my cheeks. Ray comes running in with a gun in his hand.

"Ana are you alright?" He asks me worried. His eyes scan the room before landing on my hyperventilating in my bed. "Hey it's alright," He murmurs coming over and tugging me in his arms as he rubs soft circles into my back. I sob into his chest, my cries fill the room like the images of Christian lying lifeless on the ground haunt my mind. Eventually, I calm down enough for Ray to lie down with me layed across his chest. His arms wrapped protectively around me.

I wake up to the sun creeping through the window and Ray is gone. I get up to look for him and hear voices in the hall.

"Christian?" I asked walking into the living room were Taylor and Ray are talking, without Christian.

"Taylor?" My voice cracks as he turns around. His face is hard and he looks tired. "Where is Christian?" I ask him.

"On his way home, I'm taking you there now," He tells me. "But first you need to eat breakfast. Orders from Christian," Taylor tells me. I roll my eyes at him before walking back into my bedroom to pull on some clothes. I walk back out to see Taylor has brought some takeout food and it's layed across the living room table.

"I can't leave until you've eaten Ana," Taylor says sitting down on the couch and crossing his legs. I roll my eyes and sit down beside him and grab some food. I eat quickly and as much as I can. Once Taylor seems satisfied he goes to start the car well I say goodbye to Ray.

"Please take care of yourself, Ana. I don't want to see get hurt again," He tells me. He gives me a tight hug and a kiss on the head before I walk out to the waiting SUV.

"Do you have my phone, Taylor?" I ask him.

"No ma'am Christian does. " He tells me with a smile. "Have you had any morning sickness?" He asks me.

"No I feel pretty good, just worried about Christian," I tell him.

"We've got him covered Ana, just take care of that little one for us and we should be alright," Taylor tells me with a smirk. After a long ride, we finally make it back to the Escala.

"Have they fixed the window yet Taylor," I ask him as we walk over to the Elevator.

"Yes, they came yesterday," He tells me as I press the penthouse floor and type in the code. "He is in his office when you're ready," He tells me. I let out a sigh and walk to his office. I run over to his office throwing open the door. I seem to startle Christian as his eyes snap up to see me.

"Christian," I sob. Rushing over to him and throwing my arms around him. He tightens my hug and gets up placing me on his desk. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yell at him puhsing him back and hitting him with my fists.

"Wha--" He is taken back from my drastic mood change. Now that I know he isn't dead I'm furious.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. Drugging me and sending me off to my father. Why the fuck were you in detriot anyway?" I ask him. Glaring into his beautiful grey eyes.

"Watch your mouth Anastasia, I'm still pissed off at you too. I needed to deal with somethings," He tells me. I shake my head not believing his bullshit.

"That's not good enough Christian. Why the hell were you in Detriot. Did something happen with your mo--" I ask him but he cuts me off.

"No, Ana you don't know need to worry about it baby," He tells me. I roll my eyes at him and his gaze darkens.

"Christian I swear to god if you don't tell me I'll go to Detriot myself," I tell him.

"Linc, Elena's ex-husband was contacting me about you and our family," He tells me. I cross my hands over my chest.

"What is he saying," I ask him.

"He was saying that since I wrecked his family that he was going to wreck mine. I'm handeling it so you don't have to worry baby," He tells me. I shake my head at him and rub my temples from the intruding headache.

"What does that even mean. Christian tell me what the hell is going on please." I beg him. He lets out a sigh and tugs my hand to over to the couch in his oiffce.

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